Отель на круизном лайнере недалеко от побережья Майами - Новости гостиничного бизнеса

Отель на круизном лайнере недалеко от побережья Майами - Новости гостиничного бизнеса

The Ritz-Carlton, Лагуна-Нигель, США

​Сегодня компания Cronwell Hospitality отметила 15 лет своей работы на рынке Петербурга

Сегодня компания Cronwell Hospitlity Group, работающая на гостиничном рынке 29 лет, отметила 15-ие своей работы на рынке Петербурга. На пресс конференции, которую повела компания в своем самом первом отеле в Петербурге «Cronwell Inn Stremyannaya», собрались руководители подразделений, гости и журналисты.

Размещено: 2023-12-20 15:12:00 Отель на круизном лайнере недалеко от побережья Майами

Cala Corporation (CCAA) заявила о своих планах создать отель на корабле в трех милях от побережья Майами. Проект UnderSea Resort стоит 400 миллионов долларов. В отеле будет 600 номеров, казино площадью 50 000 кв. футов, огромный спа-центр, 6 ресторанов, бизнес-залы, 2 вертолетных площадки, подводный аквариум. Девиз отеля – природная красота. Попасть в отель, а точнее, в его холл, гости могут по специальному переходу.

Штат Флорида известен своим оффшорным игорным бизнесом уже более 40 лет (начиная с 1965 года). CCAA планирует стать крупнейшим оператором казино и таймшеров в оффшорных зонах. Будущие проекты включают такие направления как Сан-Франциско, Лагуна Нигель, Сан Диего, Палм-Бич, Нью-Йорк, Бостон, Монте-Карло, Рим и Венецию.

Опубликовано: 06 июля 2006

Пожары в элитных жилых районах Калифорнии. Фоторепортаж — РБК

Пожары в элитных жилых районах Калифорнии. Фоторепортаж — РБК

Пожары в элитных жилых районах Калифорнии. Фоторепортаж

Лесные пожары в Южной Калифорнии перекинулись на города. Эвакуированы жители около 900 домов. Площадь, пройденная огнем, продолжает увеличиваться: уничтожено около 20 строений, выжжено порядка 80 га. Последствия бедствия — в фоторепортаже РБК

Фото: Mike Blake / Reuters

На фото: многомиллионный особняк тлеет в городе Лагуна-Нигель в Южной Калифорнии, 12 мая 2022 года. Как сообщает местная пожарная служба, пожар начался 11 мая между городами Лагуна-Нигель и Лагуна-Бич. Уже на следующий день огонь охватил особняки недалеко от пляжа «Лагуна». Пострадавший город с населением около 65 тыс. человек находится на вершине холма, примерно в 80 км южнее Лос-Анджелеса

Фото: Mike Blake / Reuters

На фото: пожарные тушат остатки сгоревшего дома, 12 мая 2022 года. Январь, февраль и март этого года в Калифорнии оказались самыми засушливыми за всю историю наблюдений, пишет Daily Mail. За март выпало лишь 2,54 см осадков. К рекордной за 38 лет засухе в США привело отсутствие дождей и снега, сообщает Bloomberg

Фото: Marcio Jose Sanchez / AP

На фото: пожарные перекрывают проезд и осматривают местность, чтобы контролировать новые возгорания, город Лагуна-Нигель, 12 мая 2022 года

Фото: Mike Blake / Reuters На фото: пожарные бригады проходят вдоль линии огня

Фото: Marcio Jose Sanchez / AP

На фото: пострадавшие от пожара. Около 100 построек находятся под угрозой, сообщают представители шерифа округа Ориндж. Дороги, ведущие к этим улицам, перекрыты. На месте работают спасатели

Фото: Marcio Jose Sanchez / AP

На фото: пожарные пытаются защитить остатки дома в Лагуна-Нигель. В округе работают пожарные вертолеты, пожарные расчеты и все свободные машины региона

Фото: Marcio Jose Sanchez / AP На фото: пожарный самолет сбрасывает воду на прибрежные возгорания

Фото: Marcio Jose Sanchez / AP На фото: пожарные работают в городе, пытаясь не допустить дальнейших разрушений

Фото: Marcio Jose Sanchez / AP

На фото: жители спешно покидают город. Изменения климата превратили небольшие пожары, которые раньше можно было легко локализовать, в серьезную угрозу. Как заявляет глава пожарной службы округа Ориндж, бороться с огнем сложно из-за сильного ветра, разносящего тлеющие угли по территориям особняков, траве и деревьям



The Ritz-Carlton, Лагуна-Нигель, США

The Ritz-Carlton, Laguna Niguel - Дана-Пойнт The Ritz-Carlton, Laguna Niguel - Дана-Пойнт 33.475998 , -117.719795 $$ $$ | Посмотреть на карте Дана-Пойнт , США | Бронирование: +1-855-260-7038 | Отлично 57 57 отзывов 10

The Ritz-Carlton, Laguna Niguel - Дана-Пойнт

Расположенный всего лишь в 11 минутах ходьбы от пляжа Salt Creek Beach, The Ritz-Carlton, Laguna Niguel предлагает гостям парикмахерскую и ресторан. Этот 5-звездочный отель находится в районе Пляж Монарк, в нескольких метрах от такой природной достопримечательности, как пляж Laguna Niguel.


Он находится в пределах 4 км от Пляжного парка Aliso. Этот курортный комплекс разместился прямо возле Парка на пляже Солт-Крик. Ближайшие достопримечательности включают Институт океанологии, расположенный всего в 2 км от отеля.

The Ritz-Carlton, Laguna Niguel приветствует гостей в 40 км от аэропорта Санта Ана Джон Вэйн.


Отель с балконом и гардеробной предлагает 396 номеров с видом на город. В кондиционируемых номерах гости могут воспользоваться телевизором с плоским экраном и спутниковыми каналами, а также электрочайником. Собственные ванные комнаты оснащены душевой кабиной открытого типа.


Завтрак подается в ресторане. Ресторан "Club 19" предлагает широкий выбор блюд американской кухни и расположен не особо далеко от отеля.

Отель предлагает гостям полный завтрак по цене US$20 с человека в сутки.

Отдых и бизнес

Ritz-Carlton, Laguna Niguel в Дана-Пойнте располагает бассейном. В отеле можно взять напрокат автомобили, а сами окрестности популярны среди любителей подводного плавания с маской, пеших прогулок и большого тенниса. Спа-удобства отеля включают в себя оздоровительный центр и спа-салон, а также парную, сауну и открытый бассейн. Путешествующие в командировку смогут воспользоваться бизнес-центром прямо на территории.

The Ritz-Carlton, Laguna Niguel отель (США, курорт Города и штаты, курорт Лос-Анджелес)

The Ritz-Carlton, Laguna Niguel отель (США, курорт Города и штаты, курорт Лос-Анджелес)

The Ritz-Carlton, Laguna Niguel Grand Deluxe

Элегантный отель калифорнийского побережья расположен на вершине утеса, возвышающегося на 45 метров над Тихим океаном. Высококлассный сервис, приятная атмосфера, утонченный стиль и комфорт на протяжении уже более 20 лет делают отель одним из лучших мест для отдыха на Западном побережье.

Построен в 1984 г., обновлен в 2006 г.
Количество этажей: 5
Количество комнат: 396 номеров, из 29 номеров категории Suite.

В отеле

Wi-Fi доступ в интернет Услуги прачечной и химчистки Возможно проживание с домашними животными (за дополнительную плату). Платная парковка. Valet parking за дополнительную плату. Курить в отеле запрещено. Прокат спортивного инвентаря Магазин сувениров Ювелирный магазин Постоянный шаттл от отеля на пляж Лежаки и зонтики Свежая пресса Для детей

Услуги няни по предварительному запросу за дополнительную плату.

Бесплатное проживание 1 ребенка до 18 лет с двумя взрослыми в номере на существующих кроватях.

Детский клуб Ritz-Kids для детей от 5 до 12 лет предлагает активные и обучающие программы, фильмы, игры. Детское меню в ресторанах.

В каждом номере

эксклюзивное постельное белье премиум-класса климат-контроль косметическое зеркало в ванной комнате халаты фен напольные весы TV панель кабельное/спутниковое телевидение CD/DVD-плеер телефон с тремя линиями и голосовой почтой радио с будильником мини-бар сейф утюг и гладильная доска тапочки Wi-Fi доступ в интернет

Сообщающиеся номера: Каждая категория имеет номера-коннект. По запросу.
Клубный этаж: Отдельный клубный этаж с индивидуальным сервисом. Доступ на этаж возможен только по специальному ключу. В гостиной клуба гостям предлагают завтрак, в течение дня легкие закуски, коктейли и десерты.

Типы размещения

Количество комнат : 396 номеров, из 29 номеров категории Suite.

Limited View Room Площадь : 37 м² Вид из номера : Номера без определенного вида Количество комнат : 1 Кровати : Одна кровать King-size Максимальное размещение (кол-во человек) : 2 Дополнительная кровать : Раскладная кровать Максимальное размещение с дополнительной кроватью (кол-во человек) : 3 Этаж : На всех этажах Limited View Room — Two Double Beds Площадь : 37 м² Вид из номера : Номера без определенного вида Количество комнат : 1 Кровати : Две кровати Double Максимальное размещение (кол-во человек) : 4 Этаж : На всех этажах Garden/Pool View Room Площадь : 37 м² Вид из номера : Вид на сад или бассейн Количество комнат : 1 Кровати : Одна кровать King-size Максимальное размещение (кол-во человек) : 2 Дополнительная кровать : Раскладная кровать Максимальное размещение с дополнительной кроватью (кол-во человек) : 3 Этаж : На всех этажах Garden/Pool View Room — Two Double Beds Площадь : 37 м² Вид из номера : Вид на сад или бассейн Количество комнат : 1 Кровати : Две кровати Double Максимальное размещение (кол-во человек) : 4 Этаж : На всех этажах Coastline View Room Площадь : 37 м² Вид из номера : Частичный вид на океан Количество комнат : 1 Кровати : Одна кровать King-size Максимальное размещение (кол-во человек) : 2 Дополнительная кровать : Одноместная раскладная кровать Максимальное размещение с дополнительной кроватью (кол-во человек) : 3 Fireside Coastline Room Площадь : 37 м² Вид из номера : Частичный вид на океан Балкон/терраса : Меблированный балкон с камином Количество комнат : 1 Кровати : Одна кровать King-size Максимальное размещение (кол-во человек) : 2 Дополнительная кровать : Одноместная раскладная кровать Максимальное размещение с дополнительной кроватью (кол-во человек) : 3 Fireside Ocean Room Площадь : 37 м² Вид из номера : Вид на океан Балкон/терраса : Меблированный балкон с камином Количество комнат : 1 Кровати : Одна кровать King-size Максимальное размещение (кол-во человек) : 2 Дополнительная кровать : Одноместная раскладная кровать Максимальное размещение с дополнительной кроватью (кол-во человек) : 3 Ocean View Room Площадь : 37 м² Вид из номера : Вид на океан Балкон/терраса : Балкон Количество комнат : 1 Кровати : Одна кровать King-size Максимальное размещение (кол-во человек) : 2 Дополнительная кровать : Раскладная кровать Максимальное размещение с дополнительной кроватью (кол-во человек) : 3 Этаж : На всех этажах Ocean View Room — Two Double Beds Площадь : 37 м² Вид из номера : Вид на океан Балкон/терраса : Балкон Количество комнат : 1 Кровати : Две кровати Double Максимальное размещение (кол-во человек) : 4 Этаж : На всех этажах Garden View Executive Suite Площадь : 72 м² Вид из номера : Вид на сад Балкон/терраса : Балкон Количество комнат : 2 (спальня, гостиная) Кровати : Одна кровать King-size Максимальное размещение (кол-во человек) : 2 Дополнительная кровать : Раскладной диван Максимальное размещение с дополнительной кроватью (кол-во человек) : 4 Этаж : 4-й Coastal View Executive Suite Площадь : 72 м² Вид из номера : Вид на побережье Балкон/терраса : Балкон Количество комнат : 2 (спальня, гостиная) Кровати : Одна кровать King-size Максимальное размещение (кол-во человек) : 2 Дополнительная кровать : Раскладной диван Максимальное размещение с дополнительной кроватью (кол-во человек) : 4 Этаж : 4-й Ocean View Executive Suite Площадь : 72 м² Вид из номера : Вид на океан Балкон/терраса : Балкон Количество комнат : 2 Кровати : Одна кровать King-size Максимальное размещение (кол-во человек) : 2 Дополнительная кровать : Раскладной диван Максимальное размещение с дополнительной кроватью (кол-во человек) : 4 Этаж : 4-й Ocean View Suite Площадь : 93 м² Вид из номера : Вид на океан Балкон/терраса : 2 балкона Количество комнат : 2 (спальня, гостиная) Кровати : Одна кровать King-size Максимальное размещение (кол-во человек) : 2 Этаж : На всех этажах Club Garden/Pool View Room Площадь : 37 м² Вид из номера : Вид на сад или бассейн Количество комнат : 1 Кровати : Одна кровать King-size Максимальное размещение (кол-во человек) : 2 Дополнительная кровать : Раскладная кровать Максимальное размещение с дополнительной кроватью (кол-во человек) : 3 Этаж : 4-й Club Garden/Pool View Room — Two Double Beds Площадь : 37 м² Вид из номера : Вид на сад или бассейн Количество комнат : 1 Кровати : Две кровати Double Максимальное размещение (кол-во человек) : 4 Этаж : 4-й Club Ocean View Room Площадь : 37 м² Вид из номера : Вид на океан Балкон/терраса : Балкон Количество комнат : 1 Кровати : Одна кровать King-size Максимальное размещение (кол-во человек) : 2 Дополнительная кровать : Раскладная кровать Максимальное размещение с дополнительной кроватью (кол-во человек) : 3 Этаж : 4-й Club Ocean View Room — Two Double Beds Площадь : 37 м² Вид из номера : Вид на океан Балкон/терраса : Балкон Количество комнат : 1 Кровати : Две кровати Double Максимальное размещение (кол-во человек) : 4 Этаж : 4-й Club Garden/Pool View Executive Suite Площадь : 72 м² Вид из номера : Вид на сад Балкон/терраса : Балкон Количество комнат : 2 (спальня, гостиная) Кровати : Одна кровать King-size Максимальное размещение (кол-во человек) : 2 Дополнительная кровать : Раскладной диван Максимальное размещение с дополнительной кроватью (кол-во человек) : 4 Этаж : 4-й Club Ritz-Carlton Suite

Изысканный номер с двумя большими меблированными балконами, откуда открывается потрясающий вид на побережье.
Номер состоит из спальни, столовой на 6 человек с примыкающей кухней, просторной гостиной с камином, зоной отдыха, рабочим столом. Главная ванная комната с двойной раковиной, гостевой туалет.

Площадь : 143 м² Вид из номера : Вид на побережье и океан Балкон/терраса : 2 меблированных балкона Кухня/столовая : Кухня Количество комнат : 3 (спальня, гостиная, кухня) Кровати : Одна кровать King-size Максимальное размещение (кол-во человек) : 2 Сообщающиеся номера : есть, по запросу

Рестораны и бары

Raya - предлагается пан-латинская береговая кухня: блюда из морепродуктов, рыбы, местных продуктов. Открыт для завтраков, обедов и ужинов.

180blũ - зал с видом на океан. Предлагаются изготовленные вручную напитки, коктейли, пиво, вино, закуски, десерт. Живая музыка по четвергам, пятницам, субботам с 18:00 до 21:00.

The Market Place – здесь подаются различные сорта кофе, кофе-эспрессо, сладости, печенья, конфеты, панини. Можно выпить бокал вина.

ENO - дегустационная комната предлагает более 500 видов прекрасных вин, 50 разнообразных видов сыра и шоколад из разных уголков мира. Профессиональный сомелье Холи Смит знакомит гостей отеля со всеми тонкостями изготовления вин и дегустации.

Bar Raya – бар с видом на океан, в котором царит дружеская атмосфера. Здесь можно попробовать прекрасные коктейли и закуски. Удобен для проведения небольших вечеринок.

The Dana Pool Cafe – кафе на открытой террасе у бассейна. Подаются ланчи, напитки и фирменные коктейли.

Красота и здоровье

The Spa
Интерьеры spa-центра очень стильны и изысканны. 12 процедурных кабинетов, различные виды массажа, процедуры, основанные на восточных и западных методиках, специальные программы для будущих мам. Есть сауна, зоны отдыха, spa-бутик, салон красоты, студия маникюра. Индивидуально разработанные программы процедур для каждого клиента с использованием натуральных морских продуктов.

Современный фитнес-центр, оснащенный кардио- и силовыми тренажерами. Возможны занятия йогой ежедневно 09:00-10:00, пилатесом ежедневно 10:00-11:00. Возможен предварительный заказ индивидуальных занятий с тренером.Открыт 24 часа.

Два открытых подогреваемых бассейна, 2 открытых джакузи.
на пляже предлагаются занятия серфингом для серфингистов всех уровней.
недалеко 6 полей для гольфа (Monarch Beach, Talega Golf Club, Tustin Golf Club).
4 теннисных корта с ночным освещением

Laguna Niguel Hotel | The Ritz-Carlton, Laguna Niguel

Laguna Niguel Hotel | The Ritz-Carlton, Laguna Niguel


Perched atop a seaside bluff, surrounded by panoramic views of the Pacific and the sandy shores of Salt Creek Beach below, The Ritz-Carlton, Laguna Niguel is a coastal haven of new experiences. Located halfway between LA and San Diego along the coast, our Dana Point resort awakens the senses with its vibrant beachfront locale and celebrated Five Diamond service. Sprawling shoreline vistas create awe-inspiring memories from the moment of arrival. Dine on Southern California coastal cuisine, explore your surfside surroundings on an eco-adventure, or soothe with a spa escape at our Salt Creek Beach hotel. The California coast is calling.


Redefining luxury, The Ritz-Carlton Club Lounge experience combines comfort and exclusivity with personalized service. The Club Lounge offers a dedicated concierge and a well-appointed, relaxed lounge environment with gourmet presentations of food and beverages each day.

Southern California Luxury Inspired

Rooms and Suites

Fusing modern luxury with playful creativity, our ocean-view resort embodies California style with select rooms at the resort offering stunning panoramas of Dana Point and the Pacific Ocean.

Coastal California The Dana Pool Cafe Casual poolside dining, weather permitting

Panoramic Pacific views are paired with handcrafted cocktails and small plates at this cliffside lounge.

Chef Richard Sandoval showcases coastal cuisine through sustainable seafood, local produce and pan-Latin flavors.

The Market Place

A one-stop shop for coffee, tea, homemade pastries, salads, sandwiches and to-go items perfect for picnicking.

Gather in the casual confines of this Dana Point bar for cocktails and conversation backed by a breathtaking view.

Temporarily closed from January 14 - February 6. Join Chef Sanjay’s journey from New Delhi to Dana Point and savor a modern approach to authentic Indian dishes.

Taikun Omakase

Temporarily Closed from January 1 - January 9. Settle in for a curated, 16-course omakase experience presented by New York City’s Taikun Sushi.

Southern California Experiences

Our luxury seaside escape offers a variety of unique experiences to accommodate families, children, couples, and solo travelers.

Ritz Kids

Utilizing the four pillars of land, water, environmental responsibility, and culture, we offer nature hikes, animal yoga, arts and crafts, squid dissection, and more with STEAM elements woven into each program for children ages 5 through 12.

Eco Adventures

Exciting excursions including whale watching, scenic hikes, E-bike tours and more await in The Eco-Adventure Center.

The Spa & Fitness Center

Restore and nurture the body, soul, and mind at The Spa with therapeutic massages, facials, and body treatments. Work out in our breathtaking oceanfront fitness center, complete with a full array of fitness machines and equipment.

The Fifth Avenue Club

Experience the by-appointment personal styling, shopping, and luxury fashion services of The Fifth Avenue Club located at The Ritz-Carlton, Laguna Niguel, in partnership with Saks Fifth Avenue.

Oceanfront Weddings & Occasions

Dream of your future with the horizon as the backdrop. From lush lawns and spacious indoor wedding venues, plan your celebration with us. Our resort's indoor and outdoor event venues offer views of Laguna Beach perfect for any occasion.

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Elevate Your Events

Set a loftier goal for your next event. Host incredible events on our luxurious lawn areas featuring Adirondack chairs overlooking the Pacific Ocean or ask our front desk about our onsite business center services for last minute details. The Ritz-Carlton, Laguna Niguel raises the standard for celebrations, weddings, meetings and corporate events.

Galleries & Exhibits On Display Near Raya, 180blu, and Bar Raya

Hobie Exhibit

Presented by Hobie Surf Shop

Now on exclusive display at the resort are unique memorabilia, historical images, and iconic surfboards from Southern California’s first surf shop, Hobie, which opened in the 1950s in Dana Point. Located above Salt Creek Beach, one of Southern California’s most infamous surf beaches, the oceanfront resort continues to embrace the area’s legendary surf culture by collaborating with Hobie on a rotating exhibit, located on the lobby level, and on display throughout 2021. The exhibit currently highlights founder Hobie Alter’s rooted passion for the ocean and the development of the Catamaran sailing boat. In the late sixties, Hobie, along with Phil Edwards and Wayne Schaffer, designed a lightweight version of the Polynesian catamaran. This new vessel, called the Hobie Cat 14, has developed into one of Alter’s most widely recognized inventions.

Surfing Heritage & Culture Center Surfboards

On loan from Surfing Heritage & Culture Center

The resort proudly displays four surfboards on loan from the Surfing Heritage & Culture Center, an 8,000 square-foot museum that holds the world’s most extensive collection of historic surfboards, evolutionary surfing gear, photography, film/multimedia, books, oral history, and ephemera. The Surfing Heritage & Culture Center strives to pay homage to a board-building craft and traditions that dates back to ancient Hawaii. The collection on display at the resort includes a 9’7” Lance Carson reproduction model, 1998 Harbour classic reproduction model, 9’10” Gordon & Smith Retro Red Fin model shaped by Steve Seebold, and a 9’5” Doug Haut reproduction model.

Surfing Heritage & Culture Center is a non-profit organization dedicated to preserving, presenting and promoting surfing’s heritage for the appreciating and education of current and future generations. The Surfing Heritage & Culture Center is located in the nearby city of San Clemente.

“Paddle Hard Number 5” By Artist Derek McDonald

Paddle Hard No. 5 debuts as the newest life-size surfboard in a series built from recycled metal and other found objects, this longboard presents a new style on an old design. As with many of Derek’s art, it is given an industrial feel with polished refinement. The design was used on the original Paddle Hard No. 1 but taken to new level. The board was constructed using 475 recycled long spool bolts creating a realistic dimensioned longboard. Interior bolts accentuate the board with a flowing style as the board sits atop a 25” diamond-bit saw blade. The stringer and fin presents the collaboration with artist Chris Harsh who not only painted the incredible colors, but also clear coated the entire piece to give it that “wet” look. The fin is one solid piece of steel that was made to the actual shape of a real fin.

A self-taught artist, Derek McDonald was born in Orange County, California where he began to explore his artistic side at a very young age. He owns a collection of “napkin drawings” his mother saved for him, as he would draw for hours on coffee shop napkins when his family dined out. He also got plenty of drawing practice during school hours when his teacher was busy teaching. Derek was curious about all things mechanical. He would take apart anything he could get his hands on, even if it was in good working condition (a tradition that he still honors today).

In his freshman year of high school, 1982, Derek took metal shop. It was then that he was exposed to a whole new world which included welding, his artistic focus was found, and metal became his passion.

As a young man, Derek’s family was far from rich, so to make art, he turned to the open road (mostly the side of the road) collecting pieces of metal and other nonsense. He grew fascinated with the challenge of what could be made from his collection of junk. Nowadays, he has become a regular at a few scrap yards and visits weekly for new finds. That might be why his friends and family refer to him as “Sanford." And even though Derek’s work is mostly recycled, he is perfectly capable of creating with new material too. He started making small primitive sculptures for his family and friends in 1985. That evolved, and in 1989 he began selling his art locally.

In 1995 his long time love of water and metal sculpture led him to combining the two into a beautiful fountain that quickly rusted. At that point, he realized the only option was to learn to work with other media such as granite, marble and concrete. To date Derek has made more than a dozen fountains, from small tabletop versions to freestanding 7’ high water walls.

Pacific Artworks was formed in 1997 when Derek decided to dedicate more time to art and sculpture. Eventually with that decision came the overwhelming task of building a 900 square foot studio behind his house. After years of personal dedication and labor, not to mention supporting his wife, three kids, a dog and a day job (Derek has been a land surveyor since 1988), the studio was designed and completed within the span of five years (2003 – 2008). Every artist needs his creative space, and Derek finally has his.

As he looks to the future, Derek says, “My mind is always moving faster than my hands, so it seems as though I’m constantly a few projects behind. Trying to catch up has been the very thing that keeps me motivated and neurotic at the same time. I’m genuinely inspired by other artists, and their accomplishments push me to perfection…I’ll let you know when I get close.”

Works by Wyland

“Sea Turtle Realm” mixed media balsa wood surfboard

“Friendly Dolphin,” “Ocean Travelers” and “Companions of the Sea” bronze sculptures

“Great Whale Sunset” and “Green Flash” aluminum

Internationally renowned marine life artist Wyland is one of the most celebrate and recognized artists of our time. For more than four decades, he has captivated the world with his spectacular paintings, sculptures, photography and landmark Whaling Wall murals. With half a million collectors around the world, award-winning art galleries, and the ongoing efforts of his non-profit foundation in support of global water and ocean conservation, Wyland has done more than any other artist to raise awareness of the beauty of life on our blue planet. Artworks by Wyland are available for sale at the Wyland Gallery in Laguna Beach.

Club Level Art Exhibit

Artist Sandra Jones Campbel

On display , Sandra Jones Campbell’s depiction of social and political scenes reflect both her professional respect for the 30’s style German Expressionists Max Beckman, George Grosz and Otto Dix, and her uniquely gentle wit. Multiple figures populate lively acrylics on paper or canvas images that blend Sandra’s optimism and candor, along with the artist’s keen visual skill: balancing color, form composition, humor and subject matter.

Sandra describes her paintings as composites of social sightings portraying evocative associations from a voyeuristic perspective, often at moments of personal social apprehensions or sociological attitudes. Her visual narratives achieve effects that are simultaneously playful and sophisticated.

On loan from Dawson Cole Fine Art

Salvador Dali was a renowned Spanish surrealist artist born on May 11, 1904, and died on January 23, 1989. He is best known for his unique and imaginative artwork characterized by dreamlike landscapes, melting clocks, and distorted figures. Dali's works often explored the subconscious mind and challenged traditional artistic conventions. He was one of the most prominent figures of the surrealist movement and left a lasting impact on the art world.

Salvador Dali created a series of prints titled "The Tribes of Israel" in 1972. This series consists of 13 individual prints, each representing one of the tribes of Israel as mentioned in the Old Testament of the Bible. Dali's interpretation of the tribes combines his signature surrealist style with biblical themes.

In these prints, Dali employed his characteristic symbolism and visual language to depict each tribe in a distinct and symbolic manner. The compositions are often intricate and filled with intricate details, inviting viewers to explore the imagery and uncover hidden meanings.

Dali's "The Tribes of Israel" prints showcase his fascination with the intersection of spirituality, mythology, and imagination. The artworks demonstrate his ability to blend religious motifs with his personal aesthetic, resulting in visually striking and thought-provoking representations of the biblical tribes.

About Dawson Cole Fine Art

Originally established in 1993, Dawson Cole Fine Art specializes in Contemporary and Modern sculpture, drawings, prints, and unique works on paper by American and European Masters. With a special concentration in Contemporary, Early Modern and West Coast Regionalism, the gallery offers works by mid-career and established artists.

The Ritz-Carlton Spa Art Display

On Loan from Dawson Cole Fine Art

“Male Allonge” Third Life and “Female Allonge” Third Life by Artist Richard MacDonald

Both timeless and futuristic, Allonge Male and Female are Richard MacDonald’s exquisite homage to classical ballet. Working at the Royal Opera House in London’s Convent Garden, Richard immersed himself in the world of The Royal Ballet. There he found inspiration in the world’s most celebrated dancers. The graceful figures were created in the artist’s studio in London. Poised en pointe in an elegant sous-sus fifth position - a ballet posture that looks deceptively simple, Allonge Female and Male symbolize a young dancer’s aspiration for beauty, elegance, and perfection. Meaning to “elongate” or “reach” the poses embody the progression from talented student to accomplished professional.

MacDonald is considered by many to be the world’s preeminent living figurative sculptor. A leading advocate of the neo-figurative movement in the arts, his work has been featured in hundreds of solo and group exhibitions and is represented in important collections worldwide. His art is collected by people from all walks of life – from aspiring aficionados to celebrities and heads of state.

Committed to inspiring future generations of artists, MacDonald is involved with numerous philanthropic pursuits and the development of the arts through mentoring programs and art education in schools and universities. A member of major international social and art associations, MacDonald has received countless awards, honors, and professorships, including recognition by the United States Olympic Committee. He has the privilege of working with some of the greatest dancers and performers in the world, including those from Alvin Ailey American Dance Theatre, American Ballet Theatre, The Royal Ballet, and Cirque du Soleil.

MacDonald believes that beauty connects people and lifts their spirits to a higher level. He has dedicated his career to creating passionate works of art that dramatically enrich the lives of others.

Lobby Hallway & Art Gallery

The Ritz-Carlton, Laguna Niguel is proud to showcase Coastal Dreams, an exclusive art exhibit featuring the works of Paul Bond, Anthony Salvo, and Casey Parlette on display now until early January 2023.

About Paul Bond

Paul Bond’s award-winning oil paintings live in the spaces between dreaming and reality. He draws from the Latin American genre of Magic Realism where symbolic and fantastic elements blend with realistic atmospheres, unveiling a world where anything is possible. His paintings merge symbolic, surreal and fantastic elements with realistic atmospheres to unveil a world where everything is possible. He often refers to then as “fairy tales for adults”. By merging and altering familiar objects – mixed with equal parts whimsy, wonder and mysticism – Bond’s works delight the imagination and stir the soul.

About Anthony Salvo

Anthony Salvo discovered oil painting at the age of 12. Always drawing and painting as a young child he knew that art would be his vocation. With an impressive art background spanning over many years, Anthony enjoys plein air landscape painting as well as studio painting. Anthony is the CEO and owner of The Salvo Design Group, Inc., a boutique Advertising and Graphic Design firm, located in Newport Beach.

About Casey Parlette

Growing up in Southern California, Casey Parlette spent a lot of time among the local wildlife as he explored the nearby hills and ocean. Inspired by the fish, birds, and plants he saw, he began sculpting at a young age. A naturalist at heart, Casey credits both his adventures and his studies with inspiring and influencing his art. Currently sculpting full-time, Casey lives in Laguna Beach with his wife, Gina, and their son, Brooks.

Lobby Art Gallery

The Ritz-Carlton, Laguna Niguel proudly highlights a Conversation of Art Gallery with Laguna Beach’s Dawson Cole Fine Art, available in the evening every other weekend in the main lobby. Over a dozen of unique works by masters spanning 400 plus years of art history from Rembrandt to Picasso are on display, with an art advisor on site to educate and answer any questions. Artwork on display is available for purchase with sales managed directly with Dawson Cole Fine Art’s advisor.

Originally established in 1993, Dawson Cole Fine Art specializes in Contemporary and Modern sculpture, drawings, prints, and unique works on paper by American and European Masters. With a special concentration in Contemporary, Early Modern and West Coast Regionalism, the gallery offers works by Chuck Close, Wayne Thiebaud, Donald Sultan, Richard MacDonald, Henri Matisse, Henry Moore, Pablo Picasso, Jian Wang, Tom Betts, James Galindo and Jim Lamb.

Aloha by Nature | The Ritz-Carlton Maui, Kapalua

Aloha by Nature | The Ritz-Carlton Maui, Kapalua

The Ritz-Carlton, Капалуа, США

Immerse yourself in an authentic Hawaiian experience deeply rooted in local culture, environmental adventure and a warm spirt of Aloha. The Ritz-Carlton Maui, Kapalua located on Maui’s lush, northwest coastline is committed to forever preserving the Honokahua preservation site and perpetuating the Hawaiian culture. Offering a visually stunning experience, our iconic resort continues to emphasize unparalleled Ritz-Carlton service while delivering experiences filled with Aloha.

Honokahua Preservation Site

A 13.6-acre parcel of the land between Honokahua Bay and the present hotel site, the Honokahua Preservation Site is the resting place of more than 2,000 Hawaiian kupuna (ancestors) dating from A.D. 850 to the early 1800s. Unearthed during the construction of The Ritz‑Carlton, Kapalua in 1987, the significance of the discovery became apparent, and the entire hotel was redesigned and moved inland. Working with cultural leaders, the remains were re-interred and the preservation site was created. Entry to the site is restricted to those performing ceremony and protocol. Each hotel employee is empowered to malama ka ‘aina, or care for the land, to ensure the site is undisturbed.

The Culture Immerse Yourself in the Spirit of Aloha

Kapalua and Maui are rich in Hawaiian culture, tradition and history. Cultural Advisor Clifford Nae’ole has adopted the motto “We are a 5 diamond hotel immersed in a 5 diamond culture.” He is committed to providing guests with the opportunity to experience genuine Hawaiian cultural practices that fulfill emotions, promote self-discovery, unite the family, and rejuvenate the spirit.

More About the Spirit of Aloha

One such experience is the sunrise ceremony entitled “hiuwai” (cleansing”) and “e ala e” (awakening). Participants gather at Honokahua Bay (DT Fleming Beach) in the darkness of the dawn and learn of the protocol that is sure to leave a lasting impression upon their lives.

Attendees will venture to the ocean’s edge to ceremoniously immerse in the cleansing waters of the ocean and allow their troubles and negativity to be washed away. Once the guests are settled with their thoughts, they gather back onto the sands where the rhythmic and repetitive chant “e ala e” takes place until the sky basks in the colors of a new day. “Once the sun has blinked its eye…you are free to begin life anew,” says Nae’ole.

E ala e
Ka la i kahikina
I ka moana
Ka moana hohonu
Pi’i ka lewa
Ka lewa nu’u
I kahikina
Aia ka la.
E ala e!

The sun in the east
From the ocean
The ocean deep
Climbing (to) the heaven
The heaven highest
In the east
There is the sun

Self-Guided QR Code Cultural Art Tour

Guests can take a self-guided tour to learn about the cultural significance of artwork throughout the hotel. QR Code plaques are placed next to art pieces that are significant to the Hawaiian Culture. By scanning the code, you will receive an image of that piece of artwork along with an explanation from the Hawaiian Cultural Advisor, Clifford Nae’ole, detailing out how that item relates to the local culture and traditions of the Hawaiian people.

Kapalua Experiences

Experience Hawaii beyond the surf, sand and sun with a variety of cultural programs.

Coastal Hike & Tide Pool Exploration

Join the resort’s naturalists for a hike along the Kapalua Coastal Trail with stops at some of Maui’s best beaches and bays and lessons on Kapalua’s history.

Cities Under the Sea

This underwater photography and snorkeling expedition travels amid the living communities of fish, coral and algae. Naturalists guide you on an interpretive and exciting snorkel with underwater digital cameras. An exclusive Jean-Michel Cousteau’s Ambassadors of the Environment experience.

I.D. Me Snorkel

Join our Cousteau-trained naturalists on this reef survey snorkel where you’ll assist in identifying fish, green sea turtles and monitoring the adopted coral head. An exclusive Jean-Michel Cousteau’s Ambassadors of the Environment experience.

Sound Healing Meditation

Using gongs, crystal singing bowls, Tibetan bowls, chimes, bells, and many other instruments to send a wide range of frequency through the body, matching the frequencies within the body removing negative and stuck frequency which causes the body dis-ease or disease. Other benefits include: deep state of relaxation, stress relief, emotional healing, physical healing, and pain relief. To reserve, call 808-665-7079

Clifford Nae'ole Hawaiian Cultural Advisor

With more than 35 years of hospitality industry experience in Hawaii and a native of Maui, HI, Clifford Nae’ole is the Hawaiian cultural advisor for The Ritz-Carlton Maui, Kapalua. In this unique position for over 20 years, Mr. Nae’ole advises and educates employees and guests on proper Hawaiian protocol and customs, shares fascinating accounts of his homeland and ancestors, maintains a presence of the Hawaiian culture in the hotel and encourages a cohesive relationship with the community.

“We are fortunate to be an AAA Five Diamond hotel immersed in a culture that, like a diamond, has many facets. Our programs are designed to connect the ‘hosted’ to the ‘host,’ thus enhancing the overall experience of all involved,” said Mr. Nae’ole.

As cultural advisor, Mr. Nae’ole conducts weekly historical "Sense of Place" discussions and tours to the border of the Honokahua Preservation Site. He also hosts the monthly “talk story” series Mai Ka Pu’uwai (Storytelling from the Heart). He is chairman of Celebration of the Arts, the annual three-day festival tribute to the people, art and culture of Hawaii, which he created 24 years ago, and serves as advisor to the hotel's Hawaii Council. A Hawaiian chanter and hula dancer, he has performed official ceremonies and traditional blessings throughout Hawai`i, French Polynesia and the mainland U.S.

In this prominent role, Mr. Nae’ole has been featured in a national print and television advertising campaign for the Hawaii Convention & Visitors Bureau as well as on networks such as ESPN, E!, the Travel Channel, The Discovery Channel, The Learning Channel, Hawaiian Airlines Inflight video, “E” on Travel – Above and Below Maui – the recipient of two Emmy Awards in 2004, and more.

Former president of the statewide Native Hawaiian Hospitality Association, Naeole’s knowledge of ceremony and protocol prompted the Governor or the State of Hawaii to approve his terms as a Burial Commissioner for the Hawaii Burial Council for Maui and Lana’i. He is an active supporter of Maui's Hawaiian Language Immersion Schools — Punana Leo O Maui and Kulakaiapuni. Mr. Nae’ole received the distinguished Hawaii Hotel Association's Na Po’e Pa’ahana Honorable Mention Award for the 1997-98 Outstanding Employee of the Year. He is also the founder of Ho’ohali’a Hawaiian Consulting and is a current partner of E Ola Pono Consulting, dedicated to creating bridges between the Hawaiian culture and the contemporary business world.

Recently Mr. Nae’ole was honored with two coveted cultural awards. In October 2016 he was awarded the 2016 Meeting Professionals International Culture Award as an industry leader in perpetuating the Hawaiian culture. Also in October, Mr. Nae’ole was presented with the Legacy Award from Hui O Waʻa Kaulua, Maui’s Voyaging Society. Each year Hui O Wa’a Kaulua recognizes an outstanding person in the community. “This person would be the embodiment of what our canoes stand for,” event organizers said. “Our awardee has dedicated his life to engage in, promote, encourage participation in and provide educational and instruction in Hawaiian Culture. He inspires all generations to care for our land, care for our ocean, and care for our people.”

Born and raised on Maui, Mr. Nae’ole attended St. Anthony High School in Wailuku. He studied business at Seattle University and received his travel agent certification from the San Francisco School of Travel.

Maui Hotel Rooms | Maui 2 Bedroom Suites | The Ritz-Carlton Maui

Maui Hotel Rooms | Maui 2 Bedroom Suites | The Ritz-Carlton Maui

A Maui-Inspired Retreat

Recently redesigned, the hotel’s guest rooms, suites and residences invite you to engage with the Maui landscape. Drink in tropical views from your balcony, or relax inside with local artwork and modern, island-inspired design. Residential suites, meanwhile, feature kitchens and up to two bedrooms.


Enjoy the exclusive fire pit experience at The Ritz-Carlton Maui, Kapalua. Reserve a five-night stay in our new Fire Lanai Collection, the only guest rooms in Hawaii with their own private fire pits. Begin planning your luxury stay in Kapalua today.

Luxury Residential Suites in Maui

After a perfect day in Kapalua, unwind in the spacious luxury of a newly reimagined Residence for the ultimate privacy with all the comforts of home set against captivating natural beauty. Island inspirations are found throughout including a private, furnished lanai overlooking the ocean or mountains, works from local artists and décor that draws from the surroundings. With kitchens boasting top-of-the line Wolf appliances, well-appointed living spaces and thoughtfully tailored amenities, these Residences are sure to feel like your home away from home in paradise.

1 2 3 4 5 6 Oceanfront View with Lanai The Iconic Royal Pacific Suite

This 2,550-square-foot oceanfront Residence is the resort's largest and features an expansive lanai spanning the length of the suite, a full kitchen with top-of-the-line Wolf appliances, dining area, butler's pantry and two spacious bedrooms.

Ocean Front, Ocean View, Garden View Two-Bedroom Residences

With up to 1,500 square feet of space including a second bedroom with two queen beds and separate full size bathroom, two-bedroom Residences at The Ritz-Carlton Kapalua off the perfect respite in paradise.

Ocean Front, Ocean View, Garden View One-Bedroom Residences

See the ocean or lush resort grounds from your private lanai, share meals and conversation at the eat-up bar and settle in for movie night in the living room.

The Anuenue Room The Ritz-Carlton Club Lounge®

Upgrade your stay to include The Ritz-Carlton Club Lounge at the Anuenue Room – the ultimate getaway.

Our deluxe Maui hotel rooms are 440 sq ft. with a resort view Club and Club Ocean View Maui suites are 440 sq ft and are located on the top 2 floors Residential Garden/Ocean View Suites are 900 sq ft. which includes a lanai and a full kitchen Deluxe Ocean View Maui hotel rooms are 440 sq ft., Ocean views from the guestroom balcony Residential Ocean Front Maui Suites are 1510 sq ft. which includes a lanai and a full kitchen Garden/Ocean View Suites are 900 sq ft. which includes a lanai

Unlock your stay with the Marriott Bonvoy™ App

Maui Event Planners | The Ritz-Carlton Maui, Kapalua

Maui Event Planners | The Ritz-Carlton Maui, Kapalua

Maui Meeting Space Infused With the Aloha Spirit

At The Ritz-Carlton Maui, Kapalua, meetings and events defy imagination. Here, groups encounter a primal landscape of lava rock bays, lush mountain ridges and tropical waves complemented by expert event planning and 20 indoor and outdoor Maui meeting rooms. Mingle over cocktails on the pre-function lanai. Sit down to a customized dinner of locally sourced cuisine and endless ocean views on the Beach House Lawn. Or bring together 15 executives in The Boardroom to plan your company’s next move. Whatever your group needs, the meeting space at this Maui resort offers a setting that inspires success.

40 Event Rooms 289440 SQ FT Total Event Space 2500 Capacity Largest Space 10 Breakout Rooms Events Start Planning your meetings or events here Meetings & Events

150,000 square feet of indoor and outdoor Maui meeting rooms and prefunction spaces.

Enjoy a beachside lu'au to a Hawaiian cultural presentation in our Amphitheatre. The hotel offers 50,000 square feet of space in its Maui conference rooms. The Aloha Pavilion is the island's only permanent outdoor event facility. The Aloha Pavilion is the island's only permanent outdoor event facility. Our Maui event planners can arrange special-themed events.

Start Planning Your Event Meeting Services

A Conference Concierge, appointed to work with the group, can attend to details both big and small and offer assistance with any special request that may be made during the meeting. With excellent personal service a hallmark of The Ritz-Carlton Maui, Kapalua, our Meetings and Special Events team is pleased to assist you with the selection of flowers, linens, music and décor to ensure that you will experience the highest-quality event possible.

Audio-Visual Services

We offer a wide range of state-of-the-art audiovisual services and equipment, including high-definition projectors, video players and recorders, monitors, cameras, data monitors, screens, audio components, staging, lighting, sound systems and high-definition video teleconferencing. Complete technical support is available, and arrangements can be made with our professional Event Technology specialists.

Creative Event Services

The Ritz-Carlton Maui, Kapalua's spectacular beachside location and year-round balmy weather enables guests to experience all of the natural wonders the island of Maui has to offer. Event planners can arrange everything from sailing excursions, yacht charters, whale and dolphin encounters, Hawaiian cultural events, hiking, horseback riding, themed events and much, much more.

Environmental Responsibility

Meetings and events at The Ritz-Carlton are carefully designed to create an unparalleled guest experience while protecting our natural resources. Our meeting venues support a sustainable future by offering recycled paper products and pens, water service options, organic and local food and sustainable seafood options.

Virtually Explore the Exquisite Meeting Spaces of Our Luxury Maui Resort

Step into a realm of opulence and sophistication, where modern amenities seamlessly blend with the spirit of aloha. Our virtual tour will transport you to Maui's most sought-after destination in Kapalua, where lush gardens, indigo-blue waters, and majestic Cook Pine's provide the perfect backdrop for your business gatherings.

Events in Maui Impact Experiences

A memorable and enriching stay can extend well beyond our hotels. That’s why The Ritz-Carlton proudly offers Impact Experiences: compelling social and environmental impact activities where there is one constant – each program makes a lasting and authentic difference. Impact Experiences offers on-property activities that can be incorporated in the conference agenda during lunch breaks, receptions and coffee breaks.

More About Impact Experiences

Impact Experiences offers on-property activities that can be incorporated in the conference agenda during lunch breaks, receptions and coffee breaks, including:

Partnering with the hotel’s culinary team to prepare the ingredients for a regionally adapted dish for donation to a local hunger relief organization,
Assembling school supplies and art materials in backpacks for donation to students whose academic success is threatened by poverty,
Collaborating in teams to assemble emergency preparedness kits for shipping to a disaster relief facility or community organization,
Designing and creating greetings and birthday cards for children in a local pediatric healthcare facility or children’s organization, and
Impact Hour, a platform for leaders from The Ritz-Carlton Community Footprints partner organizations to showcase how they are successfully addressing social and environmental issues.

Additionally, Signature Impact Experiences invite our group guests to take part in an off-site volunteer activity, unique to the destination.

Inspiring Environmental Responsibility

Jean-Michel Cousteau's Ocean Futures Society explores our global ocean, inspiring and educating people throughout the world to act responsibly for its protection. Group guests can contribute to the effort through various programs, including rain forest and coastal trail restoration. They can also team up to assist in marine debris recovery, cultural and environmental education, and more.

Restaurants in Maui, Hawaii | The Ritz-Carlton Maui, Kapalua Maui Restaurants

Restaurants in Maui, Hawaii | The Ritz-Carlton Maui, Kapalua Maui Restaurants

Restaurants With Maui Flair

Drink in ocean views over breakfast, indulge in a burger or savor reimagined steakhouse cuisine as you discover the six distinctive restaurants at The Ritz-Carlton Maui, Kapalua. With locally sourced ingredients and a dash of innovation, our dining options celebrate the flavors and traditions of Maui.

The Banyan Tree

Indulge in a vibrant restaurant menu rooted in coastal cuisine inviting you on a journey to discover the bounty of land and sea while incorporating Maui's most unique and sustainable ingredients.

The Ritz-Carlton, Kapalua | Ocean Futures Society

The Ritz-Carlton, Kapalua | Ocean Futures Society

The Ritz-Carlton, Kapalua

The Ambassadors of the Environment program at The Ritz-Carlton, Kapalua is available to hotel guests as well as the surrounding community. Located on the northwest coast of the beautiful island of Maui, the second youngest island in the Hawaiian archipelago, this site is ideal for exploring the natural wonders of Hawaii’s coral reefs, tide pools, marine mammals, coastal bluffs, and rainforests.

Guests learn about Hawai’i’s abounding tropical ecology and rich cultural history using the Kapalua coastline as an outdoor laboratory and classroom. The traditional wisdom of native Hawaiian culture provides a valuable frame of reference from which to gauge the sustainability of our modern culture, one of the primary focuses of the Ambassadors of the Environment program. Please view the slideshow and feel free to download this and share it with others. By doing this you will become a true Ambassador of the Environment.

Guests of The Ritz-Carlton, Kapalua can sign up for a variety of morning, afternoon, and evening activities or work with the staff to create customized group programs. These activities are based at a learning center called Ambassadors Hale, which boasts interactive murals, the largest map of the Hawaiian Islands in the world, and a life-size mural of a humpback whale and her calf. It is from here guests depart on their adventures into Hawaii’s beautiful natural ecosystems. These opportunities create a truly unique and valuable experience for guests of The Ritz-Carlton, Kapalua.

Club Level

Club Level

The Ritz-Carlton Club Lounge at the Anuenue Room

Redefining luxury, The Ritz-Carlton Club Lounge experience combines comfort and exclusivity with personalized service. The Club Lounge offers a dedicated concierge and a well-appointed, relaxed lounge environment with gourmet presentations of food and beverages each day.

The Anuenue Room

Enhance Your Maui Vacation

Discover The Ritz-Carlton Club Lounge at the Anuenue Room, a newly reimagined Ritz-Carlton Club Experience. Redefining luxury, it combines comfort and exclusivity with personalized service. Club guests will enjoy a dedicated concierge and a well-appointed, relaxed lounge environment with magnificent views of the Bay Course. Complimentary gourmet food and beverage offerings are available throughout the day. Unique to the space and exclusively for Club guests, Club Lounge programming includes cocktail classes, cooking demonstrations, and Hawaiian cultural activities.

ТОП Отели в Kapalua Гавайев, США – Лучшее жилье в 2024 году

ТОП Отели в Kapalua Гавайев, США – Лучшее жилье в 2024 году

Отели в Kapalua Гавайев

2-звездочный Napili Sunset Beach Front Resort находится в 5 минутах ходьбы от Нейпили Плейс и предлагает 43 номера. К услугам гостей этого отеля парковка на территории.

Посмотреть отель

2-звездочный Napili Sunset Beach Front Resort находится в 5 минутах ходьбы от Нейпили Плейс и предлагает 43 номера. К услугам гостей этого отеля парковка на территории.

The Ritz-Carlton Maui, Kapalua Курортный комплекс 5 звезд в районе Kapalua, Гавайи, США 13.9 км до центра города 9.0 (111 отзывов)

Отель The Ritz-Carlton, Kapalua — пляжный 5-звездочный отель, в котором есть кондиционируемые номера с красивым видом на Тихий океан. Отсюда гости могут пешком добраться до белоснежного пляжа Капалуа.

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Отель The Ritz-Carlton, Kapalua — пляжный 5-звездочный отель, в котором есть кондиционируемые номера с красивым видом на Тихий океан. Отсюда гости могут пешком добраться до белоснежного пляжа Капалуа.

Napili Kai Beach Resort Курортный комплекс 4 звезды в районе Kapalua, Гавайи, США 13.4 км до центра города 9.3 (78 отзывов)

Napili Kai Beach Resort находится в 20 минутах пешком от Маханы Ридж Трейл. В зонах общественного пользования предусмотрели высокоскоростной интернет. 4-звездочный отель с тропическим садом…

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Napili Kai Beach Resort находится в 20 минутах пешком от Маханы Ридж Трейл. В зонах общественного пользования предусмотрели высокоскоростной интернет. 4-звездочный отель с тропическим садом…

Hale Napili Апарт-отель 4 звезды в районе Kapalua, Гавайи, США 13.1 км до центра города 9.8 (34 отзыва)

Апарт отель Hale Napili с видом на океан находится в Лахайне, приблизительно в 10 минутах езды от Залива Гонолулу. В 4-звездочном отеле также предоставляется прокат авто для изучения района.

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Апарт отель Hale Napili с видом на океан находится в Лахайне, приблизительно в 10 минутах езды от Залива Гонолулу. В 4-звездочном отеле также предоставляется прокат авто для изучения района.

Gardens At West Maui Апарт-отель 3 звезды в районе Kapalua, Гавайи, США 13.3 км до центра города 8.2 (103 отзыва)

3-звездочный Апарт отель Gardens At West Maui расположен на расстоянии 15 минут ходьбы от Капалуа Айронвудс и в 12 минутах прогулки пешком от Нейпили Плейс. Помимо круглосуточного ресепшена и…

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3-звездочный Апарт отель Gardens At West Maui расположен на расстоянии 15 минут ходьбы от Капалуа Айронвудс и в 12 минутах прогулки пешком от Нейпили Плейс. Помимо круглосуточного ресепшена и…

Kapalua Villas Maui Апартаменты в районе Kapalua, Гавайи, США 13.7 км до центра города 8.2 (12 отзывов)

4-звездочный Kapalua Villas Maui расположен в 20 минутах ходьбы пешком от Залива Нейпили и лишь в 1 км от парка Д.Т. Флеминга. Гости, останавливающиеся в отеле, могут припарковать свой автомобиль на…

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4-звездочный Kapalua Villas Maui расположен в 20 минутах ходьбы пешком от Залива Нейпили и лишь в 1 км от парка Д.Т. Флеминга. Гости, останавливающиеся в отеле, могут припарковать свой автомобиль на…

Kapalua Golf #19T4 Home Апартаменты в районе Kapalua, Гавайи, США 14 км до центра города 7.2 (5 отзывов)

Kapalua Golf #19T4 Home находятся приблизительно в 2 км от Поля для гольфа Капалуа Плэнтейшн Корс" и в 10 минутах ходьбы от Залива Намалью.

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Kapalua Golf #19T4 Home находятся приблизительно в 2 км от Поля для гольфа "Капалуа Плэнтейшн Корс" и в 10 минутах ходьбы от Залива Намалью.

Kapalua Golf Villas 12T5 Condo Апартаменты в районе Kapalua, Гавайи, США 13.6 км до центра города

Kapalua Golf Villas 12T5 Condo расположено в 15 минутах пешей прогулки от Мокулеии Бич. Апартаменты находятся в районе Kapalua, в 13 минутах езды от аэропорта Капалуа.

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Kapalua Golf Villas 12T5 Condo расположено в 15 минутах пешей прогулки от Мокулеии Бич. Апартаменты находятся в районе Kapalua, в 13 минутах езды от аэропорта Капалуа.

Napili Sunset Beach Front Resort Апарт-отель 2 звезды в районе Kapalua, Гавайи, США 13.1 км до центра города 8.6 (786 отзывов) The Ritz-Carlton Maui, Kapalua Курортный комплекс 5 звезд в районе Kapalua, Гавайи, США 13.9 км до центра города 9.0 (111 отзывов) Napili Kai Beach Resort Курортный комплекс 4 звезды в районе Kapalua, Гавайи, США 13.4 км до центра города 9.3 (78 отзывов) Hale Napili Апарт-отель 4 звезды в районе Kapalua, Гавайи, США 13.1 км до центра города 9.8 (34 отзыва) Gardens At West Maui Апарт-отель 3 звезды в районе Kapalua, Гавайи, США 13.3 км до центра города 8.2 (103 отзыва) Kapalua Villas Maui Апартаменты в районе Kapalua, Гавайи, США 13.7 км до центра города 8.2 (12 отзывов) Kapalua Golf #19T4 Home Апартаменты в районе Kapalua, Гавайи, США 14 км до центра города 7.2 (5 отзывов) Kapalua Golf Villas 12T5 Condo Апартаменты в районе Kapalua, Гавайи, США 13.6 км до центра города Поиск отелей найдено на данный момент

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