The Ritz-Carlton San Francisco

The Ritz-Carlton San Francisco

Отель The Ritz-Carlton San Francisco

Элегантный отель самой высокой категории, расположен в центре престижного района Nob Hill. Занимает целый жилой квартал, интерьер оформлен в классическом стиле с использованием предметов антиквариата и произведений живописи XVIII-XIX вв. Знаменитый исторический трамвайчик останавливается непосредственно рядом с отелем и провозит туристов через район Nob Hill, Fisherman's Wharf, Ghirardelli Square, Aquatic Park, Ferry Building Marketplace с множеством ресторанов и видом на мост San Francisco Bay.

Построен в 1909 г., обновление номеров в 2006 г., Club Level/Lounge - в 2008 г., обновление интерьеров, лобби, бара и ресторана в 2012 г.

Количество этажей: 9

Количество комнат: 336 номеров, включая 62 номера категории Suite.

В отеле:

Бары и рестораны

Parallel 37 – ресторан, название которому дало его географическое положение рядом с районом San Francisco Bay Area. 37 параллель южной широты проходит через Северную Калифорнию, сосредоточие мировых кулинарных традиций и винодельческой культуры регионов Напа и Сонома. Современный интерьер ресторана выполнен в городском стиле района Nob Hill. Предлагает блюда современной американской кухни, большой выбор классических коктейлей и вин местных производителей. Открыт ежедневно для завтраков с 6:30 до 10:30, обедов с 11:30 до 14:00 и ужинов с 17:30 до 21:30. Бар открыт ежедневно с 11:30.

The Private Dining Room at Parallel 37 - отдельная комната вместимостью до 20 гостей. Идеально подходит для частных вечеринок. Во время ужина гостям предлагается изысканное меню из 4-, 5- или 8- блюд. Комнату возможно забронировать для завтраков, обедов и ужинов. Шеф-повар ресторана может выполнить любые специальные диетические запросы клиента.

The Chef’s Table at Parallel 37 – столик на 10 человек максимум расположен рядом с открытой кухней, где предоставлена уникальная возможность не только попробовать изысканные блюда от шеф-повара, но и понаблюдать за работой его команды. Обед или ужин состоит из пяти или восьми дегустационных блюд и сопровождается прекрасными напитками. Столик можно предварительно забронировать.

The Lounge – бар в лобби отеля. Предлагает разнообразные закуски, коктейли, пиво, винную карту. Открыт ежедневно с 17:00 до 00:00.

Спа и фитнес

Spa~De~Vie - Великолепный Spa-центр, предлагает полный набор услуг по расслаблению и оздоровлению. К услугам гостей массаж, выбор процедур по уходу за лицом и телом. Также возможен заказ спа-процедур в номере по предварительному запросу (за дополнительную плату). Спа-центр открыт ежедневно с 7:00 до 21:00. Современный фитнес-центр, оснащен новейшими кардио- и силовыми тренажерами, сауной. Возможен предварительный заказ персональных занятий по предварительному запросу (за дополнительную плату). Открыт ежедневно 24 часа.

Услуги в отеле

Проводной/Wi-Fi доступ в интернет за дополнительную плату Услуги прачечной и химчистки (предоставляются за дополнительную плату) Возможно проживание с собаками весом не более 4 кг (за дополнительную плату) Valet parking за отдельную плату Курить в отеле запрещено Консьерж Многоязычный персонал Уборка номеров два раза в день Подготовка номера ко сну Круглосуточный room service Бесплатная чистка обуви Сувенирный магазин

Для детей

Услуги няни предоставляются по предварительному запросу за отдельную плату

Бесплатное проживание 1 ребенка до 18 лет в номере с двумя взрослыми на существующих кроватях

Детский клуб Ritz-Kids для детей предлагает детские игры и детское меню в ресторанах. Детские кроватки (по предварительному запросу).

В номере:

Дизайн обновленных в 2015 году номеров выполнен в светлых тонах с синими, серыми и серебряными акцентами.

ванная комната, отделанная итальянским мрамором с двойной раковиной
эксклюзивные туалетные принадлежности от Asprey Purple Water
косметическое зеркало
роскошное постельное белье Frette
кабельное телевидение с возможностью выбора фильмов «pay-per-view»
часы с будильником
док-станция для iPod
телефон с двумя линиями и голосовой почтой
рабочий стол со встроенной электрической розеткой и широкополосной сетью для настольных компьютеров
набор для приготовления чая/кофе
бар с холодильником
сейф, вмещающий ноутбук
утюг и гладильная доска
проводной/Wi-Fi доступ в интернет (за дополнительную плату)
Сообщающиеся номера: Есть, по запросу

Клубный этаж:

Club Level Lounge - отдельный клубный этаж с индивидуальным сервисом. В Club Lounge гостям предлагают завтрак, в течение дня - легкие закуски, коктейли и десерты. К услугам гостей: Wi-Fi доступ в интернет в клубной зоне и в номерах.

Business Lounge - доступ в business lounge открыт только для гостей проживающих в номерах Club Level. К услугам гостей все необходимые удобства для работы: Wi-Fi доступ в интернет, две рабочих зоны с компьютерами и принтерами, телевизор.

К услугам гостей: Wi-Fi доступ в интернет.
Также в номерах: Оборудование для людей с ограниченными физическими возможностями. Видео игры с приставкой Nintendo (предоставляется по предварительному запросу, за отдельную плату).

Deluxe Room

Просторный элегантный номер. Небольшая зона отдыха с мягким креслом, рабочий стол. Отделанная мрамором ванная комната с двойной раковиной и ванной.
Площадь 38 м2
Вид из номера Вид на город или во внутренний двор отеля
Количество комнат 1
Кровати Одна кровать King-size
Максимальное размещение (кол-во человек) 2
Дополнительная кровать Одноместная раскладная кровать
Максимальное размещение с дополнительной кроватью (кол-во человек) 3
Этаж 2
Сообщающиеся номера есть, по запросу

Superior Room

Просторный номер в элегантном стиле. Небольшая зона отдыха, рабочий стол. Отделанная мрамором ванная комната с двойной раковиной и ванной.
Площадь 37 м2
Вид из номера Вид на город или во внутренний двор отеля
Количество комнат 1
Кровати Одна кровать King-size
Максимальное размещение (кол-во человек) 2
Дополнительная кровать Одноместная раскладная кровать
Максимальное размещение с дополнительной кроватью (кол-во человек) 3
Этаж 3-7
Сообщающиеся номера есть, по запросу

Superior Room - Two Queen Beds

Просторный номер в элегантном стиле. Небольшая зона отдыха с мягким креслом, рабочий стол. Отделанная мрамором ванная комната с двойной раковиной и ванной.
Площадь 38 м2
Вид из номера Вид на город или во внутренний двор отеля
Количество комнат 1
Кровати Две кровати Queen-size
Максимальное размещение (кол-во человек) 4
Этаж 3-7
Сообщающиеся номера есть, по запросу

Club Level Guest Room

Просторный номер в элегантном стиле. Небольшая зона отдыха, рабочий стол. Отделанная мрамором ванная комната с двойной раковиной и ванной.
Доступ в Club Lounge
Площадь 38 м2
Вид из номера Вид на город или во внутренний двор отеля
Количество комнат 1
Кровати Одна кровать King-size
Максимальное размещение (кол-во человек) 2
Дополнительная кровать Одноместная раскладная кровать
Максимальное размещение с дополнительной кроватью (кол-во человек) 3
Этаж 8, 9
Сообщающиеся номера есть, по запросу

Club Level Guest Room - Two Queen Beds

Просторный номер в элегантном стиле. Небольшая зона отдыха с мягким креслом, рабочий стол. Отделанная мрамором ванная комната с двойной раковиной и ванной.
Доступ к Club Lounge
Площадь 38 м2
Вид из номера Вид на город или во внутренний двор отеля
Количество комнат 1
Кровати Две кровати Queen-size
Максимальное размещение (кол-во человек) 4
Этаж 8, 9
Сообщающиеся номера есть, по запросу

Junior Suite

Просторный элегантный номер. Комната условно разделена на зону спальни и зону гостиной. Гостиная зона с мягкой мебелью, рабочий стол. Отделанная итальянским мрамором ванная комната с двойной раковиной и ванной.
Площадь 56 м2
Вид из номера Вид на город или во внутренний двор отеля
Количество комнат 1
Кровати Одна кровать King-size
Максимальное размещение (кол-во человек) 2
Дополнительная кровать Одноместная раскладная кровать
Максимальное размещение с дополнительной кроватью (кол-во человек) 3
Этаж 2-7
Сообщающиеся номера есть, по запросу

One-Bedroom Suite

Элегантный комфортабельный номер. Спальня с небольшой зоной отдыха, гостиная с мягкой мебелью. Отделанная итальянским мрамором ванная комната с двойной раковиной и ванной или ванной и отдельной душевой кабиной (не во всех номерах). Гостевой туалет (не во всех номерах).
Площадь 75 м2
Вид из номера Вид на город или во внутренний двор отеля
Количество комнат 2 (спальня, гостиная)
Кровати Одна кровать King-size
Максимальное размещение (кол-во человек) 2
Дополнительная кровать Одноместная раскладная кровать
Максимальное размещение с дополнительной кроватью (кол-во человек) 3 взрослых
Этаж 2-7
Сообщающиеся номера есть, по запросу

Club One-Bedroom Suite

Элегантный комфортабельный номер. Спальня с небольшой зоной отдыха, гостиная с мягкой мебелью. Отделанная итальянским мрамором ванная комната с двойной раковиной и ванной или ванной и отдельной душевой кабиной (не во всех номерах). Гостевой туалет (не во всех номерах).
Доступ в Club Lounge
Площадь 75 м2
Вид из номера Вид на город или во внутренний двор отеля
Количество комнат 2 (спальня, гостиная)
Кровати Одна кровать King-size
Максимальное размещение (кол-во человек) 2
Дополнительная кровать Одноместная раскладная кровать
Максимальное размещение с дополнительной кроватью (кол-во человек) 3 взрослых
Этаж 8-9
Сообщающиеся номера есть, по запросу

San Francisco Suite

Элегантный комфортабельный номер. Спальня с небольшой зоной отдыха, гостиная с мягкой мебелью. Отделанная итальянским мрамором ванная комната с двойной раковиной. Гостевой туалет (не во всех номерах).
Площадь 75 м2
Вид из номера Панорамный вид на город, залив San Francisco Bay, Coit Tower и Alcatraz
Количество комнат 2 (спальня, гостиная)
Кровати Одна кровать King-size
Максимальное размещение (кол-во человек) 2
Дополнительная кровать Одноместная раскладная кровать
Максимальное размещение с дополнительной кроватью (кол-во человек) 3
Этаж 8
Сообщающиеся номера есть, по запросу

The Ritz-Carlton Suite

Просторный комфортабельный номер в элегантном стиле. В номере: фойе, спальня с зоной отдыха, гостиная с мягкой мебелью. Столовая с обеденным столом на 8 персон, полностью оборудованная кухня с отдельным входом для обслуживающего персонала. Отделанная итальянским мрамором ванная комната с двумя раковинами, джакузи и отдельной душевой кабиной, гостевой туалет.
Доступ в Club Lounge
Площадь 184 м2
Вид из номера Панорамный вид на город, залив San Francisco Bay, Coit Tower и Alcatraz
Кухня/столовая Кухня, обеденный стол на 8 персон
Количество комнат 2 (спальня, гостиная)
Кровати Одна кровать King-size
Максимальное размещение (кол-во человек) 2
Дополнительная кровать Одноместная раскладная кровать
Максимальное размещение с дополнительной кроватью (кол-во человек) 3
Этаж 9
Сообщающиеся номера есть, по запросу

Presidential Suite

Просторный комфортабельный номер в элегантном стиле. В номере: фойе, спальня с небольшой зоной отдыха, гостиная с мягкой мебелью, стереосистема Bang & Olufsen, столовая с обеденным столом на 8 персон, буфетная комната с отдельным входом для персонала. Отделанная итальянским мрамором ванная комната с двумя раковинами, джакузи и отдельной душевой кабиной, гостевой туалет.
Площадь 183 м2
Вид из номера Вид на город
Балкон/терраса Просторная терраса (111 м2)
Кухня/столовая Буфетная комната, обеденный стол на 8 персон
Количество комнат 2 (спальня, гостиная)
Кровати Одна кровать King-size
Максимальное размещение (кол-во человек) 2
Дополнительная кровать Одноместная раскладная кровать
Максимальное размещение с дополнительной кроватью (кол-во человек) 3
Этаж 9
Сообщающиеся номера есть, по запросу

Стоимость проживания в отеле: The Ritz-Carlton San Francisco
600 Stockton Street, at California Street Стоимость проживания в отеле по запросу по запросу

Уважаемые господа!
Многие отели в настоящий момент предлагают более выгодные цены и различные спецпредложения. Ситуация меняется стремительно и мы не всегда успеваем опубликовать актуальные цены.
Просим Вас уточнять информацию по наличию спецпредложений по данному отелю у наших менеджеров по телефону +7 (495) 646-0535.
Они всегда готовы предложить Вам самые актуальные и выгодные цены!

The Ritz-Carlton, San Francisco отель (США, курорт Города и штаты, курорт Сан-Франциско)

The Ritz-Carlton, San Francisco отель (США, курорт Города и штаты, курорт Сан-Франциско)

The Ritz-Carlton, San Francisco Grand Deluxe

Полностью обновленный элегантный отель самой высокой категории. Отель занимает целый жилой квартал, интерьер выполнен в классическом стиле с использованием антиквариата и живописи XVIII-XIX вв.

Построен в 1909 г., обновлен в 2012 г.

Количество этажей: 9

Количество комнат: 336 номеров, включая 62 номера категории Suite

600 Stockton Street at California Street, San Francisco, California 94108 USA Тел.: +1 (415) 296-7465 Факс: +1 (415) 291-0288 Check in: 15:00 Check out: 12:00

В отеле

Проводной/Wi-Fi доступ в интернет за дополнительную плату Услуги прачечной и химчистки Возможно проживание с собаками весом не более 4 кг (за дополнительную плату) Valet parking за отдельную плату Курить в отеле запрещено Консьерж Многоязычный персонал Круглосуточный room-service Бесплатная чистка обуви Сувенирный магазин Услуги няни по предварительному запросу за отдельную плату Бесплатное проживание 1 ребенка до 18 лет в номере с двумя взрослыми на существующих кроватях Детский клуб Ritz-Kids для детей предлагает детские игры и детское меню в ресторанах. Детские кроватки (по предварительному запросу).

В каждом номере

ванная комната, отделанная итальянским мрамором с двойной раковиной и отдельным туалетом эксклюзивные туалетные принадлежности от Asprey Purple Water фен косметическое зеркало халаты тапочки роскошное постельное белье Frette часы с будильником утюг и гладильная доска TV панель кабельное телевидение с возможностью выбора фильмов «pay-per-view» DVD/CD-проигрыватели док-станция для iPod кофеварка чай/кофе бар с холодильником сейф, вмещающий ноутбук телефон с двумя линиями и голосовой почтой рабочий стол со встроенной электрической розеткой и широкополосной сетью для настольных компьютеров проводной/Wi-Fi доступ в интернет за дополнительную плату

Типы размещения

Superior Room Элегантный номер, отделанная мрамором ванная комната, отдельный туалет. Superior Room - Two Double Beds Элегантный номер, отделанная мрамором ванная комната, отдельный туалет. Deluxe Room Элегантный номер с небольшой зоной отдыха, отделанная мрамором ванная комната, отдельный туалет. Deluxe Room - Two Double Beds Элегантный номер с небольшой зоной отдыха, отделанная мрамором ванная комната, отдельный туалет. Junior Suite Просторный элегантный номер с зоной отдыха, отделанная итальянским мрамором ванная комната, отдельный туалет. Junior Suite - Two Double Beds Просторный элегантный номер с зоной отдыха, отделанная итальянским мрамором ванная комната, отдельный туалет. One-Bedroom Suite Элегантный номер: спальня, гостиная, отделанная итальянским мрамором ванная комната, отдельный туалет, гостевой туалет. One-Bedroom Suite - Two Double Beds Элегантный номер: спальня, гостиная, отделанная итальянским мрамором ванная комната, отдельный туалет, гостевой туалет. Club Deluxe Room Небольшая зона отдыха, отделанная итальянским мрамором ванная комната, отдельный туалет. Club Deluxe Room - Two Double Beds Небольшая зона отдыха, отделанная итальянским мрамором ванная комната, отдельный туалет. Club Junior Suite Просторный номер с зоной отдыха, отделанная итальянским мрамором ванная комната, отдельный туалет. Club Junior Suite - Two Double Beds Просторный номер с зоной отдыха, отделанная итальянским мрамором ванная комната, отдельный туалет. Club One-Bedroom Suite Просторный элегантный номер, спальня, гостиная, отделанная итальянским мрамором ванная комната, отдельный туалет, гостевой туалет. Club One-Bedroom Suite - Two Double Beds Просторный элегантный номер, спальня, гостиная, отделанная итальянским мрамором ванная комната, отдельный туалет, гостевой туалет. Ritz-Carlton Suite Элегантный номер: спальня, большая гостиная с роялем Steinway, столовая, ванная комната, отдельный туалет, гостевой туалет. Presidential Suite Просторный элегантный номер: холл, спальня, большая гостиная с роялем Steinway , столовая, ванная комната, отдельный туалет, гостевой туалет.

Рестораны и бары

Parallel 37 – этот новый ресторан, название которому дало его географическое положение рядом с районом San Francisco Bay Area. 37 параллель южной широты проходит через Северную Калифорнию, сосредоточие мировых кулинарных традиций и винодельческой культуры регионов Напа и Сонома. Современный интерьер ресторана выполнен в городском стиле района Nob Hill. Предлагает блюда современной американской кухни, большой выбор классических коктейлей и вин местных производителей. Открыт ежедневно для завтраков с 6:30 до 10:30 и ужинов с 17:30 до 21:30, обед понедельник-суббота с 11:30 до 14:30. Проводится воскрестный бранч с 11:30 до 14:30. Бар открыт ежедневно с 11:30. The Lounge – реновированный бар в лобби отеля. Предлагает разнообразные закуски, коктейли, пиво, винную карту. Открыт ежедневно с 17:00 до 00:00.

Красота и здоровье

Spa-De-Vie Великолепный Spa-центр, предлагает полный набор услуг по расслаблению и оздоровлению. К услугам гостей массаж, маникюр, педикюр, выбор процедур по уходу за лицом и телом. Современный фитнес-центр, оснащен новейшими кардио- и силовыми тренажерами, сауной. К услугам гостей – бассейн, джакузи и парные. Возможен предварительный заказ персональных занятий ежедневно с 5:30 до 21:00. Закрытый подогреваемый бассейн в фитнес-центре отеля.

Luxury Hotels in San Francisco | The Ritz-Carlton, San Francisco

Luxury Hotels in San Francisco | The Ritz-Carlton, San Francisco

Welcome to The Ritz-Carlton, San Francisco

Our luxury hotel in San Francisco is set within a 1909 Neoclassical landmark building in the prestigious Nob Hill neighborhood right next door to Union Square. The Ritz-Carlton, San Francisco is both an integral component of the beloved City by the Bay and a reflection of it, inviting guests to immerse themselves in the culture of San Francisco. From savoring Coastal California cuisine and handcrafted cocktails inspired by the city’s neighborhoods in The Lounge, to relaxing on the private Club Level with city views, to hopping on the cable car right outside our doors to explore the sites like Fisherman’s Wharf and Ghirardelli Square, every moment will leave your heart in San Francisco.

The Ritz-Carlton, San Francisco | RSB Travel

The Ritz-Carlton, San Francisco | RSB Travel

The Ritz-Carlton, San Francisco

Отель The Ritz-Carlton, San Francisco расположен в неоклассическом здании 1909 года в престижном районе Ноб Хилл, рядом с Юнион Сквер. Интерьер оформлен в классическом стиле с использованием предметов антиквариата и произведений живописи XVIII-XIX вв.

Знаменитый исторический трамвайчик останавливается непосредственно рядом с отелем и провозит туристов через район Nob Hill, Fisherman's Wharf, Ghirardelli Square, Aquatic Park, Ferry Building Marketplace со множеством ресторанов и видом на мост San Francisco Bay.

Построен в 1909 г., обновлен в 2015 г.
Количество этажей: 9
Количество комнат: 336 номеров, включая 62 номера категории Suite


Parallel 37 – ресторан, название которому дало его географическое положение рядом с районом San Francisco Bay Area. 37 параллель южной широты проходит через Северную Калифорнию, сосредоточие мировых кулинарных традиций и винодельческой культуры регионов Напа и Сонома. Предлагает блюда современной американской кухни, большой выбор классических коктейлей и вин местных производителей. Открыт для завтраков и ужинов.

The Lounge – бар в лобби отеля.

The JCB Tasting Lounge - совместный проект отеля и известного винодела Jean-Charles Boisset. В роскошном коктейль-баре гостям предлагаются редкие эксклюзивные вина и легкие закуски. Возможно проведение закрытых вечеринок до 20 гостей.


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St. Regis Hotels & Resorts ha annunciato l’apertura di The St. Regis Red Sea Resort in Arabia Saudita. Questa nuova struttura è la prima isola privata inaugurata nel Mar Rosso, una delle destinazioni turistiche di lusso sulla costa occidentale del Paese. Situato sull’incontaminata Ummahat Island nella laguna di Al Wajh, è un’oasi con architettura all’avanguardia, dettagli di design sostenibile e servizi personalizzati.

“Uno dei tesori inesplorati del mondo, il Mar Rosso in Arabia Saudita è pronto a svelarsi ai viaggiatori in cerca di relax”, spiega Jenni Benzaquen, SVP e Global Brand Leader, The Ritz-Carlton e St. Regis Hotels & Resorts. “Con The St. Regis Red Sea Resort diamo vita ad un luogo emblematico simbolo di eleganza e di lusso con un design innovativo. Siamo orgogliosi di dare il benvenuto a The St. Regis Red Sea Resort nel nostro sempre più ampio portfolio e non vediamo l’ora di accogliere i nostri ospiti in questa destinazione inedita “.

Raggiungibile in barca o con idrovolante dal Red Sea International Airport, recentemente inaugurato, The St. Regis Red Sea Resort dispone di una selezione di 90 ville fronte mare, che offrono sistemazioni da una a quattro camere da letto, ognuna con piscina privata, solarium e doccia esterna. Gli ambienti, ampi e luminosi, combinano perfettamente gli spazi esterni con quelli interni e offrono una vista senza pari sul mare, dal sorgere del sole fino al tramonto. Incorniciate da splendide palme, le terrazze offrono un angolo di pace per osservare le stelle di notte.

Progettato dall’architetto Kengo Kuma e con gli interni firmati da Kristina Zanic Consultants, il design della struttura richiama la barriera corallina, la flora e la fauna marina e le distese circostanti di dune sabbiose. Gli spazi interni e gli arredi rendono l’ambiente omogeneo, con morbide curve e forme a spirale. I tessuti sono creati con materiali naturali e piacevoli al tatto, con una palette di colori ispirata al deserto e arricchita da tonalità blu e verdi presenti nella vegetazione locale. Gli interni in stile moderno sono impreziositi da oggetti realizzati su misura, tra cui mobili, marmi e rivestimenti in legno.

Su una spiaggia di sabbia bianca, con una vista sulle acque cristalline, le Dune Villas rispecchiano la forma dei cumuli di sabbia del deserto. Le Coral Villas, invece richiamano l’aspetto di una conchiglia, e sono situate a picco sull’acqua, collegate da passerelle sopraelevate con accesso diretto al mare da ogni ponte.

Eleganti e curate nei minimi dettagli, queste ville esclusive offrono un ambiente riservato per rilassarsi in perfetto stile residenziale, come è tipico del brand. Finestre a tutta altezza si aprono sul mare e inondano di luce naturale gli spazi abitativi, le camere da letto e i bagni. Il butler service St. Regis, da oltre un secolo caratteristica distintiva del brand, garantisce che le esigenze individuali di ogni ospite vengano soddisfatte in ogni momento.

I cinque diversi ristoranti del resort offrono cene sulla spiaggia e servono specialità provenienti da fattorie e da pescatori locali. Due di questi sono l’ideale per provare esperienze culinarie più intime e romantiche. Gishiki 45 propone un menù di ispirazione giapponese in un ambiente luminoso e contemporaneo, mentre Tilina propone una cucina sofisticata che serve carni alla griglia di prima scelta arricchite da spezie e ingredienti locali.

Nesma, invece, offre un menù di ispirazione libanese fruibile durante tutto il giorno e regala una splendida vista sulla piscina e sulla spiaggia. The Beach Club serve piatti leggeri e bibite rinfrescanti presso le due piscine all’aperto del resort e sulla spiaggia, costeggiata da lussuose cabine. L’iconico St. Regis Bar, ispirato al King Cole Bar di The St. Regis New York, presenta il mocktail “Coral Mary“, una rivisitazione locale del Bloody Mary, tipico del brand, a base di un infuso di sommacco, curcuma e alga spirulina, servito in bicchieri personalizzati dallo stilista saudita Qormuz. Lo spazio è caratterizzato da un ampio murale che raffigura la suggestiva storia popolare del vicino Blue Hole, una grande caverna marina naturale adiacente al resort.

The St. Regis Spa è un’oasi di serenità con otto sale per trattamenti con gazebo e vasche da bagno all’aperto, cabine per trattamenti privati e saloni di bellezza per uomini e donne. Tra questi, un trattamento viso all’oro 24kt, un rituale all’oro e al caviale per nutrire e ringiovanire il corpo e una serie di percorsi benessere che includono yoga e meditazione, tutti eseguiti con prodotti AMRA.

Il resort offre una serie di attività di fitness e benessere, tra cui una palestra completamente attrezzata, una piscina all’aperto e una vitality pool, campi da paddle e da tennis, yoga all’alba e al tramonto, sessioni di personal training e consulenze nutrizionali. Appartengono al programma Family Traditions del brand, il kids club Little Treasures Children e la grande area avventura all’aperto: ambienti colorati e vivaci per il divertimento degli ospiti più giovani.

Il Mar Rosso è circondato dalla quarta barriera corallina più grande del mondo e si estende per oltre 28.000 kmq con un arcipelago di oltre 90 isole incontaminate. L’isola di Ummahat è circondata da un’abbondante fauna selvatica, da ecosistemi marini e meraviglie naturali. Gli ospiti potranno fare snorkeling tra le barriere coralline ancora completamente integre e preservate e immersioni per raggiungere i relitti e gli spot subacquei nelle vicinanze. Fra le acque cristalline è possibile praticare sport acquatici come stand-up paddle, vela, windsurf e kayak. Le escursioni sulla terraferma, effettuate grazie ad un breve viaggio in barca, offriranno agli ospiti l’opportunità di esplorare vulcani inattivi, siti del patrimonio culturale e ampie dune nel deserto.

“Inaugurando una nuova era di lusso sostenibile in linea con la visione del 2030 dell’Arabia Saudita, siamo entusiasti di aprire il primo resort su un’isola privata nel Mar Rosso“, spiega Tony Coveney, Direttore Generale di The St. Regis Red Sea Resort. “The St. Regis Red Sea Resort offre una visione distintiva del concetto attuale di lusso e porta l’eleganza senza tempo e il patrimonio storico del brand in una nuova destinazione. Non vediamo l’ora di accogliere gli ospiti in questo posto straordinario“.

La scelta di impiegare tecnologie innovative per creare una destinazione sostenibile è iniziata fin dalle prime fasi di sviluppo del resort. La struttura è alimentata al cento per cento da fonti rinnovabili: energia solare e da una delle più grandi strutture di conservazione delle batterie al mondo, situata sulla terraferma. La riduzione dei rifiuti e il loro riciclo sono al centro delle operazioni quotidiane per garantire un sistema avanzato di trattamento delle acque e una gestione completa dei rifiuti, nonché un ambiente privo di plastica. Gli interni del resort sono stati sviluppati secondo le linee guida della certificazione LEED platinum che è insignita ad edifici ecosostenibili, altamente efficienti e a basso costo, che migliorano le prestazioni ambientali, dalle emissioni di anidride carbonica alla qualità degli ambienti interni.

L’idea e lo svolgimento di questo progetto, che consiste nel preservare il prezioso ambiente naturale dell’isola e nel salvaguardare ciò che permette alla biodiversità di svilupparsi, sono stati resi possibili grazie alla collaborazione e al sostegno di importanti partner, tra cui King Abdullah University of Science and Technology (KAUST) e l’azienda britannica di robotica marina VAARST, la cui tecnologia SubSLAM® cattura immagini in 3D del rigoglioso corallo nell’intera laguna di Al Wajh. All’inizio di quest’anno, sulla costa è stata inaugurata una piantagione di mangrovie per sostenere la crescita di 50 milioni di queste piante entro il 2030, con il primo milione di piantine già seminate. Inoltre, il Mar Rosso ospita il più grande vivaio della regione, che comprende più di cinque milioni di piante, arbusti e alberi per rendere più verde la località. Queste collaborazioni sottolineano l’impegno del resort per la conservazione dell’ambiente marino e la sostenibilità ecologica e sono in linea con la visione più ampia di creare diverse opportunità per la comunità saudita.

The St. Regis Hotels & Resorts fa parte del programma Marriott Bonvoy.
Tariffe a partire da 1.705€ (circa 7.000 SAR, Riyal sauditi) a notte.

The most anticipated luxury hotel openings of 2024

The most anticipated luxury hotel openings of 2024

The most anticipated luxury hotel openings of 2024

Friday newsletters always feature luxury travel contests, tips, or news.

Today: The most anticipated hotel openings of 2024

Last month, I published my list of the 70 best new luxury hotels of 2023. Today, I share with you the 70 hottest luxury hotels & resorts that are expected to open their doors in 2024. It promises to be an exciting year as some of these new hotels will be managed by the world’s most exclusive hotel brands, including Soneva, Aman, One&Only and Four Seasons. Please keep in mind that hotel openings do get delayed from time to time, so to avoid disappointment, try not to book a room before the hotel effectively opened.

There is more information below the slide show! Think I missed a hotel? Leave a comment.

Most anticipated new hotels of 2024 in Asia Most anticipated new hotels of 2024 in the Americas Most anticipated new hotels of 2024 in Europe Most anticipated new hotels of 2024 in the Middle East Most anticipated new hotels of 2024 in Africa

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Located in Haa Dhaalu, the Maldives’ most remote atoll, Soneva Secret will welcome its first guests in February. Thirty years in the making, the Soneva Secret resort concept builds upon Soneva’s experience at the forefront of exceptional hospitality, and will set a new, unmatched standard in intuitive, personalized service, exquisite private villas and unspoiled settings, surrounded by nature. The property will features just 14 beach and overwater villas, including lagoon Crusoe Villas, accessible only by boat, and the Castaway, the Maldives’ first floating villa. As well as vast master suites, including a roof that slides to reveal star-strewn skies, every villa will also feature adjoining bedrooms, offering ample space for families or additional guests. Soneva’s superlative service reaches new heights at Soneva Secret 2024, with a dedicated Barefoot Guardian and Barefoot Assistant for every villa, curating an utterly personalized stay and one-of-a-kind, rare experiences for every guest. The resort’s 14 private chefs, one for each villa, will craft bespoke menus and unique culinary journeys, whether savored in the privacy and comfort of the villa or enjoyed in nature at the island’s most picturesque spots.


Aman Bangkok will be Aman’s first resort and residences in Bangkok, and its second in Thailand after Amanpuri in Phuket (which I reviewed here). Amid the skyscrapers of central Bangkok, Thailand’s first urban Aman hotel and residences will rise from the verdant sanctuary that is Nai Lert Park. Here, history and nature will come together to tell a new Aman story, one entwined with the exceptional legacy of Thailand’s revered Nai Lert family. Amid the leafy embrace of Nai Lert Park, Aman Nai Lert Bangkok will offer guests and residents a peerless experience of the Thai capital. Designed with wraparound views, open-air terraces and an innovative central atrium by Jean Michel Gathy of Denniston, the 36-storey building will house the 52-suite hotel, no more than 50 residences and unparalleled leisure and entertainment facilities.


In March 2024, Aman will launch a new brand – Janu – with the opening of its first Janu Hotel in the Japanese capital. At the heart of Tokyo’s Azabudai Hills development – a vibrant community hub of nature, culture and art – Janu Tokyo will feature 122 guest rooms, eight restaurants and an expansive spa and wellness center inside a new, landmark building designed by visionary architects Pelli Clarke & Partners. Derived from the Sanskrit word for ‘soul’, Janu aims to be a visionary hotel, residence and lifestyle brand designed to encourage connection, restore balance and promote collective joy. Serving as a catalyst for Aman Group’s evolution, Janu marks a progressive new chapter, harnessing the potential of the legendary Aman brand to achieve a pipeline of sustainable growth. While Aman is renowned for its hallmarks of whisper-quiet seclusion and unparalleled service, Janu strategically positions itself at the vanguard for luxury hospitality, committed to providing a more dynamic, sociable experience.


Rosewood Miyakojima’s 55 villa accommodations will feature private pools, landscaped gardens and unobstructed sea views. Conceived by Netherlands-based Studio Piet Boon, the architecture and interiors will be seamlessly designed to immerse guests in the natural surroundings and express harmony with the island through the extensive use of local materials. Mitsubishi Jisho Sekkei Inc. is providing local architectural expertise and support in realizing the design vision. Four restaurants and bars will include relaxed beachfront concepts showcasing fresh seafood, prized island-raised beef, locally distilled spirits and craft beer. Asaya, Rosewood’s pioneering integrated wellness concept, will offer treatment rooms set amid private gardens, indoor and outdoor hydrotherapy facilities and a menu of programs and services influenced by local healing traditions. Beyond the resort, guests will discover an abundance of vividly picturesque sites, from the majestic natural stone arch of nearby Sunayama beach to the perfectly poised lighthouse at Higashi-Hennazaki Cape (a nationally designated “Place of Scenic Beauty”) and Yonaha Maehama, regularly ranked as Japan’s best beach and renowned for its cinematic sunsets.

Hotel website : Rosewood Miyakojima


Visionary thinking BLINK Design Group has been brought on board to bring the Six Senses brand values to life in its first Japanese property through elegant designs while maximizing space, privacy, and views. The hotel’s interiors will contrast simple lines with earthy organic tones and a “beauty in the details” vibe, setting a calming and welcoming mood and celebrating authentic Japanese traditions and décor. Quirky touches will be inspired by folklore, The Moon Rabbit, and the 11th-century classic Tale of Genji. Six Senses Kyoto will offer 81 guest rooms and suites ranging from 42 to 271 square meters. It will be up to you to choose your view – from our peaceful central courtyard with its biophilic design and garden of seasonal landscapes to the gardens of the neighboring Toyokuni Shrine or the seductive city panorama of treetops, temples, tea shops, and rooftops. Dining options will include an all-day dining restaurant and a a counter-only Sushi Restaurant or ‘Omakase’ restaurant. An onsite Six Senses Spa will incorporate smart science, traditional healing, and Japanese Zen culture into a unique wellness experience

Hotel website : Six Senses Kyoto


Over 135 years after the original Raffles opened its doors, the second Raffles in Singapore will be an all-villa resort set in sprawling tropical gardens with views over the South China Sea. All 62 villas will have their own private pool and terrace area for the ultimate retreat in seclusion. Facilities will include a bespoke bar, world-class restaurants, a well-appointed fitness centre, a multi-purpose celebrations room, state-of-the-art meeting spaces and a grand ballroom that can host up to 400 people. Inspired by the original Raffles Hotel which was conceived as a beachfront property, Raffles Sentosa Resort & Spa will return the brand to the beach on a pristine piece of land on Sentosa Island.

Hotel website: not yet available


The Standard, Singapore will be the city’s new social hub featuring 143 rooms. The hotel is one of very few ground-up hotels to be built in proximity to Orchard Road, Singapore’s premier shopping destination. The district boasts a myriad of international and local brands across retail, dining, and entertainment establishments and is well patronized by both tourists and locals. The hotel is also a short walk from the celebrated UNESCO Singapore Botanical Gardens through the picturesque Nassim neighborhood. The hotel will feature The Standard’s signature restaurant and nightlife vibrancy, and arts and cultural programming along with an infinity pool and pool bar set within a lush botanical courtyard. The Standard, Singapore will celebrate the city’s robust GreenPlanand will create a playful new sanctuary for the neighborhood.


Steps away from Singapore’s vibrant Orchard Road shopping district and UNESCO World Heritage Site, Singapore Botanic Gardens, Conrad Singapore Orchard will welcome a new conscientious luxury experience with its bold approach to artistry and authentic connection to nature. Featuring 445 sophisticated residential-style guest rooms, which includes 46 thoughtfully designed suites with double terraces, Conrad Singapore Orchard allows every guest to experience Conrad Hotels & Resorts’ meaningful hospitality and purposeful service. Guests can enjoy an award-winning culinary collection of stylish bars and a Michelin-starred restaurant, over 1,500 square metres of meeting and event spaces, a contemporary executive lounge, a pet-friendly program and a fully equipped fitness centre and pool.


The all-new Four Seasons Hotel Dalian will be housed within a glittering high rise building in the city’s harborside Donggang Business District, offering sweeping city and sea views, luxurious accommodations, destination restaurants and bars, a sky-high spa and wellness centre, and extensive event spaces for meetings and celebrations. Perched above the heart of the central business district, the 254 guest rooms and more than 50 suites will offer a combination of magnificent skyline and stunning ocean vistas, while the hotel’s collection of signature restaurants and bars, clustered on the topmost floors, will combine soaring views with artfully crafted fare to create the city’s most dynamic dining destination. Seamlessly blending into the fabric of the city, Four Seasons aims to brings together the very best of Dalian with elegance, grandeur and heartfelt care. Also of note is the hotel’s ideal location just a 15-minute walk from the Dalian International Conference Center in the core of the Donggang Business District.


Designed as an “urban utopia,” Alila Shanghai will offer guests an elevated retreat experience that balances the bustling spirit of Shanghai with the serenity of the Alila brand. Featuring natural materials, earth tones and charming city views, the hotel’s spacious studios and suites will evoke calm and relaxation. In contrast, a landscaped garden in the fourth-floor lobby inspired by Shanghai’s classical gardens, and facilities that embrace nature but live in harmony amid contemporary style, will provide surprise and stimulation for the senses. The hotel feature’s facilities will include a rooftop Chinese restaurant, an organic restaurant, Tea Bar and a rooftop bar that overlooking the Old Shanghai Zhang Garden. Other hotel facilities include a spa, an indoor pool, gym, meeting space and a private garden which will be well suited for events and functions. Alila Shanghai will be located in a mixed-use development that will also feature premium offices and retail space.


Hilton Hotels & Resorts will debut in Q1 2024 in Nepal with Hilton Kathmandu, situated in the heart of the Kathmandu Valley. The hotel will embody a harmonious blend of Nepal’s rich heritage and modern design, offering panoramic views of the majestic Himalayan mountain range. The hotel will boast 173 guest rooms, complemented by versatile event spaces that can be customized to suit different occasions. Dining options will include an all-day dining restaurant, an iconic rooftop bar that provides a stunning vantage point, and a grab-and-go deli with a unique street market concept. Throughout the property, guests will be able to immerse themselves in the charm of local art and culture, evident in the meticulously crafted detailing and incorporation of traditional motifs.


Since acquiring and relaunching Regent Hotels & Resorts in 2018, major hotelier IHG has evolved the Regent brand and expanded it. Regent Bali Canggu is set to open in the second quarter of 2024. The 150-key resort will be the brand’s first in Indonesia and its design will be inspired by Indonesian tradition and fashion. The architecture is by hospitality experts, US-based WATG with interiors by global firm, HBA, and grounds by the Ireland-born, Ubud-based award-winning landscape designer, John Pettigrew. Guest accommodations will boast abundant space, radiating the opulence of Bali through vibrant colours, authentic materials, and architectural finesse. The journey will begin at the port cochere and will carry guests over a bridge to a water court, through an exquisite landscape to a central courtyard. At its heart will lie the lobby lounge, whose design will mirror the form of a surfboard, framing a picturesque view of the ocean.


Raffles Jaipur will be one of the iconic brand’s most exclusive hotels in the world, located in one of India’s most beautiful cities. Jaipur forms part of the culturally rich circuit known as The Golden Triangle, with New Delhi and Agra. With just 50 suites, all with private pools, the majestic hotel features a sense of old world charm with secluded residences and elegant courtyards, linking into the sprawling estate shared with Fairmont Jaipur, creating the perfect haven from which guests can go on to explore nearby Amer Fort, Jaigarh Fort, Nahargarh Fort and Jal Mahal Palace.


Scheduled to open in 2024, Waldorf Astoria Kuala Lumpur will be developed and owned by Tradewinds Corporation Berhad and managed by Waldorf Astoria, one of Hilton’s luxury hotel brands. Guests can look forward to custom-designed interiors and furnishings at each of Waldorf Astoria Kuala Lumpur’s 279 suites. The luxury hotel will also feature culinary excellence through five distinctive restaurants including Peacock Alley, the iconic lounge and bar synonymous with the Waldorf Astoria brand, and a state-of-the-art wellness centre. Perfectly located within Kuala Lumpur’s Golden Triangle, Waldorf Astoria Kuala Lumpur is within walking distance of the city’s top malls and attractions, including Pavilion Mall and Suria KLCC, in the famed Bukit Bintang shopping and entertainment district. It is also well connected to the city’s main transportation hubs, with KL Sentral station and Kuala Lumpur International Airport being 10 minutes and an hour’s drive respectively.


Nestled along the sugar-white sands of a Sarasota barrier island, The St Regis Longboat Key Resort will pair oceanside luxury with an unprecedented level of hospitality. In summer 2024, the resort will open as the only St Regis property set to debut in the USA in 2024, promising to bring a new level of luxury to the Gulf Coast. It marks the largest development on the island in over 50 years. Situated on 18 acres of prime beachfront property with 168 elegant guest rooms including 26 suites with terraces, guests will have access to unparalleled amenities and the bespoke service of St. Regis. The resort will offer 800 feet of private beach, multiple pools and a winding river, a four-acre saltwater lagoon experience with stingrays, Galapagos turtles and tropical fish, a 20,000 square-foot destination St Regis spa and four chef-driven culinary outlets. Conveniently located near Sarasota Bradenton International Airport and the vibrant St. Armands Circle, the property is primed to become an iconic resort destination for discerning travelers and the local community alike.

Hotel website: The St Regis Longboat Key Resort


Conrad Orlando will debut with 433 rooms, including 51 impeccably designed suites and 10 spacious family suites offering oversized accommodations that deliver all the comforts of home. Other features include 40,000 square feet of indoor meeting space, a tranquil Conrad Spa with a private water garden, and numerous dining options including a signature rooftop experience. As part of Evermore Orlando Resort, bordering Walt Disney World Resort, guests will enjoy a 20-acre tropical beach and 8-acre crystalline lagoon, aquatic activities, and two Jack Nicklaus designed 18-hole golf courses.


Slated for a late 2023 opening, the Vineta Hotel in Palm Beach will mark Oetker Collection’s 12th Masterpiece Hotel around the globe. Situated in the heart of Palm Beach, the hotel is located just two blocks off Worth Avenue – famed for its designer boutiques, restaurant scene and noteworthy galleries, and mere minutes away from the beach. Paying homage to the hotel’s legacy, Oetker Collection will restore the Vineta name, which it held for over five decades, heralding a bold new chapter in the property’s nearly 100-year history. Most recently known as The Chesterfield, the landmark building will be reborn following a top-to-bottom renovation by internationally acclaimed AD 100 interior designer Tino Zervudachi. Reducing the room count from 53 to 41 to allow for a more generous sense of space, the hotel will offer a range of accommodations, featuring fresh and bright interiors with a nod to the town’s distinct island lifestyle, and encompass new vibrant dining and bar concepts.


Park Hyatt Los Angeles at Oceanwide Plaza will exude a sophisticated character courtesy of acclaimed international design firm Studio Munge. This luxury hotel will feature upscale accommodations, exquisite culinary offerings, sophisticated works of art, as well as masterful attention to detail and a signature level of service offered by the Park Hyatt brand. The 184-room luxury hotel, with 34 suites, meeting and events spaces, spa and wellness facilities and a swimming pool, will connect to the retail and amenity podium known as The Collection at Oceanwide Plaza. The retail space design will lend to experience-driven guest accommodations amid a dynamic environment for innovative retailers to showcase unique merchandising concepts and sought-after products.

Hotel website: Park Hyatt Los Angeles at Oceanwide Plaza


The Thompson Palm Springs Hotel will be located in the heart of downtown Palm Springs, adjacent to the vibrant Uptown Design District and walking distance to the shops, restaurant and galleries that line the famed Palm Canyon Drive. The 150 guestroom, 17 suite resort will stay true to its desert oasis destination. The hotel will comprise a collection of small buildings and guestroom bungalows surrounding two outdoor pools and garden areas on an elevated patio terrace, offering panoramic views of the majestic San Jacinto Mountains and city. Thompson Palm Springs will also feature spa services, a fitness facility, a signature restaurant and lounge, as well as an expansive elevated poolside retreat and terrace bar. The first level of the hotel site will include boutique retail space and meeting facilities.


The Ritz-Carlton, Paradise Valley promises to be one of the finest resorts of its kind ever built in Arizona. Spread out over approximately 20 acres, the abundant oversized suites and detached casitas will make the resort an ideal destination for those seeking a private oasis. Guest accommodations will be connected by quiet, lush courtyard gardens and shaded walkways – evoking the sense of a village. The main pool will be one of the longest resort pools in North America. A specialty dining concept will harvest seasonal produce from the resort’s anticipated herb garden and citrus orchard and incorporate ingredients into the daily menus. Rounding out the offering will be a 16,000 square-foot spa with indoor/outdoor treatment areas, and a grand lawn with stunning views of the iconic Camelback, Mummy and McDowell mountains.

Hotel website: The Ritz-Carlton, Paradise Valley


The St Regis Los Cabos at Quivira will showcase an exclusive 120-room luxury beachfront hotel and 60 residences set within Quivira Los Cabos, a premier residential community with an enviable list of assets, from a glorious of virgin beach on the Sea of Cortes to an internationally-acclaimed Jack Nicklaus Signature course at Quivira Golf Club. The hotel’s guest rooms will feature ocean views and the renowned St Regis Butler Service. The property’s three signature dining venues will range from a specialty restaurant and a beachfront grill with all-day dining to an al fresco poolside restaurant with fresh small plates and crafted cocktails. Guests will have access to a plethora of recreational facilities, including a fitness and wellness center, swimming pools, saltwater lagoon, luxury cabanas and a destination spa.


A modern hacienda-style village within the private community of Cabo Del Sol in Cabo’s Golden Corridor, the all-new Four Seasons resort will feature 96 guest rooms and suites, plus 61 residences, villas and estates – all with glorious ocean views. Set amid the sights, sounds and tastes of Mexican art and culture, the Resort will also feature an eclectic collection of dining and drinking options. A wide array of resort experiences ranges from spa and golf to watersports, with a pristine swimmable beach and multiple pools, plus easy shuttle access to dining, nightlife and shopping in Cabo San Lucas and San José del Cabo. Four Seasons Resort and Residences Cabo San Lucas will join sister property Four Seasons Resort and Residences Los Cabos at Costa Palmas on the East Cape of the Baja Peninsula, plus Four Seasons Hotel Mexico City, Four Seasons Resort Punta Mita and the just-opened Naviva, A Four Seasons Resort, and the new Four Seasons Resort Tamarindo in the company’s award-winning collection of hotels, resorts and residences in Mexico.

Hotel website : Four Seasons Resort and Residences Cabo San Lucas


Nestled amidst olive oil groves and grapevines in the valley, the resort will be designed by renowned Mexican designer Michel Rojkind. Home to Banyan Tree’s first winery, the property will feature vineyards, a winemaking laboratory, tasting room, underground cellar, and rooms for fermentation, barreling and aging. An enchanting collection of 30 spacious villas nestled in the hills, will capture the allure of Veya Valle de Guadalupe, effortlessly blending into the rolling hills. Facilities will include five food and beverage venues, a spa with four treatment rooms, and both indoor and outdoor swimming pools. As you may know, Banyan Tree prides itself on a legacy as pioneer of the all-pool villa concept and sustainable, wellbeing-focused travel. Current Banyan Tree properties in Mexico include Banyan Tree Mayakoba, Banyan Tree Cabo Marques (Acapulco) and Hacienda Xcanatun (Merida).

Hotel website : Banyan Tree Veja


Chablé Hotels & Resorts, a boutique Mexican-owned luxury hotel company, will open its third property, Chablé Sea of Cortez, in 2024. Stretched over nearly 700,000 square feet of raw, untouched desert, Chablé’s upcoming masterpiece is an embodiment of sophistication. Jacques Costeau once hailed the Sea of Cortez as the “World’s Aquarium,” and this oasis promises the same enchantment but on land. The Chablé Sea of Cortez will include 50 stunning luxury villas and residences. Drawing its inspiration from the serenity of its surroundings, Mexican design studio, Sordo Madaleno Arquitectos (SMA), was given the challenging task of ensuring each of the 50 units enjoyed an unspoiled ocean view. The property will also feature a huge spa, three dining venues, event space, private beach, and ocean-front pool.

Hotel website : Chable Sea of Cortez


Nekajui, a Ritz-Carlton Reserve, will be an exclusive luxury resort located in Costa Rica’s Guanacaste region on a one-of-a-kind site on the Papagayo Peninsula. The new resort will offer 107 guest rooms, suites, and residences with access to breathtaking views, outdoor terraces, plunge pools, and spa-like amenities. The resort design will seamlessly integrate the cultural heritage, historical details, and natural beauty of Guanacaste, creating three distinct areas with unique architectural styles. Nekajui, a Ritz-Carlton Reserve aims to prioritizes a deep connection with nature, with a hospitality design that embraces open spaces and natural ventilation. The property will features stunning landscapes, a hanging bridge leading to a spa, and a funicular railway descending to a beach club near sea caves and sandy beaches. This convention-breaking resort aims to set new standards in environmental, social, and governance (ESG) commitments and emphasizes the importance of human connections with nature and oneself.

Hotel website : not yet available


Habitas is a small, hippy dippy American chain concentrating on barefoot luxury properties in countries like Morocco and Mexico. In April 2024, the brand will open its first outpost in Costa Rica. Nestled in the jungle in front of one of the region’s best surf breaks, Habitas Santa Teresa, Costa Rica, will be a beachfront sanctuary for those looking for an experience of adventure and discovery in a place where time is told in tides. The eco-sustainable retreat will comprise rooms built from local and ethically sourced organic materials, blending seamlessly into the environment with minimal disruption. Sustainability will be a priority throughout, including the spa, agora, restaurant and pool deck. In keeping with Habitas’ strict standard of environmental consciousness, Habitas Santa Teresa will be single-use plastic-free, establish a water management plan, and even plant equal amounts of trees for the wood used during any and all construction.

Hotel website : Habitas Santa Teresa


The St Regis Cap Cana Resort & Residences will be the first St. Regis hotel in the Dominican Republic. Slated to open in 2024, the resort is expected to feature 200 luxurious guest rooms and suites with spectacular ocean views and 67 residences, in addition to the iconic St Regis Butler Service, bespoke amenities and a world-class golf course designed by Jack Nicklaus. Set within a community committed to the continued preservation of the environment, The St Regis Cap Cana Resort & Residences is expected to adhere to the highest standards of sustainable and conservation-oriented development. This includes the project’s architectural design, which finds its inspiration within the Punta Espada golf course, where the hotel and residences are integrated into the environment as if they were a natural component of the course.

Hotel website : not yet available


Enjoying a pride-of-place setting between the ocean and a protected cove on the southern part of the Caribbean island of Grenada, Six Senses La Sagesse aims to invites guests to put their feet up and worries down and embark on a journey of discovery, rejuvenation, and celebration. Designed to reflect Caribbean village vibes and bursting with bold colors and scents, the resort will maintain a connection to Grenada’s “Spice Island” heritage. There will be 56 pool suites, which will combine eco-credentials and comfort using natural, renewable, and repurposed materials. The organic and contemporary interiors will feature open-plan bedrooms, each with an outdoor terrace leading to a private plunge pool for a cooling dip. In addition, there will be 15 villas enjoying prime hillside or beachfront settings, ranging between one, two, and four bedrooms, all with generously sized bedrooms and ensuite bathrooms. The property will feature 3 restaurants, including the signature restaurant SeaFire. The two-floor spa will house treatment rooms, a Hammam, a state-of-the-art gym and a yoga pavilion.

Hotel website : Six Senses La Sagesse


Cartagena’s upcoming Four Seasons property will be housed in a collection of landmark buildings dating as far back as the 16th century. These are: the Cloister of Saint Francis, encompassing Saint Francis Church, the 1920s Beaux Arts Club Cartagena, and four theatres – Teatro Cartagena, Teatro Calamari, Teatro Bucanero and Teatro Rialto. Careful restoration work will preserve the heritage-rich buildings’ original architecture. Located just steps from Cartagena’s Unesco World Heritage-listed walled city, within the Getsemani neighbourhood, this property will place guests and residents at the heart of the coastal hub. As well as providing immediate access to Cartagena’s historic district, the hotel is close to Bodeguita Pier, which is the setting-off point for boat trips to Baru Island and the Islas Corales del Rosario. On completion, the hotel will showcase interiors designed by Francois Catroux and Wimberly Interiors, and comprise 131 guest rooms including 27 suites. Facilities will include four restaurants & lounges, two ballrooms, a spa, fitness center, and two rooftop pools.

Hotel website : not yet available


The Rosewood Amsterdam will be housed in the former Palace of Justice, a building of great architectural, historical and social significance that overlooks the Prinsengracht (the Prince’s Canal), one of the city’s most beautiful waterways, in the UNESCO World Heritage listed Amsterdam Canal District. The hotel will be ideally situated near many of Amsterdam’s finest attractions including the museum district, the high-end shopping district on P.C. Hoofstraat and the hip De Pijp neighborhood. Rosewood Amsterdam will offer 134 guestrooms and suites, with many boasting spectacular views across the two adjoining canals, quiet internal courtyards and iconic townhouse rooftops. Amenities will include three restaurants, one of which will be an Indian restaurant, and bars, Sense, A Rosewood Spa offering ayurvedic treatments, a state-of-the-art wellness and fitness center, and an indoor swimming pool.

Hotel website : Rosewood Amsterdam


Rosewood Hotelshas been appointed to manage the legendary Hotel Schloss Fuschl in Austria, with a reopening scheduled in 2024. Located on the shores of turquoise-blue Lake Fuschl, surrounded by mountains and forests, Rosewood Schloss Fuschl is a fairytale castle only a short distance away from picturesque Salzburg, a city famous for its history, culture, music and more. The full renovation will update the structure and grounds to feature 98 well-appointed guestrooms, including 46 suites and six chalets. In addition, the hotel will become home to world-class restaurants and lounges and will also feature Asaya, Rosewood’s integrative well-being concept, with eight treatment rooms, indoor and outdoor swimming pools and a fitness center. First used as a hotel space in 1954, Hotel Schloss Fuschl was initially constructed as a castle to serve as a country escape for Austrian royalty, with its original structure dating back to 1450.

Hotel website : Rosewood Schloss Fuschl


The new Hoxton Vienna Hotel will be located in Stadtpark in a striking 1950s modernist building which has an interesting history as the former headquarters of Austria Chamber of Commerce. This history will be reflected in the design, with a restoration reclaiming original features of the building, incorporating inspiration from its history and local streets. The Hoxton Vienna’s 196 rooms will be rooted in the history and quirkiness of its Landstrasse home and 1950s building. Bedrooms will range from Shoebox to Biggy, with bold rugs, warm wood and statement furniture giving retro elegance by way of early 20th century Viennese design. The hotel will have a spacious lobby and coffee bar, a restaurant, a terrace rooftop bar with pool, and a sultry basement speakeasy.

Hotel website : The Hoxton Vienna


With its proximity to Hyde Park and Kensington Palace, Bayswater in West London is recognized for its streets lined with grand terraces of white stucco houses and garden squares. Among them is an iconic building and former department store – Whiteleys – soon to become home to Six Senses London. The hotel will mark the brand’s entry into the UK and will open with 110 guest rooms and suites, starting from 355 square feet (33 square meters) and celebrating the building’s origins, while making space for modern living. There will also be 14 branded residences, with owners able to tap into all the privileges that come with a Six Senses home, including bespoke interior design, concierge service, dining, housekeeping and wellness programming.

Hotel website : Not yet available


The Park Hyatt London River Thames, expected to open in autumn 2023, will offer 203 rooms and will be located within R&F UK’s Nine Elms development. The Nine Elms district is located in the south of London, on the south bank of the Thames and directly opposite Westminster. The future hotel will offer guests the possibility to be close to the new U.S. Embassy, to explore Sloane Square and vibrant Kings Road, to visit the Tate Britain and to stroll in the 200-acre Battersea Park and to discover the Kia Oval cricket ground. Besides, the future project will provide personalized experience for business and government travellers and a large ballroom in order to host private and public events.

Hotel website : Park Hyatt London River Thames


The St Regis London is expected to welcome its first guests this year after an extensive $122 million USD redevelopment and transformation of the former Westbury Mayfair Hotel, with the addition of an eighth floor. The hotel, which is expected to have 196 elegant rooms and suites, will be designed by Peter Newman-Earp of Morrison Design with interiors by Richmond International. Furthermore, the property is set to receive an extension to the rear of the hotel, creating enhanced public areas, along with renovations to the façade of the building and the drop-off area outside of the main entrance. Design plans include a signature restaurant, speakeasy jazz bar, fitness center and spa. The St Regis London will honor the building’s heritage by retaining the iconic Polo Bar, originally designed for the Phipps family of America, avid polo players and creators of the Westbury Hotel in New York and London, and where guests will be able to enjoy a local twist on the Bloody Mary, St. Regis’ signature cocktail.

Hotel website : Not available yet


The Mandarin Oriental Hotel Group is expanding its presence in London with the opening of Mandarin Oriental Mayfair, London this spring. Sitting on historic Hanover Square, in the heart of London’s most stylish neighborhoods, where fashion, media, art, and business intersect, the new property is a discreet, sleek and intimate sister property to the award-winning Mandarin Oriental Hyde Park. Designed by internationally renowned Rogers Stirk Harbour + Partners (the talent behind the Lloyd’s building and the ‘Cheesegrater’ in London, as well as the Pompidou Center in Paris), the building’s design has a rich historic context. The property will comprise 50 guestrooms and 78 private residences, offering hotel guests and residents an oasis of calm and Mandarin Oriental’s legendary service alongside a vibrant atmosphere in the public spaces. It will house the first namesake Akira Back restaurant in the UK from Michelin Star award winning Chef Akira Back, as well as his ‘ABar Lounge’ concept. There will also be an urban spa, focussed on renewal and recalibration.

Hotel website : Mandarin Oriental Mayfair, London


Situated in a 65-hectare beachfront site on the west side of Kea island of the Cyclades, this ultimate ultra-luxury lifestyle experience will include 75 resort villas, as well as One&Only Private Homes available for purchase. Kea is the closest Cycladic island to Athens and is accessible by ferry or speed boat from Lavrio Harbour. A post-modern Greek island, the One&Only resort on Kea will be inspired by the azure ocean waters, providing contemporary Greek elegance, celebrating the incredible natural elements of Greece and the Cyclades. The stylish resort will also be home to three restaurants, two bars and an indulgent destination spa, introducing traditional and holistic practices fused with modern spa therapies, with overall wellness at its core.


InterContinental Resort Crete will feature 205 guest rooms, all boasting private verandas – and half featuring private Jacuzzies – as guests are offered the brand’s signature slice of InterContinental life while enjoying their stay in one of Europe’s leading resort destinations. Providing idyllic views over Mirabello Bay, the hotel may be directly accessed from a seafront promenade, making it the only property in Agios Nikolaos to offer such great accessibility to its guests. The interior of InterContinental Resort Crete will be inspired by elements of the sea, air and rock, and enriched with local history, materials and craft, offering guests the ultimate combination of peace and relaxation. The entrance lobby, lounge and reception will feature an exposed rock face lit from above by a water-filled skylight, drawing from the island’s scenic coastal character. When it comes to relaxing, the hotel will offer something for every guest with four restaurants, three bars and a range of facilities including a pool terrace, indoor spa, infinity pool deck and rooftop pool. There will also be a wellness and fitness leisure centre, while those looking to work can visit the extensive, fully equipped range of meeting spaces.

Hotel website : InterContinental Resort Crete


Carved into the cliffs of Oia, the new adults-only Santo Mine hotel will combines privacy and bare-foot luxury with outdoor living, enhanced by the energy of its natural surroundings. The rugged landscape, the Mediterranean aesthetics, and the Cycladic minimalism and earth tones will create a feeling of being at one with nature and encourage guests to slow down, reset, and embark on a journey of authentic experiences. The property will features 37 rooms, each one with its own private plunge pool or Jacuzzi. Hotel facilities will include a wellness center, and outdoor gym with Aegean views, a fine dining venue, and a top-tier wine cellar.


Gundari will be a luxury resort wrapped in 80 acres of spectacular, raw nature on the secluded island of Folegandros. Set high on rugged, soaring cliffs overlooking the azure depths of the Aegean Sea, this extraordinary oasis will be designed to inspire and invigorate, with wellness, gastronomy and sustainability at its heart. Blending seamlessly into the landscape, Gundari will take its aesthetic cues from the ancient tones of the island itself, with majestic ocean views at every turn. Acclaimed Athens design studio Block722 have harnessed a wealth of natural materials to craft 27 suites and villas with authentic, Cycladic simplicity, at one with the earth that surrounds them. A feast for all the senses, the gastronomic offering at Gundari will be be lovingly curated by the Michelin-starred chef Lefteris Lazarou, uniting the fruits of both sea and land with a true passion for refined Greek cuisine. Regeneration will await at the Gundari spa, where Ancient Greek rituals will convene with Folegandros’ native herbs and tonics in a transformative wellness experience


Orient Express Grand Hotel de la Minerve is a creative collaboration between Orient Express, artisan of travel since 1883, Accor, and Italian group Arsenale S.p.A, experts in luxury hotels and hospitality. A heritage site in the heart of Rome, the hotel resides in the former Palazzo Fonseca, a sumptuous 17th century palace with a huge and majestic façade. The interior design and artistic direction of the hotel have been entrusted to famed architect and designer Hugo Toro, who will soon reveal a glamorous experience inspired by the Roman domus and the riches of the ‘Eternal City’.


W Milan – Duomo will bring the brand’s magnetic energy and distinctive design to the heart of Milan’s Fashion District. Situated in a prime location, W Milan – Duomo will be within walking distance of the city’s cultural landmarks including Piazza del Duomo, Teatro alla Scala and Galleria Vittorio Emanuele. Milan’s vibrant and iconic shopping street, Via Montenapoleone, is just a three-minute walk from the hotel. First built as a bank in the 1920s, W Milan – Duomo will blend Milan’s classic grandeur with W’s bold branding and innovative programming. Led by Milan-based architects Stefano Boeri Architetti and international design firm Yabu Pushelberg, the hotel is expected to feature 166 guestrooms and 36 suites, including an Extreme WOW Suite . Design plans for the hotel’s rooftop include the brand’s signature WET deck, offering spectacular views of the Duomo di Milano. The vistas continue with plans for an exclusive rooftop bar, W Lounge, and a signature restaurant, all complete with outdoor terraces and positioned to offer panoramic views of the city and the perfect aperitivo. Inspiring workout spaces are expected to include a AWAY Spa, complete with an indoor pool and FIT fitness center.

Hotel website : not yet available


W Naples is set to become a buzzing centerpiece in the heart of the historical Piazza del Municipio square. The charming building, also formerly a bank, will receive a multi-million-pound renovation, with the historic façade remaining untouched playing homage to its historic past. Old-world charm meets W Hotels’ unexpected design and innovative programming as the hotel is expected to serve as the perfect gateway to discover Naples by foot. Guests will find themselves immersed in the heart of the locally charged cultural scene with the hotel’s location just steps from the ancient Via Toledo known as the shopping street of Naples, the famed glass domed Galleria Umberto I and the prestigious UNESCO-listed, Teatro San Carlo, which is one of the oldest opera houses in the world. W Naples will also be within walking distance of Molo Beverello Port where guests can dine al fresco with seafront views, or take a day trip to nearby Rome, Capri, Positano, or Pompei. W Naples is set to bring together noble grandeur, culinary delicacies and couture fashion. The hotel is expected to feature 78 guestrooms, including 17 suites, several of which offer private terraces. The interior transformation will be headed up by the acclaimed Rockwell Group and design plans include a signature restaurant, W Lounge and fitness center.

Hotel website : not yet available


Located in the heart of the capital, W Prague will open its doors at the former and well-renowned Grand Hotel Evropa. This radical art nouveau-style property pushed boundaries when it opened in 1905 and will do so again with the W brand’s progressive design and innovative spirit. The hotel is a renovation of the former Grand Hotel Evropa and, with its historic structure and lasting elements, will be combined with a new modern oval-shaped extension to create an intriguing blend of old-world glamour and bold new concepts. W Prague will offer 161 stylish guestrooms and suites, including the Extreme Wow (Presidential) Suite and multiple exciting restaurants and bars. The new hotel will revive the Grand Cafe, invite thirsty guests to the infamous W Lounge and feature a Rooftop bar with an outdoor terrace. It is set to be the ultimate destination for style-savvy locals and guests to enjoy sweeping cityscape views and a fabulous cocktail and culinary experience.


Fairmont Golden Prague will be an enchanting landmark hotel in the center of a fairy-tale city in the Czech Republic. Located along the prestigious Parizska Boulevard and on the banks of the Vltava River in the Old Town of Prague, the sophisticated design concept of this luxurious hotel will capture the history of its stylish neighborhood with a nod to the spirit and energy of the 1970s. Guests will love basking in the hotel’s modern spa with indoor and outdoor pools, noshing among its multiple restaurants and bars, and dancing the night away in the hotel’s grand ballroom.

Hotel website : Fairmont Golden Prague


With booming demand for adventurous and eco-conscious travel, northern Norway is one of the last frontiers for a self-sustainable, off-grid destination. The region will become the home of the 94-room luxurious Six Senses Svart, which will combine a futuristic design and technological innovation with earthy, organic materials that use the least embedded energy. To minimize the on-site impact, Six Senses Svart will be poised on poles above the crystal-clear waters of the Holandsfjorden fjord, at the base of the glacier itself. The hotel will be the first building to be designed and built after the highest energy-efficiency standard in the northern hemisphere. It will harvest enough solar energy to go back into the system, covering the hotel, adjacent operations, boat shuttle, and the energy needed to construct the building – rendering it independent from the power grid.

Hotel website : not yet available


Set to open in Spring 2024, the property will couple a traditional 19th century building with a secondary new development, linked together by a beautifully landscaped interior courtyard. It will feature 75 stylish guest rooms, an all-day dining outlet, café, bar, meeting space and a Portuguese pasteleria, offering guests tempting local cakes and pastries. In the evening, the hotel’s restaurant will spill out into the courtyard, allowing guests to enjoy delicious meals al fresco. The hotel will be located in the bustling west-downtown area of the city, close to many of the key tourist attractions, restaurants and shopping areas.

Hotel website : not yet available


With idyllic scenery that captivated writers, artists, and European nobility in the 20th century, Cascais is the latest Portuguese destination in Curio Collection by Hilton’s expanding European portfolio. Opening next summer, Legacy Hotel Cascais, Curio Collection by Hilton, will feature 59 guest rooms, many with stunning sea view balconies overlooking the town’s picturesque beaches. Guests will be able to enjoy the hotel’s lobby bar, restaurant, swimming pool, spa, and fitness center, before exploring Cascais’ many attractions, such as the imposing Conde de Castro Guimarães Museum, with its impressive collection of art and Indo-Portuguese furniture.

Hotel website : Not available yet


Marking Hilton’s debut in the Burgundy region of France, Sainte-Anne Hotel Dijon, Curio Collection by Hilton will be ideally located in the center of Dijon’s “Cité Internationale de la Gastronomie et du Vin” (International City of Gastronomy and Wine). Set on the site of a former 17th century hospice, the distinctive, upscale hotel will feature 125 rooms and suites with décor inspired by Burgundy’s famed vineyards, along with outdoor terraces, a swimming pool, fitness centre, and Nhoraé spa. At the hotel’s fine dining restaurant, La Table de Sainte-Anne, guests will savor the flavors and delicacies of French cuisine, while the restaurant’s bar L’Oratoire will be dedicated to tastings of the region’s finest wines. Dijon’s medieval centre, a UNESCO World Heritage Site, will be within walking distance of the hotel. Famous sites include Dijon’s well-preserved aristocratic palaces from the 15th and 16th centuries, ancient cathedrals and fine art museums.

Hotel website : Not available yet


Keight Hotel Opatija will be Curio Collection by Hilton’s first property in Croatia. The 54-guest-room hotel will feature a rooftop sundeck with a swimming pool and bar for guests to relax, overlooking the red-tiled roofs that adorn the town centre’s 19th-century buildings. A second bar and restaurant on the ground floor will allow guests to choose between alfresco dining on the rooftop and casual indoor meals. Located in the heart of the seaside resort town Opatija, Keight Hotel Opatija, Curio Collection by Hilton will be less than a two-minute walk from the sea.

Hotel website : Keight Hotel Opatija


The Mandarin Oriental Hotel Group has announced that it will manage a new beach resort on the island of Mallorca, Spain, scheduled to open during the second half of 2024. The new luxury resort comprises a significant reconstruction and redesign of the former H10 Punta Negra hotel, which occupies a peninsula on the Costa d’en Blanes in the southwest of the island. The resort will be spread over three hectares of landscaped clifftops and gardens cascading down to the sea, where it offers access to two coves surrounded by the sea. Mandarin Oriental Punta Negra, Mallorca will house 131 guestrooms, including 44 suites and nine bungalows located just a few steps from the waterfront. The spacious accommodation will provide full or partial sea views, outdoor terraces or balconies, some of which offer private panoramic plunge pools. A wide range of cuisines will be offered at a variety of local and international restaurants. A comprehensive Spa at Mandarin Oriental will offer the Group’s signature wellness therapies and beauty treatments, with a focus on local nature-inspired programs. The spa will include an indoor swimming pool, while three outdoor pools are located across the resort.

Hotel website : not available yet


Four Seasons Hotels and Resorts has announced plans to manage the former Hotel Formentor in Mallorca, Spain. Originally opened in 1929, the existing hotel will undergo extensive renovations before it will be unveiled as a Four Seasons experience in 2024. The renovations will be overseen by architects Estudio Lamela and SCT Estudio de Arquitectura, with interior designs by Gilles & Boissier. All of the 110 rooms and suites will offer balconies with sea and forest views, allowing guests to soak in their beautiful surroundings. The property is located on a 1,200 hectare (3,000 acre) plot of the Formentor Peninsula, offering access to a pristine beach, as well as a functioning vineyard a short five minute drive away. The resort will also include an indoor restaurant, beachfront restaurant and café, and a poolside bar and grill. Additional onsite activities will include tennis courts and beautiful spa facilities.

Hotel website : not available yet


A new home for OKU on the southern shore of Spain, OKU Andalusia will be located on a secluded stretch of pristine white sand where the rolling Andalusian hills meet the sea. A retreat for adventurous spirits focussed on barefoot luxury, the hotel will be home to infinity pools terraced on the hillside, and making the most of breathtaking views over the Spanish coast and Africa beyond. Guest rooms – an exercise in wabi-sabi minimalism – will include terraced suites with private pools, penthouses with expansive views, and two-bedroom suites for friends and families. There will also a private 4-bedroom villa tucked into the hill for groups looking for luxury, service and privacy in equal measure. Our relaxed To Kima restaurant will serve bites throughout the day, while a plethora of eateries – including our signature OKU Restaurant – are on offer come nighttime.

Hotel website : OKU Andalusia


Housed in two striking towers inspired by the coral reefs in the seas surrounding Qatar, Rosewood Doha and Rosewood Residences Doha will consist of an ultra-luxury hotel with 155 exquisite guestrooms and sumptuous suites, 162 serviced apartments for longer-term stays and 276 residences available for rent. The hotel will be one of the city’s most dynamic culinary destinations with a collection of eight innovative outlets, including a bistro, lobby lounge, coffee shop/deli, three specialty restaurants, cigar lounge and a lifestyle entertainment lounge. Featuring a 1,500-square-meter ballroom and 8 meetings rooms, the property will showcase multiple private event venues, anchored around sleek interiors and state-of-the-art technology, which will transform ordinary events into the extraordinary. The hotel will also introduce Asaya, a ground-breaking urban wellness concept that delivers innovative and integrative solutions for personal transformation. Rosewood’s Manor Club executive lounge concept will soar to new heights in Qatar and offer guests curated services with added convenience and privacy.


The 318-room Andaz Doha will be located in the prestigious West Bay area of Doha, nestled amongst embassies, consulates and key government institutions. Situated within close proximity to a cosmopolitan blend of restaurants, residential and retail space, the hotel will cater to travelers searching for the best of local culture. It will feature four distinct food and beverage outlets offering a wide range from local flavors to international dishes while creating a vibrant social scene. All dining options will boast modern design and an innovative approach to drinking and dining. The hotel will mark the fourth Hyatt hotel in the country.


The first One&Only urban hotel – the One&Only One Za’abeel – is due to open in 2022 and will be introduced in Dubai’s latest architectural icon, One Za’abeel, a completely original destination with revolutionary design. A symbol of ambition, innovation and the pioneering spirit of Dubai, One Za’abeel stands tall and proud in the Za’abeel district in the heart of the city, strategically positioned at the crossroads of the old and new business districts of Dubai. The two-tower, high-rise mixed-use development will incorporate One&Only One Za’abeel, luxury residences, serviced apartments, and office spaces, in addition to The Gallery, an opulent retail podium, and a panoramic sky concourse, The Linx, which will connect the two towers of One Za’abeel.


Jumeirah Marsa Al Arab, planned to open in 2024, will lead a new generation of Jumeirah Group’s ultra-luxury portfolio. Nestled at the tip of a peninsula at the heart of Dubai’s largest private beach, Jumeirah Marsa Al Arab will complete Jumeirah’s oceanic trilogy, which includes the wave-shaped Jumeirah Beach Hotel and sailboat-inspired Burj Al Arab Jumeirah. The new resort, with design influences of a futuristic superyacht, will feature 386 rooms and suites, four penthouses, as well as 83 luxury hotel apartment suites set amid private landscaped gardens. It encompasses specially-integrated wellness and leisure destinations and an impressive line-up of signature restaurants, including a new concept comprising four restaurants in one. With all rooms offering a panoramic vista over the Arabian Sea, this statement property will mark a new epoch for Jumeirah Group.


The Lana, Dorchester Collection, Dubai will open its doors in Downtown Dubai on February 1 2024, comprising 225 guest rooms and suites and a number of private residences. This will add to Dorchester’s existing classic collection that includes sophisticated and culturally unique hotels in London, Milan, Paris and the US. With architecture by Foster + Partners, and stunning interior spaces designed by Gilles & Boissier, guests of The Lana, Dubai, will enjoy the culinary delights produced by three renowned chefs: Martín Berasategui (who has been awarded a total of 12 Michelin stars), Jean Imbert, and pastry Chef Angelo Musa, who are pioneering a new era of dining in downtown Dubai. Named after the master craftsman’s granddaughter, Jara by Martín Berasategui will serve Basque cuisine, inspired by the vivid spirit of life in the Basque region that straddles France and Spain.


Set along the Arabian Gulf coastline on Mina Al Arab Island in Ras Al Khaimah with a backdrop of the majestic Hajar mountains, Anantara Mina Al Arab is situated amid mangroves and lagoons in a natural reserve. Opened early January 2024, the resort is a 45- minute drive from Dubai International Airport and just 15 minutes from Ras Al Khaimah International Airport. Designed to blend seamlessly with the natural surroundings, the new-build resort features 174 guest rooms, suites and villas, including the first over water villas in the emirate. All the accommodation has been built in a sustainable fashion, with furniture and fittings using eco-friendly materials such as sustainable wood and recycled fabrics and plastics. Guests can enjoy the impressive Anantara Spa, with seven treatment rooms catering for males, females and couples, along with a wet area and relaxation spaces. The selection of dining options include piquant journeys around Southeast Asia at Mekong, grilled fish and seafood at Beach House, and international specialities from breakfast through dinner at the all-day dining restaurant.

Hotel website: Anantara Mina Al Arab Island


Located in Muscat, the capital of Oman. Mandarin Oriental Muscat will feature 150 guest-rooms and suites, five restaurants and bars, a luxury Spa at Mandarin Oriental and an outdoor swimming pool. The property is designed by renowned French interior designer Xavier Cartron, and will bring warmth, comfort and sophistication to the Omani shores. A variety of banqueting and meeting spaces will accommodate social and business events. The property will also feature 155 Residences at Mandarin Oriental, which will feature some of the most select private apartments in the capital. The property will be located on the beach in a prime city location and the low-rise architectural design will take full advantage of the views over the Arabian sea. Mandarin Oriental, Muscat will be a 20- minute drive from the airport and will be based in a prestigious and central district with a mix of retail and leisure facilities, including the nearby Royal Opera House, the Grand Mosque and Muttrah, the city’s traditional souk

Hotel website : Mandarin Oriental Muscat


Slated to debut in 2023, Nujuma, a Ritz-Carlton Reserve, is expected to form part of the eagerly anticipated Red Sea destination and offer a highly personalized leisure experience that blends intuitive and heartfelt service with stunning natural beauty and indigenous design. Nujuma will be the first property from the brand in the Middle East . Nujuma will be situated on a pristine set of private islands, which are part of the Red Sea’s Blue Hole cluster of islands. Surrounded by unspoiled natural beauty and designed to blend seamlessly with the environment, the resort is expected to feature 63 one to four bedroom water and beach villas. Plans also include a range of luxurious amenities and exceptional services including a lavish spa, swimming pools, multiple culinary venues, a retail area and a variety of other leisure and entertainment offerings including a Conservation Center. The destination is also expected to include 18 Ritz-Carlton Reserve branded residences, offering owners a one-of-a-kind living experience.

Hotel website : not yet available


Opened early January 2024 and situated on the pristine Ummahat Island in the Al Wajh Lagoon, The St Regis Red Sea is a destination-defining oasis with its avant-garde architecture, sustainable design details and bespoke service. Accessed by chartered boat or seaplane from the newly opened Red Sea International Airport, The St Regis Red Sea Resort features a collection of 90 lavishly appointed beachfront and overwater villas, offering one-to-four-bedroom accommodation, each with a private pool, sundeck and outdoor shower. The open and spacious villas seamlessly blend the outdoors inwards and capture unrivalled sea views from sunrise to sunset. Surrounded by swaying palm trees each deck is a peaceful place to star gaze at night. Designed by architect Kengo Kuma with interiors by Kristina Zanic Consultants, the resort’s design echoes the surrounding coral reefs, marine life and sand dunes. Interior spaces and furnishings take on organic forms with soft curves and spiral shapes. Fabrics are natural and tactile, with a desert inspired colour palette imbued with blue and green tones found in the local biodiversity. Contemporary interiors are accented with bespoke elements including custom furniture, marble and woodwork.

Hotel website : The St Regis Red Sea Resort


Cheval Blanc Seychelles will open in autumn 2024 along the southwestern coast of Mahé Island on Anse Intendance beach. The newest Cheval Blanc is designed by the architect Jean-Michel Gathy as an ode to creole traditions and paying homage to its natural surroundings. The Maison will offer 52 villas spanning 220 to 1,950 square meters, each with a private swimming pool, and beautiful beachfront, hillside, or tropical jungle views. Upon arrival, guests will be greeted by the majestic sculpture Centauresse by Prune Nourry, which rises from a pond among the banyan trees. On the walls of each villa, works by the Madagascan artist Joël Andrianomearisoa will appear like a hymn to the generosity of luxuriant Nature and find an echo in the pastel-hued walls of the restaurant Le White. The culinary arts will be revealed in a five-part creative composition by the Cheval Blanc team: Mizumi, the Asian restaurant by the lake, Vivamento, the vibrant Italian facing the pool, Sula, the Mediterranean beach club by the ocean. Also here are the brand’s signature concepts: Le 1947, the emblematic French gastronomic restaurant, and Le White, with a cosmopolitan atmosphere. Each is like a musical score in its own right, for discovering and sharing. The Seychelles Maison will also offers a collection of Guerlain well-being rituals at the Spa Cheval Blanc, a pool, a fitness room, a surf simulator and two tennis and padel courts.

Hotel website : not yet available


Waldorf Astoria Seychelles Platte Island will create a new benchmark for luxury in the Indian Ocean, with the resort just over 130 kilometers south of Mahé, in a pristine atoll fringed by palm forests and migratory seabirds and turtles protected by its own lagoon and coral reef. The resort will be home to a collection of 50 seafront villas, featuring up to five-bedroom villas for unique vacation experiences, all equipped with their own private pool and personal concierge. Home to native Hawksbill turtles, eagle rays, manta rays and whale sharks, much of Platte Island’s surrounding scenery remains beautifully untouched, promising a plethora of firsts and an unrivaled sense of magic for guests.

Hotel website : Waldorf Astoria Seychelles Platte Island


Located on Mahé’s Anse à la Mouche beach, famed for its calm and shallow waters, this resort is set to bring a new sense of vibrancy to the oceanfront community. The first Canopy by Hilton resort property in the world will offer 120 locally inspired guest rooms and spaces to accommodate more intimate meetings and events. Guests will be able to enjoy exquisite dining at the resort’s two dining venues, opt for a relaxing getaway at the spa, swim laps at the pool with direct beach access, or snorkel in the resort’s crystal-clear waters. Canopy by Hilton Seychelles will be a 10-minute drive from Jardin du Roi Spice Garden and a 20-minute drive from Seychelles Golf Club.

Hotel website : Canopy by Hilton Seychelles


Situated on the private Island of Ilha Caldeira off the coast of Mozambique, Banyan Tree Ilha Caldeira will offer 40 private pool villas with stunning oceanfront views of pristine Indian Ocean, as well as sunrise and sunset views. Thz solar-powered resort will be located inside Africa’s largest marine reserve, where preservation and sustainable sensibilities will touch everything from the beaches and reefs to the signature fish-and-seafood restaurant onsite. The property will also features a Banyan Tree branded spa and offer activities such whale watching, snorkeling, kayaking and more.

Hotel website : Banyan Tree Ilha Caldeira


Set to open in March 2024, Voaara in Madagascar will be a new barefoot luxury resort comprising tropical-style bungalows and villas as well as a community-led concept for the region. Located on the island of Sainte-Marie off the northeast coast of Madagascar, Voaara is the brainchild of Philippe Kjellgren, founder of PK’s List and Kiwi Collection, who has made it his life’s work to become an expert in the world’s luxury hotels, staying in over 2,000 properties in 149 countries to date. Now realizing his dream, Kjellgren is taking inspiration from his travels to ensure every element of Voaara is thoughtfully and deliberately chosen to create a place of quality, innovation and authenticity. Set to launch initially with just eight bungalows and one three-bedroom villa – a renovation of the existing resort – the development will eventually offer 45 keys in total through a phased launch. Kjellgren is working with South African-Chilean architect Luis F Mira to design spaces adorned with local materials and reclaimed wood, along with infinity pools. With inspiration drawn from some of Kjellgren’s favourite hotels – including The Brando in French Polynesia, Six Senses in the Seychelles, and Laucala in Fiji, as well as Uxua Casa in Brazil and Parador La Huella in Uruguay – the property will also celebrate local produce across five dining outlets.


Volcanoes Safaris, the pioneer of gorilla and chimpanzee ecotourism in Uganda and Rwanda since 1997, is opening its fifth lodge in May 2024. Kibale Lodge will be perfectly positioned for chimpanzee trekking in Kibale National Park in Uganda, one of the best parks to view chimpanzees in Africa, with a community of 1,500 chimps. Kibale Lodge will comprise eight deluxe rooms and a villa, plus a spa, sauna and pool. Three deluxe bandas will be open by May 2024 and five more by the end of 2024. Hand built by the Volcanoes Construction team, Kibale Lodge will bring out the characteristics of the special 150-acre site dominated by a rocky outcrop with stunning views of the Rwenzori Mountains (Mountains of the Moon) from the main ridge line looking towards the west and the Queen Elizabeth plains and the Kazinga channel to the south. The area is surrounded by lush homesteads of the Kabarole region, with its welcoming temperate climate.


Invoking the spirit of adventure, Atzaró Okavango Camp will be a premium safari lodge embraced by nature’s wild abundance, in the beating heart of Africa. The lodge will be one of the largest and most iconic five-star retreats in the delta, comprising of twelve stunning suites, an array of viewed terraces, and a spa with gym and twenty-meter pool. An African art gallery will be a testament to the area’s rich tapestry and the Ancestral Boma, the authentic heart of the camp, will take guests on a beautifully curated journey into the area’s heritage. A wine cellar with sommelier, and high-tea room with observation deck, will set the scene with lounging or drinks at dinner and views across the fire-pit, for dreamlike evenings in the unrivalled bush location. Game drives, guided safari walks, community visits, and Mokoro canoe expeditions are just some of the unforgettable experiences that will leave guests connected with the heart of the delta forever.

Hotel website : Atzaró Okavango Camp


Kasr Al Bahr, meaning “castle of the sea,” was built as a sprawling royal summer palace in the 19th century, later becoming the Marie Feuillet military hospital prior to closing in 1999. Following extensive renovations and an extremely detailed rehabilitation of this five-hectare (12-acre) historic heritage site and cliffside retreat, Four Seasons Hotel Rabat at Kasr Al Bahr will usher in a new era for the historic property with 204 luxuriously appointed rooms and suites overlooking the Atlantic Ocean. Four Seasons Hotel Rabat at Kasr Al Bahrwill feature seven restaurants and lounges, a spa with well-appointed treatment rooms and an indoor pool, several outdoor resort-style pools, as well as expansive conference and event space. The hotel’s thoughtful restoration has been led by Moroccan-based architect Karim Chakor of META Atelier d’Architecture, while Roger Nazarian and Associates have been selected to lead the property’s interior design, landscaping and more. With easy access to key international and regional hubs, the hotel will be a 20-minute drive from Rabat–Salé Airport and 90 minutes from Casablanca’s Mohammed V International Airport. Visitors can also utilize Morocco’s high-speed train network for seamless journeys from Rabat to the key commerce hubs of Casablanca (45 minutes) and the white beaches of Tangier (1 hour 45 minutes).

Hotel website : Four Seasons Hotel Rabat at Kasr Al Bahr

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13 Hotel Brunches to Hit Up This Weekend – That’s Shanghai

13 Hotel Brunches to Hit Up This Weekend – That’s Shanghai

13 Hotel Brunches to Hit Up This Weekend

By That's Shanghai , January 15, 2024

Bollywood Champagne Brunch The Westin Bund Center Shanghai

Spice up your Sunday! The Westin Bund Center Shanghai presents a dazzling Bollywood-themed Champagne Brunch this Sunday.

Dive into delightful Indian cuisine, sway to Bollywood beats, and enjoy free-flowing champagne. Dress Bollywood-style for a splendid Sunday snapshot.

When: Sun Oct 22, 11.30-2.30pm

Price: RMB695+ per adult, RMB308+ per child 4-12 years old

Reservations: +86 21 6335 1888

The Westin Bund Center, 88 Henan Zhong Lu, by Guangdong Lu 河南中路88号, 外滩中心, 近广东路.

Il Piacere in SCENA Brunch Semi-Buffet
The Ritz-Carlton Shanghai, Pudong

Indulge in authentic Mediterranean flavors created by Michelin awarded Chef Angelo. Enjoy a lavish buffet of appetizers, seafood, cold cuts, handmade pasta and desserts. Bask in the sunshine and beautiful Bund scenery to enjoy a weekend of delight.

When: Sat & Sun, 12.15-3pm

Price: RMB398* per person

Reservations: +86 21 2020 1717, or scan the QR on the poster above

*All-inclusive price

SCENA DI ANGELO Italian Restaurant, 52/F, The Ritz-Carlton, Pudong, Shanghai ifc, 8 Shiji Da Dao, by Lujiazui Huan Lu 世纪大道8号52楼, 近陆家嘴环路.

Il Ristorante – Niko Romito Sunday Brunch
Bulgari Hotel Shanghai

Bulgari Hotel Shanghai unveils its Il Ristorante – Niko Romito Sunday Brunch, exclusively created by Michelin-starred Chef Niko Romito, who presents a selection of authentic dishes and exquisite pastries to be enjoyed with stunning views of the Shanghai skyline.

When: Sun, 11.30am-2.30pm

Price: Starting from RMB698 per person

Reservations: +86 21 3606 7788

Il Ristorante – Niko Romito , 47/F, Bulgari Hotel Shanghai, Lane 108 Shanxi Bei Lu, by Tiantong Lu 山西北路108弄 上海宝格丽酒店47层, 近天潼路.

QT Kitchen
Shangri-La Qiantan, Shanghai

Enjoy springtime at the relaxing surrounds of QT Kitchen with a brand new weekend brunch buffet.

Multiple open kitchens offer guests international cuisines and local favorites, including a great selection of fresh seafood, barbecue, cold and hot dishes and desserts.

Besides the spacious indoor dining area, their outdoor area is also an ideal place for weekend brunch, allowing guests embrace the soothing breeze and sunshine of this beautiful season.

When: Sat & Sun, 11.30am-2.30pm

Price: RMB358+ per person

Reservations: +86 21 2065 9410

QT Kitchen , Shangri-La Qiantan Shanghai, 551 Haiyang Xi Lu, 浦东新区海阳西路551号.

FLINT Grill & Bar Weekend Brunch
JW Marriott Marquis Hotel Shanghai Pudong

Start your Shanghai weekend ritual with brunch at FLINT! Enjoy a selection of delicious foods with your best friends in a pleasant American steakhouse atmosphere.

In the mid-19th century, the barbecue bars that were all the rage in New York served as the gathering places for countless socialites and tycoons. FLINT Grill & Bar revives the essence of those opulent nights and reveals its lesser-known, hidden facet to you.

FLINT Grill & Bar extends the evening ambiance of charcoal-grilled steaks to create an unforgettable Maillard Morning Dining Experience on Saturday and Sunday mornings, with the FLINT Brunch Set Menu now available for your enjoyment.

When: Sat & Sun, 11.30am-2.30pm

Price: RMB538 / 2 persons

Reservations: +86 21 3809 8550

FLINT Grill & Bar, JW Marriott Marquis Hotel Shanghai Pudong, 988 Puming Lu, by Pudian Lu 上海鲁能JW万豪侯爵酒店, 浦明路988号, 近浦电路.

Waldorf Astoria Brunch @ Grand Brasserie Waldorf Astoria Shanghai on the Bund

Located on the sunken garden level, Grand Brasserie at the Waldorf Astoria Shanghai on the Bund offers an environment perfect for an upbeat, cheerful brunch with a live Jazz Band to brighten the mood.

Inspired by the menus, ambiance and experience of the Waldorf Astoria New York in the 1910s, the Waldorf Astoria Brunch is built on seven key elements: premium cold seafood gala station, freshly shucked oysters, lavender themed dessert room, prime selection of Parisian deli, foie gras and salad station, barbecue grill & meats, interactive trolleys, and beverage bar.

When: Sun, 12-3pm

Price: RMB888+ per person for food and house pour drinks from the bar

Reservations: +86 21 6322 9988, or scan the QR on the poster above

Grand Brasserie , Waldorf Astoria Shanghai on the Bund, 2 Zhongshan Dong Yi Lu, by Yan'an Dong Lu 中山东一路2号, 近延安东路.

New Weekend Brunch @ Frasca
The Middle House

Frasca welcomes its new Chef De Cuisine and launches its new brunch menu.

Chef Francesco Andreoni, from Milan, Italy has over 20 years of experience, having worked for fine dining restaurants in Australia, England and Switzerland.

Buonissimo, means "very good" or "extremely delicious" in Italian. Food is highly cherished in Italy. Using 'Buonissimo' is a way to express enthusiasm and delight when savoring delectable meals, whether it's a scrumptious pasta dish, a homemade dessert or any other culinary delight.

Frasca's new brunch is available now, a three-course set menu and a selection of ltalian delights for you to pick and choose. Perfect for a relaxing weekend afternoon with friends and family.

Expect local ingredients of the finest quality, with the right cooking and creative twists creating new deliciousness.

Preserving the texture while keeping the flavor of every ingredient requires precisely controlled temperature and cooking time – each detail is a reflection of the dedication.

To finish, you can't go wrong with Frasca's classic tiramisu. The traditional pannacotta, banana pancake and waffle panna are also available What's your pick?

When: Sat & Sun, 11.30am-3pm

Price: RMB288 per person

Reservations: +86 21 3216 8168

Frasca, The Middle House, 366 Shimen Yi Lu, by Wujiang Lu 石门一路366号, 近吴江路.

PHÉNIX Exquisite French Weekend Brunch
The PuLi Hotel & Spa

The PuLi's PHÉNIX presents a meticulously crafted French classic weekend brunch, combining the modern elegance of PHÉNIX with the deliciousness of classic French cuisine, creating an ideal dining experience for weekend getaways in the paradise-like metropolis.

PHÉNIX, the French restaurant that has earned a Michelin one-star rating in the Shanghai Michelin Guide for seven consecutive years, is located on the second floor of The PuLi Hotel & Spa. Here, guests can savor fine cuisine while enjoying the pleasant views of Jing'an Park.

The restaurant follows the philosophy of "food is life," drawing inspiration from rich, high-quality natural ingredients to present the essence of French cuisine in its truest form, emphasizing the purity of ingredients and showcasing the true essence of life.

When: Sat & Sun, 12-2.30pm

Price: RMB 688+ per person

Reservations: +86 21 3203 9999

PHÉNIX, The PuLi Hotel, 2/F, 1 Changde Lu, by Yan'an Xi Lu 常德路1号璞麗酒店二楼, 近延安西路.

Weekend Brunch @ Jade on 36 Restaurant
Pudong Shangri-La

Indulge in an unforgettable culinary experience at Jade on 36 Restaurant's Weekend Brunch!

Delight your taste buds with an exquisite selection of dishes expertly crafted by Executive Chef Olivier Pistre. Classic French flavor reinvented, his brunch menu offers something to please every palate.

Immerse yourself in the elegant ambiance and breathtaking views of the Bund of Shanghai as you savor each delectable bite. Elevate your weekend and make a reservation now for an extraordinary dining experience.

The set includes a breadbasket, bite-sized appetizers, lobster bisque, one main course of choice, pre-dessert, and one dessert of choice. It’s plenty, portion-wise, and presented in fine dining fashion.

Price: RMB628+ per person, free-flow packages from RMB398+ per person.

Jade on 36 Restaurant , 36/F, Grand Tower, Pudong Shangri-La, 33 Fucheng Lu, by Mingshang Lu 富城路33号浦东香格里拉紫金楼36楼, 近名商路.

The Ultimate Weekend Brunch @ YICAFE
Pudong Shangri-La, Shanghai

Discover a world of flavors with The Ultimate Weekend Buffet Brunch at YICAFE! The brunch includes a selection of tuna sashimi with a live tuna carving, chilled seafood, baked lobster with miso and cheese, beef bourguignon, succulent roasts and desserts that YICAFE is well-loved for. There will be live performances and kids interaction activities for the brunch as well.

Price: RMB418+ per person with free-flow of soft drinks and juices.

YICAFE, Pudong Shangri-La, 2/F, 33 Fucheng Lu, by Mingshang Lu 富城路33号浦东香格里拉紫金楼2楼, 近名商路.

SOCIAL SUNDAY @ The Kitchen Table
W Shanghai – The Bund

An epic hotel brunch, W Shanghai – The Bund's Social Sunday is going Italian, with the best of Italian food and beverages. Embark on a journey of creative cuisine and special wines every Sunday, while the W resident DJ pumps out the beats.

Come and chill out with W Shanghai – The Bund this Sunday.

Price: From RMB498+ per person

The Kitchen Table , 4/F, W Shanghai – The Bund, 66 Lvshun Lu, by Machang Lu 旅顺路66号, 近马厂路.

Shanghai Tavern Weekend Brunch The Shanghai EDITION

Shanghai Tavern presents their new Weekend Brunch, with multiple selections by Executive Chef Rossi, featuring chef’s recommendation main dishes, oysters, cold cuts and cheese.

There are also six different eggs benedicts and all kinds of sweets. Brunch is RMB398+ per person with free flow coffee, tea and juice or RMB468 per person with free flow on selected wine, spirits, beer and juice.

Set yourself up for the weekend with this indulgent and satisfying brunch.

Price: RMB398-468+ per person

Shanghai Tavern, The Shanghai EDITION, 1/F, Heritage Building, 199 Nanjing Dong Lu, by Jiangxi Zhong Lu 地址 南京东路199号上海艾迪逊酒店1楼, 近江西中路.

Fifty 8° Grill Mandarin Oriental Pudong, Shanghai

Using only the freshest ingredients and employing refined kitchen craftsmanship, Fifty 8° Grill, the French eatery of Mandarin Oriental Pudong, Shanghai, is where your exceptional dining experience begins.

This spring, kick off your weekend with a delicious brunch. Highlights include burrata salad, char-grilled U.S striploin, triple chocolate crêpe, and barbecued delicacies served on the restaurant's extensive outside terrace.

Price: RMB218+ for two courses, RMB288+ for three courses, RMB358+ for four courses, RMB288+ & RMB358+ menus, one glass of sparkling or free-flow soft drinks is inclusive.

Sat & Sun, 11.30am-1.30pm.

Fifty 8° Grill, Mandarin Oriental Pudong Shanghai, 111 Pudong Nan Lu, by Yincheng Zhong Lu 浦东南路111号, 近银城中路.

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[Cover image courtesy of Il Ristorante – Niko Romito Sunday Brunch Bulgari Hotel Shanghai]

Emirates Open Days January and February 2024 - Cabin Crew – Flight Attendant Central

Emirates Open Days January and February 2024 - Cabin Crew – Flight Attendant Central

Emirates Open Days January and February 2024 - Cabin Crew

Emirates Airlines is currently conducting Cabin Crew Recruitment Events. The links to apply online or in person for different locations can be found below. Albania, Tirana 04-FEB-2024 09:00 AM Open Day Bring a copy of your CV and a photograph to: Hilton Garden Inn Tirana 146 Bulevardi Gjergj Fishta, Tirana, 1001, Albania Algeria, Algiers 29-JAN-2024 09:00 AM Invite Only Assessment Days Apply online here Argentina, Buenos Aires 19-FEB-2024 09:00 AM Invite Only Assessment Day Apply online here Armenia, Yerevan 18-JAN-2024 09:00 AM Open Day Bring a copy of your CV and a photograph to: DoubleTree by Hilton Yerevan City Centre, Grigor Lusavorich 4/2, Yerevan Armenia Armenia, Yerevan 14-FEB-2024 09:00 AM Open Day Bring a copy of your CV and a photograph to: DoubleTree by Hilton Yerevan City Centre, Grigor Lusavorich 4/2, Yerevan Armenia Australia, Brisbane 11-JAN-2024 09:00 AM Open Day Bring a copy of your CV and a photograph to: Hilton Brisbane 190 Elizabeth St, Brisbane City QLD 4000, Australia Australia, Brisbane 02-FEB-2024 09:00 AM Open Day Bring a copy of your CV and a photograph to: Hilton Brisbane 190 Elizabeth St, Brisbane City QLD 4000, Australia Australia, Melbourne 15-JAN-2024 09:00 AM Open Day Bring a copy of your CV and a photograph to: DoubleTree by Hilton Melbourne Flinders Street, 270 Flinders Street, Melbourne 3000, VIC, Australia Australia, Melbourne 21-FEB-2024 09:00 AM Open Day Bring a copy of your CV and a photograph to: Novotel Melbourne Central, 399 Little Lonsdale St, Melbourne VIC 3000, Australia Australia, Sydney 13-JAN-2024 09:00 AM Open Day Bring a copy of your CV and a photograph to: Sir Stamford at Circular Quay, 93 Macquarie St, Sydney NSW 2000, Australia Australia, Sydney 04-FEB-2024 09:00 AM Open Day Bring a copy of your CV and a photograph to: Sir Stamford at Circular Quay, 93 Macquarie St, Sydney NSW 2000, Australia Australia, Sydney 23-FEB-2024 09:00 AM Open Day Bring a copy of your CV and a photograph to: Sir Stamford at Circular Quay, 93 Macquarie St, Sydney NSW 2000, Australia Austria, Vienna 21-JAN-2024 09:00 AM Open Day Bring a copy of your CV and a photograph to: Flemings Hotel Wien Stadthalle, Neubaugürtel 26-28, 1070 Wien, Austria Austria, Vienna 03-FEB-2024 09:00 AM Open Day Bring a copy of your CV and a photograph to: Flemings Hotel Wien Stadthalle, Neubaugürtel 26-28, 1070 Wien, Austria Austria, Vienna 27-FEB-2024 09:00 AM Open Day Bring a copy of your CV and a photograph to: Hotel Mercure Wien Westbahnhof, Felberstrasse, 4, 1150 Wien, Austria Azerbaijan, Baku 12-FEB-2024 09:00 AM Open Day Bring a copy of your CV and a photograph to: InterContinental Baku Hotel, 31 Zarifa Aliyeva str, Baku, Azerbaijan Bahrain, Manama 11-JAN-2024 09:00 AM Invite Only Assessment Day Apply online here Belgium, Antwerp 27-JAN-2024 09:00 AM Open Day Bring a copy of your CV and a photograph to: Hilton Antwerp Old Town Groenplaats 32, 2000 Antwerp, Belgium Belgium, Bruges 18-JAN-2024 09:00 AM Open Day Bring a copy of your CV and a photograph to: Grand Hotel Casselbergh, Hoogstraat 6, 8000 Brugge, Belgium Belgium, Brussels 29-JAN-2024 09:00 AM Open Day Bring a copy of your CV and a photograph to: NH Collection Brussels Centre Boulevard Adolphe Max - Adolphe Maxlaan, 7, 1000 Brussels Belgium Belgium, Brussels 11-FEB-2024 09:00 AM Open Day Bring a copy of your CV and a photograph to: Penta Hotel Brussels City Centre, Chaussée de Charleroi 38 , Brussels,1060, Belgium Belgium, Brussels 26-FEB-2024 09:00 AM Open Day Bring a copy of your CV and a photograph to: Penta Hotel Brussels City Centre, Chaussée de Charleroi 38 , Brussels,1060, Belgium Belgium, Liege 20-JAN-2024 09:00 AM Open Day Bring a copy of your CV and a photograph to: Mercure Liege City Centre, Rue St Léonard 182, 4000 Liège, Belgium Bosnia and Herzegovina, Sarajevo 15-JAN-2024 09:00 AM Open Day Novotel Sarajevo Bristol (Novotel hotel Bristol Sarajevo) Fra Filipa Lastrića, Sarajevo 71000, Bosnia & Herzegovina Bosnia and Herzegovina, Sarajevo 15-FEB-2024 09:00 AM Open Day Novotel Sarajevo Bristol (Novotel hotel Bristol Sarajevo) Fra Filipa Lastrića, Sarajevo 71000, Bosnia & Herzegovina Bosnia and Herzegovina, Sarajevo 29-FEB-2024 09:00 AM Open Day Novotel Sarajevo Bristol (Novotel hotel Bristol Sarajevo) Fra Filipa Lastrića, Sarajevo 71000, Bosnia & Herzegovina Bulgaria, Sofia 13-FEB-2024 09:00 AM Open Day Bring a copy of your CV and a photograph to: Grand Hotel Sofia 1, ul. Gen. Y. V. Gurko str, 1000 Sofia, Bulgaria Chile, Santiago 21-FEB-2024 09:00 AM Open Day Bring a copy of your CV and a photograph to: The Ritz-Carlton, Santiago El Alcalde 15, Las Condes Colombia, Bogota TBC 09:00 AM Invite Only Assessment Day Apply online through the appointed agency in Colombia, Fly Right Intl. Costa Rica, San Jose 14-FEB-2024 09:00 AM Open Day Bring a copy of your CV and a photograph to: Park Inn by Radisson San Jose, Costa Rica Ave. 6, CR-P, San José, San Bosco, 10103, Costa Rica Croatia, Zagreb 26-FEB-2024 09:00 AM Open Day Bring a copy of your CV and a photograph to: Hotel Dubrovnik d.d Ljudevita Gaja 1 , 10000 Zagreb, Croatia Cyprus, Larnaca 26-JAN-2024 09:00 AM Open Day Bring a copy of your CV and a photograph to: Best Western Plus Larco Hotel, 10 Pontou Str, Larnaca, 6027 Cyprus, Larnaca 27-FEB-2024 09:00 AM Open Day Bring a copy of your CV and a photograph to: Best Western Plus Larco Hotel, 10 Pontou Str, Larnaca, 6027 Czech Republic, Prague 05-FEB-2024 09:00 AM Open Day Bring a copy of your CV and a photograph to: Holiday Inn Prague, Na Pankráci 15/1684 , 140 21, Prague 4 Czech Republic Denmark, Copenhagen 13-FEB-2024 09:00 AM Open Day Bring a copy of your CV and a photograph to: Copenhagen Marriott Hotel, Kalvebod Brygge 5,1560 Copenhagen V, Denmark Estonia, Tallinn 19-JAN-2024 09:00 AM Open Day Bring a copy of your CV and a photograph to: Park Inn by Radisson Central Tallinn 7c Narva Road, 10117 Tallinn, Estonia Finland, Helsinki 14-JAN-2024 09:00 AM Open Day Bring a copy of your CV and a photograph to: Hotel U14, Autograph Collection Unioninkatu 14, 00130 Helsinki Finland, Helsinki 19-FEB-2024 09:00 AM Open Day Bring a copy of your CV and a photograph to: Hotel U14, Autograph Collection Unioninkatu 14, 00130 Helsinki France, Aix-en-Provence 04-FEB-2024 09:00 AM Open Day Bring a copy of your CV and a photograph to: Best Western Le Galice Aix Centre Ville 5-7 route de Galice 13090 Aix-en-Provence, France France, Bordeaux 20-JAN-2024 09:00 AM Open Day Bring a copy of your CV and a photograph to: Golden Tulip Bordeaux Euratlantique 13 Rue des Gamins, 33800 Bordeaux, France France, Bordeaux 16-FEB-2024 09:00 AM Open Day Bring a copy of your CV and a photograph to: Golden Tulip Bordeaux Euratlantique 13 Rue des Gamins, 33800 Bordeaux, France France, Lyon 13-JAN-2024 09:00 AM Open Day Bring a copy of your CV and a photograph to: Holiday Inn Lyon - Vaise, an IHG Hotel 13D Av. Victor Hugo, 69160 Tassin-la-Demi-Lune, France France, Lyon 24-FEB-2024 09:00 AM Open Day Bring a copy of your CV and a photograph to: MERCURE LYON CENTRE SAXE LAFAYETTE, 29 Rue de BonneI, 69003 LYON, France France, Marseille 11-JAN-2024 09:00 AM Open Day Bring a copy of your CV and a photograph to: Radisson Blu Hotel, 38-40 Quai De Rive Neuve, Marseille, 13007, France France, Marseille 25-JAN-2024 09:00 AM Open Day Bring a copy of your CV and a photograph to: Radisson Blu Hotel, 38-40 Quai De Rive Neuve, Marseille, 13007, France France, Marseille 09-FEB-2024 09:00 AM Open Day Bring a copy of your CV and a photograph to: Hôtel Mercure Marseille Centre Vieux Port, 1, Rue Neuve St Martin 13001 Marseille, France France, Montpellier 30-JAN-2024 09:00 AM Open Day Bring a copy of your CV and a photograph to: Hôtel Mercure Montpellier Centre Antigone Bld De L'Aéroport International, 285 Bd de l'Aéroport international, 34000 Montpellier, France France, Nice 08-JAN-2024 09:00 AM Open Day Bring a copy of your CV and a photograph to: Mercure Nice Centre Notre Dame Hotel, 28 avenue Notre Dame, 06000 Nice, France France, Nice 28-JAN-2024 09:00 AM Open Day Bring a copy of your CV and a photograph to: Mercure Nice Centre Notre Dame Hotel, 28 avenue Notre Dame, 06000 Nice, France France, Nice 14-FEB-2024 09:00 AM Open Day Bring a copy of your CV and a photograph to: Novotel Nice Centre Vieux Nice, 8-10 esplanade du parvis de l’Europe 06 300 Nice, France France, Paris 18-JAN-2024 09:00 AM Open Day Bring a copy of your CV and a photograph to: InterContinental Paris le Grand 2 rue Scribe, 75009 Paris, France France, Paris 07-FEB-2024 09:00 AM Open Day Bring a copy of your CV and a photograph to: InterContinental Paris le Grand 2 rue Scribe, 75009 Paris, France France, Paris 28-FEB-2024 09:00 AM Open Day Bring a copy of your CV and a photograph to: InterContinental Paris le Grand 2 rue Scribe, 75009 Paris, France France, Toulouse 23-JAN-2024 09:00 AM Open Day Bring a copy of your CV and a photograph to: Plaza Hotel Capitole Toulouse 7 Place du Capitole 31000 Toulouse, France France, Toulouse 11-FEB-2024 09:00 AM Open Day Bring a copy of your CV and a photograph to: Plaza Hotel Capitole Toulouse 7 Place du Capitole 31000 Toulouse, France Georgia, Kutaisi 15-JAN-2024 09:00 AM Open Day Bring a copy of your CV and a photograph to: Best Western Kutaisi, 11 Joseb Grishashvili Street Kutaisi, Imereti 4600, Georgia Georgia, Tbilisi 13-JAN-2024 09:00 AM Open Day Bring a copy of your CV and a photograph to: Best Western Tbilisi Art Hotel 11 Apakidze Street , Tbilisi 017, Georgia Georgia, Tbilisi 14-FEB-2024 09:00 AM Open Day Bring a copy of your CV and a photograph to: Tbilisi Marriott Hotel, 13 Rustaveli Avenue, Tbilisi, Georgia Germany, Berlin 31-JAN-2024 09:00 AM Open Day Bring a copy of your CV and a photograph to: Courtyard by Marriott Berlin City Center Axel-Springer-Straße 55, 10117 Berlin, Germany Germany, Berlin 18-FEB-2024 09:00 AM Open Day Bring a copy of your CV and a photograph to: Crowne Plaza Berlin City Centre, Nuernberger Strasse 65, 10787 Berlin, Germany Germany, Dusseldorf 27-JAN-2024 09:00 AM Open Day Bring a copy of your CV and a photograph to: Courtyard by Marriott Düsseldorf Seestern Am Seestern 16, 40547 Düsseldorf, Germany Germany, Dusseldorf 09-FEB-2024 09:00 AM Open Day Bring a copy of your CV and a photograph to: Courtyard by Marriott Düsseldorf Seestern Am Seestern 16, 40547 Düsseldorf, Germany Germany, Dusseldorf 26-FEB-2024 09:00 AM Open Day Bring a copy of your CV and a photograph to: Courtyard by Marriott Düsseldorf Seestern Am Seestern 16, 40547 Düsseldorf, Germany Germany, Essen 05-FEB-2024 09:00 AM Open Day Bring a copy of your CV and a photograph to: Hotel Essener Hof, Sure Hotel Collection By Best Western Am Handelshof 5, 45127 Essen, Germany Germany, Frankfurt 11-JAN-2024 09:00 AM Open Day Bring a copy of your CV and a photograph to: Holiday Inn Frankfurt Airport Bessie-Coleman-Strasse 16, 60549 Frankfurt, Germany Germany, Frankfurt 03-FEB-2024 09:00 AM Open Day Bring a copy of your CV and a photograph to: Hilton Garden Inn Frankfurt City Centre, Weserstraße 43, 60329 Frankfurt am Main, Germany Germany, Hamburg 06-JAN-2024 09:00 AM Open Day Bring a copy of your CV and a photograph to: Novotel Hamburg City Alster Lübecker Strasse 3 – 22087 Hamburg, Germany Germany, Leipzig 13-JAN-2024 09:00 AM Open Day Bring a copy of your CV and a photograph to: NH Leipzig Zentrum, Burgplatz 5, 04109 Leipzig, Germany Germany, Munich 29-JAN-2024 09:00 AM Open Day Bring a copy of your CV and a photograph to: Courtyard by Marriott Munich City Center Schwanthalerstraße 37, 80336 München Germany, Munich 16-FEB-2024 09:00 AM Open Day Bring a copy of your CV and a photograph to: Courtyard by Marriott Munich City Center Schwanthalerstraße 37, 80336 München Germany, Nuremberg 07-FEB-2024 09:00 AM Open Day Bring a copy of your CV and a photograph to: Holiday Inn Nürnberg City Centre, an IHG Hotel Engelhardsgasse 12, 90402 Nürnberg, Germany Greece, Athens 25-JAN-2024 09:00 AM Open Day Bring a copy of your CV and a photograph to: Divani Caravel Hotel Leof. Vasileos Alexandrou 2, Athina 161 21, Greece Greece, Athens 07-FEB-2024 09:00 AM Open Day Bring a copy of your CV and a photograph to: Divani Caravel Hotel Leof. Vasileos Alexandrou 2, Athina 161 21, Greece Greece, Athens 23-FEB-2024 09:00 AM Open Day Bring a copy of your CV and a photograph to: Divani Caravel Hotel Leof. Vasileos Alexandrou 2, Athina 161 21, Greece Greece, Thessaloniki 27-JAN-2024 09:00 AM Open Day Bring a copy of your CV and a photograph to: Monasty Autograph collection Hotels Vasileos Irakleiou 45, Thessaloniki 546 23, Greece Greece, Thessaloniki 25-FEB-2024 09:00 AM Open Day Bring a copy of your CV and a photograph to: Monasty Autograph collection Hotels Vasileos Irakleiou 45, Thessaloniki 546 23, Greece Hungary, Budapest 24-JAN-2024 09:00 AM Open Day Bring a copy of your CV and a photograph to: Novotel Budapest Centrum, Budapest, Ntak Sz 22041413, Rákóczi út 43-45, 1088 Hungary Hungary, Budapest 17-FEB-2024 09:00 AM Open Day Bring a copy of your CV and a photograph to: Novotel Budapest Centrum, Budapest, Ntak Sz 22041413, Rákóczi út 43-45, 1088 Hungary Hungary, Pecs 19-FEB-2024 09:00 AM Open Day Bring a copy of your CV and a photograph to: CORSO HOTEL PÉCS Pécs, Koller u. 8, 7626 Hungary Indonesia, Jakarta TBC Invite Only Assessment Day Apply online here Ireland, Cork 28-JAN-2024 09:00 AM Open Day Bring a copy of your CV and a photograph to: THE METROPOLE HOTEL MacCurtain Street, Victorian Quarter Cork, Ireland Ireland, Dublin 15-JAN-2024 09:00 AM Open Day Bring a copy of your CV and a photograph to: Radisson Blu Royal Hotel, Golden Lane, Dublin 8, Ireland. Ireland, Dublin 07-FEB-2024 09:00 AM Open Day Bring a copy of your CV and a photograph to: Hilton Dublin Charlemont Place Dublin 2 D02A893 Ireland Ireland, Dublin 23-FEB-2024 09:00 AM Open Day Bring a copy of your CV and a photograph to: Hilton Dublin Charlemont Place Dublin 2 D02A893 Ireland Ireland, Galway 26-JAN-2024 09:00 AM Open Day Bring a copy of your CV and a photograph to: MALDRON HOTEL SANDY ROAD Headford Road, Galway H91 ET6N, Ireland Ireland, Limerick 17-JAN-2024 09:00 AM Open Day Bring a copy of your CV and a photograph to: CLAYTON HOTEL LIMERICK Steamboat Quay, Dock Rd, Limerick V94 H6HN, Ireland Italy, Bari 25-JAN-2024 09:00 AM Open Day Bring a copy of your CV and a photograph to: Hi Hotel Bari Via Don Guanella, 15/L, 70124 , Bari, Puglia, Italy Italy, Bologna 10-FEB-2024 09:00 AM Open Day Bring a copy of your CV and a photograph to: Hotel NH Bologna De La Gare Piazza XX Settembre, 2, 40121, Bologna, Italy Italy, Catania 03-FEB-2024 09:00 AM Open Day Bring a copy of your CV and a photograph to: NH Catania Centro, Piazza Trento, 13, 95129 Catania CT, Italy Italy, Florence 23-JAN-2024 09:00 AM Open Day Bring a copy of your CV and a photograph to: Hotel NH Firenze, Piazza Vittorio Veneto, 4, 50123 Firenze FI, Italy Italy, Florence 20-FEB-2024 09:00 AM Open Day Bring a copy of your CV and a photograph to: Hotel NH Firenze, Piazza Vittorio Veneto, 4, 50123 Firenze FI, Italy Italy, Milan 02-FEB-2024 09:00 AM Open Day Bring a copy of your CV and a photograph to: DoubleTree by Hilton Milan Via Ludovico di Breme 77, 20156 Milano, Italy Italy, Milan 14-FEB-2024 09:00 AM Open Day Bring a copy of your CV and a photograph to: DoubleTree by Hilton Milan Via Ludovico di Breme 77, 20156 Milano, Italy Italy, Padova 27-JAN-2024 09:00 AM Open Day Bring a copy of your CV and a photograph to: Best Western Plus Galileo Padova Via Venezia, n. 30, 35131 Padova, Italy Italy, Rome 11-JAN-2024 09:00 AM Open Day Bring a copy of your CV and a photograph to: Double tree by hilton Rome Monti, dell'Esquilino, 1, 00185 Roma RM, Italy Italy, Rome 01-FEB-2024 09:00 AM Open Day Bring a copy of your CV and a photograph to: Grand Hotel Palace, Via Vittorio Veneto, 70, 00187 Roma RM, Italy Italy, Rome 18-FEB-2024 09:00 AM Open Day Bring a copy of your CV and a photograph to: Double tree by hilton Rome Monti, dell'Esquilino, 1, 00185 Roma RM, Italy Italy, Turin 29-JAN-2024 09:00 AM Open Day Bring a copy of your CV and a photograph to: Novotel Torino Corso Giulio Cesare, Corso Giulio Cesare, 338/34, 10154 Torino TO, Italy Italy, Turin 27-FEB-2024 09:00 AM Open Day Bring a copy of your CV and a photograph to: Novotel Torino Corso Giulio Cesare, Corso Giulio Cesare, 338/34, 10154 Torino TO, Italy Italy, Venice 21-JAN-2024 09:00 AM Open Day Bring a copy of your CV and a photograph to: Hilton Garden Inn Venice Mestre San Giuliano Via Orlanda 1, 30173 Venice Mestre Italy Italy, Venice 12-FEB-2024 09:00 AM Open Day Bring a copy of your CV and a photograph to: Hilton Garden Inn Venice Mestre San Giuliano Via Orlanda 1, 30173 Venice Mestre Italy Italy, Venice 25-FEB-2024 09:00 AM Open Day Bring a copy of your CV and a photograph to: Hilton Garden Inn Venice Mestre San Giuliano Via Orlanda 1, 30173 Venice Mestre Italy Jordan, Amman 26-JAN-2024 09:00 AM Invite Only Assessment Day Apply online here Kazakstan, Almaty TBC Invite Only Assessment Day Apply online here Kazakstan, Astana 26-JAN-2024 Invite Only Assessment Day Apply online here Kuwait, Kuwait City 24-JAN-2024 09:00 AM Invite Only Assessment Day Apply online here Latvia, Riga 16-JAN-2024 09:00 AM Open Day Bring a copy of your CV and a photograph to: Park Inn by Radisson Riga Valdemara Krogus street 1, Riga, LV-1048, Latvia Lithuania, Kaunas 19-FEB-2024 09:00 AM Open Day Bring a copy of your CV and a photograph to: Radisson Hotel, Kaunas K. Donelaicio str. 27, Kaunas, LT 44240, Lithuania Lithuania, Vilnius 22-JAN-2024 09:00 AM Open Day Bring a copy of your CV and a photograph to: Courtyard by Marriott Vilnius City Center, Rinktinės str. 3 Vilnius, LT-09234, Lithuania Lithuania, Vilnius 17-FEB-2024 09:00 AM Open Day Bring a copy of your CV and a photograph to: Courtyard by Marriott Vilnius City Center, Rinktinės str. 3 Vilnius, LT-09234, Lithuania Macedonia, Skopje 09-FEB-2024 09:00 AM Open Day Bring a copy of your CV and a photograph to: Skopje Marriott Hotel Macedonia Square 7, 1000 Skopje, North Macedonia Malta, St. Julian’s 20-JAN-2024 09:00 AM Open Day Bring a copy of your CV and a photograph to: Radisson Blu Resort, St. Julian's St. George's Bay, St. Julian's Malta, STJ 3391 Malta, St. Julian’s 21-FEB-2024 09:00 AM Open Day Bring a copy of your CV and a photograph to: InterContinental Malta St. George’ s Bay, St. Julian’s STJ 3310, Malta Mexico, Mexico City 12-FEB-2024 09:00 AM Open Day Bring a copy of your CV and a photograph to: Le Méridien Mexico City Paseo de la Reforma 69, Colonia Tabacalera CP 06030, Mexico City. Mexico Moldova, Chisinau 17-JAN-2024 09:00 AM Open Day Bring a copy of your CV and a photograph to: Berd’s Chisinau MGallery Hotel Collection Dimitrie Cantemir Boulevard. 12, Chișinău 2001, Moldova. Moldova, Chisinau 17-FEB-2024 09:00 AM Open Day Bring a copy of your CV and a photograph to: Radisson Blu Leogrand Hotel str. Mitropolit Varlaam, 77, Chisinau, Moldova Montenegro, Podgorica 22-JAN-2024 09:00 AM Open Day Bring a copy of your CV and a photograph to: Hilton Podgorica Crna Gora, 2 Bulevar Svetog Petra Cetinjskog, Podgorica 81000, Montenegro Montenegro, Podgorica 22-FEB-2024 09:00 AM Open Day Bring a copy of your CV and a photograph to: Hilton Podgorica Crna Gora, 2 Bulevar Svetog Petra Cetinjskog, Podgorica 81000, Montenegro Morocco, Casablanca 15-JAN-2024 09:00 AM Invite Only Assessment Day Apply online here Morocco, Fez 30-JAN-2024 09:00 AM Invite Only Assessment Day Apply online here Morocco, Marrakesh 17-JAN-2024 09:00 AM Invite Only Assessment Day Apply online here Netherlands, Amsterdam 26-JAN-2024 09:00 AM Open Day Bring a copy of your CV and a photograph to: DoubleTree by Hilton Amsterdam Centraal Station Oosterdoksstraat 4, 1011 DK Amsterdam, The Netherlands Netherlands, Amsterdam 06-FEB-2024 09:00 AM Open Day Bring a copy of your CV and a photograph to: DoubleTree by Hilton Amsterdam Centraal Station Oosterdoksstraat 4, 1011 DK Amsterdam, The Netherlands Netherlands, Amsterdam 20-FEB-2024 09:00 AM Open Day Bring a copy of your CV and a photograph to: Radisson Blu Hotel, Amsterdam City Center, Rusland 17, 1012 CK Amsterdam, Netherlands Netherlands, Rotterdam 19-JAN-2024 09:00 AM Open Day Bring a copy of your CV and a photograph to: Hilton Rotterdam Weena 10, 3012 CM Rotterdam, Netherlands Netherlands, Rotterdam 28-FEB-2024 09:00 AM Open Day Bring a copy of your CV and a photograph to: Hotel NH Atlanta Rotterdam, Coolsingel/Aert van Nesstraat 4, 3012 CA Rotterdam, Netherlands Netherlands, The Hague 08-FEB-2024 09:00 AM Open Day Bring a copy of your CV and a photograph to: The Hague Marriott Hotel Johan de Wittlaan 30, 2517 JR Den Haag, Netherlands New Zealand, Auckland 15-JAN-2024 09:00 AM Open Day Bring a copy of your CV and a photograph to: Grand Millennium Hotel Auckland 71 Mayoral Drive, Auckland CBD 1010, New Zealand New Zealand, Auckland 25-FEB-2024 09:00 AM Open Day Bring a copy of your CV and a photograph to: Grand Millennium Hotel Auckland 71 Mayoral Drive, Auckland CBD 1010, New Zealand Norway, Oslo 17-FEB-2024 09:00 AM Open Day Bring a copy of your CV and a photograph to: Scandic St. Olavs plass St. Olavs Plass 1, 0165, Oslo Oman, Muscat 14-JAN-2024 09:00 AM Invite Only Assessment Day Apply online here Panama, Panama City 22-JAN-2024 09:00 AM Open Day Bring a copy of your CV and a photograph to: Marriott Panama Hotel, Albrook Mall, Avenida Roosevelt, Panamá Paraguay, Asuncion 28-FEB-2024 09:00 AM Open Day Esplendor by Wyndham Asunción, Av, Avenida Aviadores del Chaco 2822, Asunción 1726, Paraguay Portugal, Braga 27-JAN-2024 09:00 AM Open Day Bring a copy of your CV and a photograph to: Hotel Vila Galé Collection Braga, Largo Carlos Amarante 150, 4700-308 Braga, Portugal Portugal, Coimbra 25-JAN-2024 09:00 AM Open Day Bring a copy of your CV and a photograph to: Tivoli Coimbra (Hotel Tivoli Coimbra), R. João Machado 4, 3000-226 Coimbra, Portugal Portugal, Coimbra 11-FEB-2024 09:00 AM Open Day Bring a copy of your CV and a photograph to: Tivoli Coimbra (Hotel Tivoli Coimbra), R. João Machado 4, 3000-226 Coimbra, Portugal Portugal, Faro 07-FEB-2024 09:00 AM Open Day Bring a copy of your CV and a photograph to: AP Eva senses Av. da República 1, 8000-078 Faro, Portugal Portugal, Lisbon 20-JAN-2024 09:00 AM Open Day Bring a copy of your CV and a photograph to: Doubletree by Hilton Lisbon Fontana Park, R. Eng. Vieira da Silva 2 1050-105 Lisboa, Portugal Portugal, Lisbon 05-FEB-2024 09:00 AM Open Day Bring a copy of your CV and a photograph to: Doubletree by Hilton Lisbon Fontana Park, R. Eng. Vieira da Silva 2 1050-105 Lisboa, Portugal Portugal, Lisbon 20-FEB-2024 09:00 AM Open Day Bring a copy of your CV and a photograph to: Doubletree by Hilton Lisbon Fontana Park, R. Eng. Vieira da Silva 2 1050-105 Lisboa, Portugal Portugal, Porto 22-JAN-2024 09:00 AM Open Day Bring a copy of your CV and a photograph to: Mercure Porto Centro Santa Catarina Praca Da Batalha 116 Nº De Registo 3244, 4049-028 Porto, Portugal Portugal, Porto 22-FEB-2024 09:00 AM Open Day Bring a copy of your CV and a photograph to: Hilton Porto Gaia Rua Serpa Pinto, 124, 4400-307 Vila Nova de Gaia, Portugal Saudi Arabia, Dhahran 31-JAN-2024 Invite Only Assessment Day Apply online here Saudi Arabia, Jeddah 29-JAN-2024 Invite Only Assessment Day Apply online here Singapore, Singapore 25-JAN-2024 09:00 AM Invite Only Assessment Day Apply online here Slovakia, Bratislava 21-JAN-2024 09:00 AM Open Day Bring a copy of your CV and a photograph to: Crowne Plaza Bratislava Podchod Hodžovo námestie 2, 816 25 Bratislava, Slovakia Slovakia, Bratislava 21-FEB-2024 09:00 AM Open Day Bring a copy of your CV and a photograph to: Crowne Plaza Bratislava Podchod Hodžovo námestie 2, 816 25 Bratislava, Slovakia Slovenia, Ljubljana 19-JAN-2024 09:00 AM Open Day Bring a copy of your CV and a photograph to: Intercontinental Ljubljana. IHG Hotels & Resorts Slovenska cesta 59, 1000 Ljubljana, Slovenia Slovenia, Ljubljana 23-FEB-2024 09:00 AM Open Day Bring a copy of your CV and a photograph to: Intercontinental Ljubljana. IHG Hotels & Resorts Slovenska cesta 59, 1000 Ljubljana, Slovenia South Africa, Cape Town 06-JAN-2024 Invite Only Assessment Day Apply online here South Africa, Durban 26-JAN-2024 Invite Only Assessment Day Apply online here South Africa, Johannesburg 24-JAN-2024 Invite Only Assessment Day Apply online here South Africa, Port Elizabeth 08-JAN-2024 Invite Only Assessment Day Apply online here South Africa, Pretoria 19-JAN-2024 Invite Only Assessment Day Apply online here Spain, Alicante 23-JAN-2024 09:00 AM Open Day Bring a copy of your CV and a photograph to: AC Hotel by Marriott Alicante Avinguda d'Elx, 3, 03008 Alacant Alicante, Spain Spain, Barcelona 16-JAN-2024 09:00 AM Open Day Bring a copy of your CV and a photograph to: Four Points by Sheraton Barcelona Diagonal Avinguda Diagonal, 161, 163, 08018 Barcelona, Spain Spain, Barcelona 08-FEB-2024 09:00 AM Open Day Bring a copy of your CV and a photograph to: Four Points by Sheraton Barcelona Diagonal Avinguda Diagonal, 161, 163, 08018 Barcelona, Spain Spain, Barcelona 22-FEB-2024 09:00 AM Open Day Bring a copy of your CV and a photograph to: Four Points by Sheraton Barcelona Diagonal Avinguda Diagonal, 161, 163, 08018 Barcelona, Spain Spain, Bilbao 18-JAN-2024 09:00 AM Open Day Bring a copy of your CV and a photograph to: MERCURE Bilbao Jardines De Albia Done Bikendi Kalea, 6, 48001 Bilbo Bizkaia, Spain Spain, Bilbao 20-FEB-2024 09:00 AM Open Day Bring a copy of your CV and a photograph to: MERCURE Bilbao Jardines De Albia Done Bikendi Kalea, 6, 48001 Bilbo Bizkaia, Spain Spain, Granada 02-FEB-2024 09:00 AM Open Day Bring a copy of your CV and a photograph to: Hotel NH Collection Victoria, Puerta Real, 3, 18005 Granada, Spain Spain, Madrid 21-JAN-2024 09:00 AM Open Day Bring a copy of your CV and a photograph to: InterContinental Madrid Paseo de la Castellana, 49, 28046, Madrid, Spain Spain, Madrid 06-FEB-2024 09:00 AM Open Day Bring a copy of your CV and a photograph to: InterContinental Madrid Paseo de la Castellana, 49, 28046, Madrid, Spain Spain, Madrid 24-FEB-2024 09:00 AM Open Day Bring a copy of your CV and a photograph to: InterContinental Madrid Paseo de la Castellana, 49, 28046, Madrid, Spain Spain, Malaga 18-FEB-2024 09:00 AM Open Day Bring a copy of your CV and a photograph to: AC Hotel Málaga Palacio Cortina del Muelle, 1, 29015 Málaga, Spain Spain, Seville 12-JAN-2024 09:00 AM Open Day Bring a copy of your CV and a photograph to: Hotel AC Sevilla Fórum Avda. Luis Fuentes Bejarano, 45 C.P. 41020 Sevilla, Spain Spain, Seville 12-FEB-2024 09:00 AM Open Day Bring a copy of your CV and a photograph to: Hilton Garden Inn Sevilla Parque Empresarial Torneo C/ Ingeniería, 11 Sevilla 41015, Spain Spain, Valladolid 31-JAN-2024 09:00 AM Open Day Bring a copy of your CV and a photograph to: NH CIUDAD DE VALLADOLID Av. Ramón Pradera, 10-12, 47009 Valladolid, Spain Spain, Valencia 10-JAN-2024 09:00 AM Open Day Bring a copy of your CV and a photograph to: AC Hotel by Marriott Valencia Av. de França, 67, 46023 València, Valencia, Spain Spain, Valencia 10-FEB-2024 09:00 AM Open Day Bring a copy of your CV and a photograph to: Hotel Medium Valencia,Av. d'Amado Granell Mesado, 48, Quatre Carreres, 46013 València, Valencia, Spain Sweden, Stockholm 12-JAN-2024 09:00 AM Open Day Bring a copy of your CV and a photograph to: Hilton Stockholm Slussen Guldgränd 8, 104 65 Stockholm, Sweden Sweden, Stockholm 15-FEB-2024 09:00 AM Open Day Bring a copy of your CV and a photograph to: Hilton Stockholm Slussen Guldgränd 8, 104 65 Stockholm, Sweden Switzerland, Zurich 10-FEB-2024 09:00 AM Open Day Bring a copy of your CV and a photograph to: Courtyard by Marriott Zurich North Max-Bill-Platz 19, 8050 Zürich, Switzerland Tunisia, Hammamet 01-FEB-2024 09:00 AM Invite Only Assessment Day Apply online here Tunisia, Tunis 30-JAN-2024 09:00 AM Invite Only Assessment Day Apply online here Turkey, Antalya 18-JAN-2024 09:00 AM Open Day The Marmara Antalya Sirinyali Lara Caddesi No: 136 07160/Antalya, Turkey Turkey, Antalya 18-JAN-2024 09:00 AM Open Day The Marmara Antalya Sirinyali Lara Caddesi No: 136 07160/Antalya, Turkey Turkey, Bodrum 16-JAN-2024 09:00 AM Open Day DoubleTree by Hilton Bodrum Marina Vista Neyzen Tevfik Caddesi No:168 Bodrum, Muğla, 48400 Turkey Turkey, Bursa 26-FEB-2024 09:00 AM Open Day

Turkey, Izmir 31-JAN-2024 09:00 AM Open Day Mövenpick Hotel Izmir Cumhuriyet Bulv. No: 138 Alsancak 35210 İzmir Turkey U.A.E., Dubai Weekly Assessment Days 09:00 AM Apply online here to be invited U.K., Belfast 06-FEB-2024 09:00 AM Open Day Bring a copy of your CV and a photograph to: Hilton Belfast Lanyon Place Belfast, Northern Ireland BT1 3LP, United Kingdom U.K., Birmingham 12-JAN-2024 09:00 AM Open Day Bring a copy of your CV and a photograph to: Crowne Plaza Birmingham City, Central Square, Birmingham, B11HH, United Kingdom U.K., Birmingham 24-FEB-2024 09:00 AM Open Day Bring a copy of your CV and a photograph to: Radisson Blu Hotel, 12 Holloway Circus, Queensway, Birmingham, B1 1BT, United Kingdom U.K., Brighton 15-FEB-2024 09:00 AM Open Day Bring a copy of your CV and a photograph to: Leonardo Royal Hotel Brighton Waterfront , Kings Rd, Brighton, Brighton and Hove, Brighton BN1 2GS, United Kingdom U.K., Bristol 19-JAN-2024 09:00 AM Open Day Bring a copy of your CV and a photograph to: Clayton Hotel Bristol City, 35-37 Broad Street, Bristol, BS1 2EQ, United Kingdom U.K., Cardiff 09-FEB-2024 09:00 AM Open Day Bring a copy of your CV and a photograph to: voco St. David's Cardiff, an IHG Hotel Havannah St, Cardiff CF10 5SD, United Kingdom U.K., Coventry 21-JAN-2024 09:00 AM Open Day Bring a copy of your CV and a photograph to: DoubleTree By Hilton Coventry - Paradise Way, Walsgrave Triangle Coventry, CV2 2ST, Great Britain U.K., Coventry 18-FEB-2024 09:00 AM Open Day Bring a copy of your CV and a photograph to: Telegraph hotel Coventry, 157 Corporation St, Coventry CV1 1GU, United Kingdom U.K., Derry 16-JAN-2024 09:00 AM Open Day Bring a copy of your CV and a photograph to: City Hotel Derry, Queens Quay, Londonderry BT48 7AS, United Kingdom U.K., Derry 08-FEB-2024 09:00 AM Open Day Bring a copy of your CV and a photograph to: Maldron Hotel Derry, Butcher Street, Derry, BT48 6HL United Kingdom U.K., Edinburgh 28-JAN-2024 09:00 AM Open Day Bring a copy of your CV and a photograph to: DoubleTree by Hilton Edinburgh City Centre, 34 Bread Street Edinburgh EH3 9AF, United Kingdom U.K., Edinburgh 06-FEB-2024 09:00 AM Open Day Bring a copy of your CV and a photograph to: DoubleTree by Hilton Edinburgh City Centre, 34 Bread Street Edinburgh EH3 9AF, United Kingdom U.K., Glasgow 26-JAN-2024 09:00 AM Open Day Bring a copy of your CV and a photograph to: Radisson Blu Hotel, Glasgow, 301 Argyle St, Glasgow G2 8DL, United Kingdom U.K., Glasgow 08-FEB-2024 09:00 AM Open Day Bring a copy of your CV and a photograph to: Maldron Hotel Glasgow City, 50 Renfrew St, Glasgow G2 3BW, United Kingdom U.K., Glasgow 25-FEB-2024 09:00 AM Open Day Bring a copy of your CV and a photograph to: Radisson Blu Hotel, Glasgow, 301 Argyle St, Glasgow G2 8DL, United Kingdom U.K., Guilford 29-JAN-2024 09:00 AM Open Day Bring a copy of your CV and a photograph to: Guildford Manor Hotel & Spa Newland's Corner, Albury, Guildford GU4 8SE, United Kingdom U.K., Leeds 16-JAN-2024 09:00 AM Open Day Bring a copy of your CV and a photograph to: Radisson Blu Hotel, Leeds City Centre, No. 1, The Light, The Headrow, Leeds LS1 8TL, United Kingdom U.K., Leeds 03-FEB-2024 09:00 AM Open Day Bring a copy of your CV and a photograph to: Radisson Blu Hotel, Leeds City Centre, No. 1, The Light, The Headrow, Leeds LS1 8TL, United Kingdom U.K., Leicester 13-FEB-2024 09:00 AM Open Day Bring a copy of your CV and a photograph to: Holiday Inn Leicester 129 St Nicholas Circle, Leicester, LE1 5LX United Kingdom U.K., Leicester 27-FEB-2024 09:00 AM Open Day Bring a copy of your CV and a photograph to: Holiday Inn Leicester 129 St. Nicholas Circle, Leicester, LE1 5LX United Kingdom U.K., Liverpool 27-JAN-2024 09:00 AM Open Day Bring a copy of your CV and a photograph to: Delta Hotels by Marriott Liverpool City Centre, One Queen Square, Liverpool, Merseyside, L1 1RH U.K., Liverpool 20-JAN-2024 09:00 AM Open Day Bring a copy of your CV and a photograph to: Delta Hotels by Marriott Liverpool City Centre, One Queen Square, Liverpool, Merseyside, L1 1RH U.K., London 23-JAN-2024 09:00 AM Open Day Bring a copy of your CV and a photograph to: Holiday Inn London Kensington High St, Wrights Ln, London W8 5SP, United Kingdom U.K., London 04-FEB-2024 09:00 AM Open Day Bring a copy of your CV and a photograph to: Holiday Inn London Kensington High St, Wrights Ln, London W8 5SP, United Kingdom U.K., London 21-FEB-2024 09:00 AM Open Day Bring a copy of your CV and a photograph to: Holiday Inn London Kensington High St, Wrights Ln, London W8 5SP, United Kingdom U.K., London 29-FEB-2024 09:00 AM Open Day Bring a copy of your CV and a photograph to: Holiday Inn London Kensington High St, Wrights Ln, London W8 5SP, United Kingdom U.K., London Gatwick 15-JAN-2024 09:00 AM Open Day Bring a copy of your CV and a photograph to: Sofitel London Gatwick, North Terminal, Gatwick Airport, Crawley, RHY6 0PH, United Kingdom U.K., London Gatwick 05-FEB-2024 09:00 AM Open Day Bring a copy of your CV and a photograph to: Sofitel London Gatwick, North Terminal, Gatwick Airport, Crawley, RHY6 0PH, United Kingdom U.K., London Gatwick 28-FEB-2024 09:00 AM Open Day Bring a copy of your CV and a photograph to: Sofitel London Gatwick, North Terminal, Gatwick Airport, Crawley, RHY6 0PH, United Kingdom U.K., London Heathrow 18-JAN-2024 09:00 AM Open Day Bring a copy of your CV and a photograph to: Copthorne Hotel Slough-Windsor Cippenham Ln, Slough SL1 2YE, United Kingdom U.K., London Heathrow 31-JAN-2024 09:00 AM Open Day Bring a copy of your CV and a photograph to: Copthorne Hotel Slough-Windsor Cippenham Ln, Slough SL1 2YE, United Kingdom U.K., London Heathrow 07-FEB-2024 09:00 AM Open Day Bring a copy of your CV and a photograph to: Copthorne Hotel Slough-Windsor Cippenham Ln, Slough SL1 2YE, United Kingdom U.K., London Heathrow 17-FEB-2024 09:00 AM Open Day Bring a copy of your CV and a photograph to: Copthorne Hotel Slough-Windsor Cippenham Ln, Slough SL1 2YE, United Kingdom U.K., London Heathrow 22-FEB-2024 09:00 AM Open Day Bring a copy of your CV and a photograph to: Copthorne Hotel Slough-Windsor Cippenham Ln, Slough SL1 2YE, United Kingdom U.K., Luton 26-FEB-2024 09:00 AM Open Day Bring a copy of your CV and a photograph to: Courtyard by Marriott Luton Airport, Airport Way, Luton, Bedfordshire LU2 9LF, United Kingdom U.K., Manchester 25-JAN-2024 09:00 AM Open Day Bring a copy of your CV and a photograph to: DoubleTree by Hilton Manchester Piccadilly, One, 1 Piccadilly, Auburn St, Manchester M1 3DG, United Kingdom U.K., Manchester 11-FEB-2024 09:00 AM Open Day Bring a copy of your CV and a photograph to: Crowne Plaza Manchester City Centre, 70 Shudehill, Manchester M4 4AF, United Kingdom U.K., Manchester 23-FEB-2024 09:00 AM Open Day Bring a copy of your CV and a photograph to: Crowne Plaza Manchester City Centre, 70 Shudehill, Manchester M4 4AF, United Kingdom U.K., Milton Keynes 22-JAN-2024 09:00 AM Open Day Bring a copy of your CV and a photograph to: Holiday Inn Milton Keynes Central 500 Saxon Gate West, Central Milton Keynes, Buckinghamshire, MK9 2HQ, United Kingdom U.K., Newcastle 30-JAN-2024 09:00 AM Open Day Bring a copy of your CV and a photograph to: MALDRON HOTEL NEWCASTLE, 17 Newgate Street Newcastle Upon Tyne Ne1 5RE U.K., Newcastle 10-FEB-2024 09:00 AM Open Day Bring a copy of your CV and a photograph to: MALDRON HOTEL NEWCASTLE, 17 Newgate Street Newcastle Upon Tyne Ne1 5RE U.K., Oxford 19-FEB-2024 09:00 AM Open Day Bring a copy of your CV and a photograph to: Voco Oxford Spires, Abingdon Road, Oxford, Oxfordshire, OX1 4PS, United Kingdom U.K., Reading 24-JAN-2024 09:00 AM Open Day Bring a copy of your CV and a photograph to: Hilton Reading, Drake Way, Reading RG2 0GQ, United Kingdom U.K., Sheffield 24-JAN-2024 09:00 AM Open Day Bring a copy of your CV and a photograph to: Leopold Hotel Sheffield 2 Leopold Street, Leopold Square, Sheffield, S1 2GZ, United Kingdom U.K., Southampton 16-FEB-2024 09:00 AM Open Day Bring a copy of your CV and a photograph to: Leonardo Royal Hotel Southampton Grand Harbour West Quay Road, Southampton, SO15 1AG, United Kingdom U.K., Tunbridge Wells 14-FEB-2024 09:00 AM Open Day Bring a copy of your CV and a photograph to: One Warwick Park Hotel Warwick Road Tunbridge Wells, TN2 5TA , United Kingdom U.K., Watford 17-JAN-2024 09:00 AM Open Day Bring a copy of your CV and a photograph to: Leonardo Hotel Watford, Clarendon Rd, Watford WD17 1JA U.K., Worcester 12-FEB-2024 09:00 AM Open Day Bring a copy of your CV and a photograph to: The Worcester Whitehouse Hotel, 62 Foregate Street, Worcester, WR1 1EA United Kingdom U.K., Wycombe 01-FEB-2024 09:00 AM Open Day Bring a copy of your CV and a photograph to: Holiday Inn High Wycombe, Handy Cross, High Wycombe, Buckinghamshire, HP11 1TL, United Kingdom U.K., York 23-JAN-2024 09:00 AM Open Day Bring a copy of your CV and a photograph to: Radisson Hotel York North St, York YO1 6JF, United Kingdom Uruguay, Montevideo 22-JAN-2024 09:00 AM Open Day Bring a copy of your CV and a photograph to: Radisson Montevideo Victoria Plaza Hotel Pl. Independencia 759, 11100 Montevideo Departamento de Montevideo, Uruguay Uruguay, Montevideo 26-FEB-2024 09:00 AM Open Day Bring a copy of your CV and a photograph to: Radisson Montevideo Victoria Plaza Hotel Pl. Independencia 759, 11100 Montevideo Departamento de Montevideo, Uruguay U.S.A., Dallas 12-JAN-2024 09:00 AM Open Day Bring a copy of your CV and a photograph to: Dallas/Addison Marriott Quorum by the Galleria 14901 Dallas Parkway, Dallas, Texas 75254, United States U.S.A., Los Angeles 17-JAN-2024 09:00 AM Open Day Bring a copy of your CV and a photograph to: Sofitel Los Angeles at Beverly Hills, 8555 Beverly Boulevard Los Angeles, CA 90048, United States U.S.A., Seattle 19-JAN-2024 09:00 AM Open Day Bring a copy of your CV and a photograph to: Renaissance Seattle Hotel 515 Madison Street, Seattle, WA 98104, United States U.S.A., Washington 10-JAN-2024 09:00 AM Open Day Bring a copy of your CV and a photograph to: CROWNE PLAZA DULLES AIRPORT 2200 Centreville Rd. Herndon VA 20170, United States Uzbekistan, Tashkent 09-FEB-2024 Invite Only Assessment Day Apply online here Worldwide Accepting online registrations for future interviews from applicants around the world. Apply online here For the most up-to-date and only official information, see Emirates Airlines Careers Website . Qualifications and additional clarifications can be found on the same official page. Learn how to be successful at the interview from the first try by reading ‘How to Become a Flight Attendant for airlines in the Middle East’ eBook.

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The Ritz-Carlton, Милан, Италия

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Crociere di lusso, Ritz-Carlton apre le prenotazioni per il terzo yacht Luminara | Blog Ticketcrociere

Crociere di lusso, Ritz-Carlton apre le prenotazioni per il terzo yacht Luminara | Blog Ticketcrociere

Crociere di lusso, Ritz-Carlton apre le prenotazioni per il terzo yacht Luminara

Tripletta di lusso per Ritz-Carlton Yacht Collection. Il brand luxury dell’ospitalità alberghiera ha debuttato nel settore delle crociere nel 2022 con il lancio dello yacht Evrima e – mentre quest’anno debutta la seconda imbarcazione Ilma – apre già le prenotazioni per il terzo superyacht Luminara, che arriverà nel 2025.

Sono quindi già partite le vendite per la stagione estiva 2025 di tutti e tre gli yacht.

«Siamo entusiasti di aver creato esperienze che ridefiniscono la crociera di lusso mentre ci prepariamo a lanciare il nostro secondo yacht, Ilma, nel 2024, e il nostro terzo, Luminara, nel 2025», ha affermato Tina Edmundson, presidente luxury di Marriott International.

Luminara misura 242 metri e potrà ospitare fino a 452 ospiti. Oltre alle 226 suite con terrazza privata con vista sull’oceano, la nave offre una cucina raffinata, una cantina, la Ritz-Carlton Spa e un ponte all’aperto ampliato che fornisce accesso diretto al mare.

«Con Luminara non stiamo semplicemente aggiungendo un altro superyacht alla nostra flotta, stiamo espandendo gli orizzonti dei viaggi ultralusso”, ha detto Jim Murren, ceo di The Ritz-Carlton Yacht Collection.

La stagione estiva 2025 offre 53 itinerari, con nuovi scali e viaggi esclusivi. Gli ospiti esploreranno il Nord Europa, le isole greche, le Baleari, le migliori destinazioni di Italia e Francia.

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Le Petit Chef - The smallest chef in the World!

Le Petit Chef - The smallest chef in the World!

The Journey of Le Petit Chef

Our team invites you to an immersive culinary journey. Enjoy this unforgettable experience of delightful dining and sophisticated theatre.

Frequently Asked Questions How long does one show last?

The dinner show takes approximately one and a half to two hours. We ask you to please arrive thirty minutes before the show begins.

Can everyone seated at the same table choose a different menu?

Yes, different menus can be selected. Please note that the same videos are shown, regardless of which menu you select. They relate to the menu which contains meat courses.

Can one make changes to the menu?

The booking process has a section which provides the opportunity to mention your wishes, intolerances etc. All locations are looking forward to keeping up to your request.

I am eating vegan, gluten free or I don’t eat fish. Do you offer an alternative? Some locations offer a vegan or gluten free alternative. The courses with fish will be exchanged . From what age do you recommend the Junior Menu?

We recommend it for children of 6 years or older. Please contact your chosen location directly for other requests.

Can I already book an appointment that is even further in the future?

Bookings can usually be booked two to three months in advance. Group requests are handled separately by the location.

What are the cancellation conditions?

Once paid, the deposit and purchase price of any 'Le Petit Chef' menus and associated add-ons are non-refundable. However, depending on the location, diners are able to make changes to their dates up to 48 hours prior to the original booking date by contacting [email protected] or the location directly.

Can I make a full prepayment?

Yes, if you consider paying your reservation ahead, please send an email to [email protected] and we will generate a payment link for you.

I already paid for the deposit, when will the balance be due? The open balance will be settled at the location after the dinner show. Do you issue an invoice?

Invoices can only be issued by the location itself, please contact the team directly. For vouchers purchased on our website, we can create an invoice for you. Please contact us by email: [email protected].

What is the table arrangement on site?

It may happen that you are seated at the same table with other guests. If you come with a larger group, you may be seated on different tables due to technical conditions.

Can I purchase a gift voucher?

You can easily buy or redeem a gift voucher over The amount is up to you and the gift voucher is valid in all German locations. We will deliver by mail or if you wish, we will send the gift voucher to your home address.

How can I contact you?

You can write an email to [email protected], you can use the contact sheet on our website or you can call us under +49 (0)619-0808-9370.

Contact Us

Our team invites you to an immersive culinary journey.
Enjoy this unforgettable experience of delightful dining and sophisticated theatre.
