Asha Hotel Мумбаи, Индия — бронируйте Отели, цены в 2024 году

Asha Hotel Мумбаи, Индия — бронируйте Отели, цены в 2024 году

Asha Hotel Мумбаи

Расположенный в Мумбаи, отель Asha предлагает парикмахерскую, место для курения и банкомат. В отеле доступно 17 номеров.

Все номера отеля порадуют многоканальным телевидением, персональным сейфом и платным телевидением. Для Вашего комфорта предоставляются банные полотенца и полотенца.

Ресторан "Kakori House" расположен на расстоянии 150 метров и предлагает своим гостям вкусные блюда.

Гости смогут добраться пешком до парка Камала Неру за 20 минут. На расстоянии 7 км располагается Шри Сиддхивинаяк.Кроме того, в нескольких минутах ходьбы находится кинотеатр "Регал". Поблизости есть Madhav Baug.

Asha Hotel Мумбаи Удобства Парковка Парковка В ванной комнате Бесплатные туалетные принадлежности Приборы Телевизор с плоским экраном, Радио-будильник "
Отели в Mumbai - Подберите отели Марриотт в Mumbai

Отели в Mumbai - Подберите отели Марриотт в Mumbai

Отели Мумбаи

Названный в честь индуистской богини Мумбы Деви и ранее известный как Бомбей, Мумбаи — это город, который изобилует шумной щедростью. С 13 миллионами человек, населяющих семь идиллических островов, рядом с отелями в Мумбаи легко найти любые развлечения.

Гости мумбайских отелей могут побродить по висячим садам имени Ферозшаха Мехты, наслаждаясь видами города, скульптурными фонтанами и ухоженными живыми изгородями. Или посетить близлежащие рынки Chor Bazaar и Crawford Market. А пляж Чаупати представляет собой идеальное место для любителей отдыха на побережье и праздничной атмосферы.

Еще одна достопримечательность Мумбаи, которую нельзя обойти вниманием, — остров Элефанта. Посетители этого невероятно красивого места переправляются туда на пароме, чтобы попасть в пещеры древнего храма, высеченные в базальтовой скале. Оказавшись на острове, более смелые гости отеля в Мумбаи отправляются на сафари в места проживания львов и тигров в государственном заповеднике Sanjay Gandhi National Park. Переживших это приключение ожидает превосходный коктейль в ресторане Bluefrog, где выступают самые талантливые музыканты Индии.

Мумбаи также является родиной восхитительного чая со специями, который подают даже в наших отелях. Из числа других популярных мест отдыха следует выделить кафе Prithvi Cafe, Kyani & Co. и Chaicoffi. Возьмите напрокат велосипед или отправьтесь в велотур, чтобы поближе познакомиться с районами Мумбаи и попробовать блюда традиционной индийской кухни в разных ресторанах.

Oberoi Realty to launch Ritz-Carlton in Mumbai - Times of India

Oberoi Realty to launch Ritz-Carlton in Mumbai - Times of India

Oberoi Realty to launch Ritz-Carlton in Mumbai

The American brand hotel is being planned in Worli and is expected to come up by 2016 at a cost of Rs 750 crore.

MUMBAI: Revving up its hospitality play in India, Oberoi Realty is all set to bring iconic luxury brand Ritz-Carlton to Mumbai. The American brand hotel is being planned in Worli and is expected to come up by 2016 at a cost of Rs 750 crore. The project will be developed by Oasis Realty, an equal joint venture between Vikas Oberoi-headed Oberoi Realty and Sahana Group. After its launch in Bangalore, this will be the second Ritz-Carlton in India.

A building with 140 apartments will also come up adjacent to the hotel on the same premises. The apartment sizes will be in the range of 6,500 sqft to 20,000 sqft. The 20,,00 sqft apartment would reportedly be the largest ever in the city and will be worth at least Rs 100 crore. The Rs 50,000 per sq ft rate excludes floor rise and other add-ons.
"The 238-key hotel project will be funded from the sale proceeds of the residential units," said Oberoi (44). In a rare move in the hospitality industry, the residences too will be managed by Ritz-Carlton, a part of the Marriott chain.
Ritz-Carlton's Mumbai plans have been unveiled at a time when the hospitality industry is going through a rough patch, where demand is being outpaced by supply. However, both the developer and hotel operator are upbeat about the long-term growth prospects. “This will be one of the crown jewels in our portfolio, not only in India but also globally," said Paul Foskey, executive vice-president, hotel development, Asia-Pacific, Marriott International. Ritz-Carlton operates 85 luxury hotels across the globe.

Work on the 2.1 million sqft project, which is less than a km from the Bandra-Worli Sea Link, is already underway, with the hotel reaching eighth floor and the residential tower reaching the 45th floor. Oberoi said that 19 people who had booked apartments at the firm's nearby project have shifted their deals to this new project.
Property experts said that multi-crore price tags are not a deterrent to sales of uber-luxury apartments as there is always a niche clientele available. The apartments, said Oasis, will have concierge and butler services for its residents.

Embassy of India, Moscow (Russia)

Embassy of India, Moscow (Russia)

Видео Галерея

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Интервью Посла на телеканале "Россия 24" в программе "Глобальный разговор" Фрагмент передачи Rang Tarang (25.01.2020) о праздновании, организованном в Москве в честь 95-летия со дня рождения Раджа Капура. Репортаж WION News о праздновании, организованном Посольством Индии в Москве в честь 95-летия со дня рождения Раджа Капура, 18 января 2020 г. Празднование 95-летия со дня рождения Раджа Капура, 18 января 2020 года. Репортаж DD News о праздновании 95-летнего юбилея со дня рождения Раджа Капура в Москве. Межвидовые учения Индра 2019 пройдут в Индии 9-19 декабря, 2019 Адмиралтейские соревнования по парусному спорту 2019 прошли 9-14 декабря 2019 в Академии военно-морских сил Индии, Керала. Концерт ансамбля песни и пляски Черноморского флота в Мумбаи в честь Дня Военно-морского флота Индии 4 декабря 2019 г. Кадеты корпуса имени Героя России Федора Кузьмина (Пермь, Россия) поют «Аэ Ватан» во время визита военного атташе посольства Индии в России Раджеш Пушкарь в кадетскую школу в Пермь. "Махатма Ганди. Отец нации. Отец толерантности", фрагмент программы "Доброе утро" на Первом канале, 2 октября 2019 г. В Госдуме открылась выставка к 150-летию Махатмы Ганди, Дума ТВ, 2 октября 2019 г. Выставка "Ганди – Толстой: великие гуманисты XX века", посвященная 150-летию со дня рождения Махатмы Ганди в Госдуме, 2 октября 2019 г. Речь С.И. Неверова на открытии выставки "Ганди - Толстой" в Госдуме, 2 октября 2019 г. Речь Посла на выставке "Ганди – Толстой: великие гуманисты XX века", посвященная 150-летию со дня рождения Махатмы Ганди в Госдуме, Дума ТВ, 2 октября 2019 г. Речь В.В. Жириновского на выставке "Ганди – Толстой: великие гуманисты XX века" в Госдуме, Дума ТВ, 2 октября 2019 г. Конференция и выставка, посвященные Махатме Ганди и Льву Толстому в Ясной Поляне, 28 сентября 2019 г. Blood, guts and steel - Forging Indo-Russian Relationship during Exercise of TSENTR on September 2019. Церемонии открытия учений «Центр-2019» 15 сентября 2019г. Интервью Премьер-министра на канале "Вести" в программе "Формула власти" Интервью посла на BRICS TV, 06 сентября 2019г. Посол Индии в России, о визите Премьер-министра в Россию Посол и Заместитель Министра культуры России П.В. Степанов приняли участие в церемонии открытия фестиваля "Намасте, Россия", который прошел в Мариинском театре во Владивостоке 6 сентября 2019 г. Интервью Посла на канале DD News, 03 сентября 2019г. Интервью Посла на канале AIR, 03 сентября 2019г. Интервью Посла на канале ANI News, 03 сентября 2019г. Видео- визита премьера во Владивосток Интервью Министр нефти и газа Индии в Ведомости, 30 августа 2019г. Интервью Посла на канале WION, 27 августа 2019г. Unveiling of the Gandhi statue by Minister of External Affairs of India, 27 августа 2019г. Пресс-конференция Лаврова и главы МИД Индии, 28 августа 2019г. Армейские игры, августа 2019г. Обращение посла на Zee TV в России по случаю Дня независимости, 15 августа 2019г.. Визит посла в Калмыкию, 26 июля 2019г. Международный день йоги-2019 в Москве, 21 июня 2019г. Интервью посла RT на полях SPIEF-2019, 07 июня 2019г. Индийский летний базар 2019 был организован в посольстве Индии в Москве 1 июня 2019 года Some glimpses of Cycle Rally organized by Embassy of India, Moscow in cooperation with Moscow city government to mark 150th birth anniversary of Mahatma Gandhi. Интервью посла телеканалу "Россия 24" по случаю 2019 года Lok Sabha Результаты выборов, 23 мая 2019г. Велопробег, организованный Посолством Индии в Москве совместно с Правительством Москвы отметит 150-летие Махатмы Ганди, 20 мая 2019г. Transcending geographical barriers, spiritual ties connect the people of Kalmykia and India, 19 марта 2019г. Посол приветствовал исполняющего обязанности губернатора Республики Калмыкия г-на Бату Хасиков, 19 марта 2019г. Visit of Russian Cadets to Republic Day Camp 26 января 2019г. Празднование Дня Республики 2019 в посольстве Индии в Москве, 26 января 2019г. Marching forward together - India-Russia military cooperation during the year 2018 Российско-индийские совместные учения «Индра-2018». Морской флот Интервью премьер-министра Нарендры Моди новостному агенству ANI Вспоминая 2018 год с новогодними поздравлениями от Посла Индии в РФ ! Интервью посла в OTV в Екатеринбурге 18 декабря 2018 года, посвященное его официальному визиту в Свердловскую область. Совместные Индо-Российские военные учения проходят в Индии с 16 по 30 ноября 2018 года. Визит Адмирала Сунил Ланба, PVSM, AVSM, ADC, начальника военно-морского штаба в Российскую Федерацию. Посол посетит Астраханскую область в октябре 24-25, 2018. Открытие кулинарного фестиваля в Ritz Carlton в Москве Музыкальный спектакль Суфи в Грозном Индийский чайный вечер в Москве Катхак в Санкт-Петербурге Бхаратнатьям в Нижнем Новгороде Открытие в Государственном Кремлевском Дворце в Москве Смотреть больше видео Copy right policy Terms & Conditions Privacy Policy Hyperlinking Policy Accessibility Option Help Contact Us © Content Owned by Embassy of India in Moscow | Visitors:Page last updated on: Jan 15, 2024 | Working Hours Monday to Friday- 9.30 A.M to 6.00 P.M "
Самый дорогой дом в мире - в Индии, а так же дорогие дома во Франции, США и Великобритании - до $1 миллиарда!

Самый дорогой дом в мире - в Индии, а так же дорогие дома во Франции, США и Великобритании - до $1 миллиарда!

Самый дорогой дом в мире — в Индии, а так же дорогие дома во Франции, США и Великобритании — до $1 миллиарда!

Если Вы не знаете недостатка в деньгах, у вас уже есть эксклюзивные часы и авто престижной марки, но что действительно повышает ваш статус и свидетельствует о значительном благосостоянии – так это дорогостоящая элитная недвижимость. В этой статье Вы узнаете о самых дорогих домах в мире, которые находятся в Индии, Франции, США и Великобритании. Посмотрите видеоролики домов и оцените интерьеры самых дорогих домов мира!

1. Особняк Antilla, Индия – стоимость >$1 миллиарда.

В этом шикарном особняке 27 этажей, а жилая площадь составляет более 37,000 кв. м. Он находится в городе Мумбаи (Индия) и принадлежит Мукешу Амбани — индийскому миллиардеру, который входит в 10-ку самых богатых людей планеты. Внешне здание напоминает отель или стеклянную башню – его высота около 174 метров, а внутренние площади занимают 400,000 кв. м.

В доме 9 лифтов, на каждом этаже есть тренажерный зал, зона отдыха, бар внутри помещения и на открытом воздухе, помещения для персонала, численность которого составляет 600 человек. По сравнению с этим роскошным особняком любой другой покажется крошечным домиком.

2.Villa Leopolda, Лазурный Берег, Франция – стоимость > $506 миллионов.

Следующим участником топа «Самые дорогие дома мира» становится шикарная вилла Villa Leopolda, которая находится во Франции. Эту виллу построил в 1902 году король Бельгии Леопольд Второй, а сегодня она принадлежит(по одному из последних сообщений мировых СМИ из сети Интернет) семье известных банкиров Сафра. На вилле 11 спален и 14 ванных комнат. Так же здесь есть боулинг-клуб, кинотеатр, несколько спортивных кортов, разнообразные кухонные помещения и столовые.

Общая площадь виллы поистине безгранична – здесь расположились коттеджи для гостей, несколько бассейнов и садовых массивов. Говорят, что для ухода за «приусадебной территорией» требуются более 50 штатных садовников.

3.Апартаменты The Penthouse, Великобритания, стоимость – >$200 миллионов.

Лондонские пентхаусы Уан Гайд Парк (One Hyde Park) являются одними из самых дорогих апартаментов во всем мире – стоимость квадратного метра обойдется в 23 500 евро. Жизнь резидентов этих стильных пентхаусов охраняется системой активной безопасности SAS, внутренними камерами наблюдения, пуленепробиваемыми стеклами и даже тайным эвакуационным тоннелем в расположенный по соседству Mandarin Hotel.

К услугам жителей роскошные спа-салоны, площадки для игры в сквош и дегустационные залы, представляющие элитные сорта вина и шампанского.

4.Поместье Fairfield Pond, США, стоимость – >$170 миллионов.

Это красивейшее поместье, принадлежит американскому инвестору и бизнесмену Айре Реннерт и по праву считается самым большим жилым комплексом в США. Расположившись на территории более 25 акров, поместье предоставляет своим жителям 29 спален, 39 ванных комнат, 28-метровую гостиную, 5 спортивных кортов, боулинг-клуб и джакузи стоимостью $150,000.

5.Особняк Hearst Mansion, США, стоимость – >$165 миллионов.

До недавнего времени этот элегантный особняк принадлежал бизнесмену и медиа-магнату Уильяму Рэндольфу Херсту. К услугам резидентов 29 спален, 3 бассейна, клуб и кинотеатр.

Дом стал знаменит на весь мир тем, что здесь проходили съемки нескольких сцен из легендарного кинофильма «Крестный отец», а президент Джон Ф. Кеннеди и Жаклин Бувье провели в нем свой медовый месяц.

Следующая запись Шоппинг в ОАЭ, Аль Айн (Al Ain). Один из самых дорогих моллов в мире — Бавади Молл (Bawadi Mall)! Предыдущая запись Дорогие и роскошные, элитные VIP рестораны Ибицы (Испания)! Обзор, отзывы, цены! "
The Ritz Carlton Mumbai - Мумбаи, Махараштра, Индия - Компания | Facebook

The Ritz Carlton Mumbai - Мумбаи, Махараштра, Индия - Компания | Facebook


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The Ritz Carlton Mumbai


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Hotel in Pune, India | The Ritz-Carlton, Pune

Hotel in Pune, India | The Ritz-Carlton, Pune

Welcome to The Ritz-Carlton, Pune

Woven throughout its aesthetic details The Ritz-Carlton, Pune reflects the classic glamour of a sophisticated urban retreat. Situated in the heart of the city’s captivating downtown and at the edge of the prestigious Poona Club Golf Course the hotel is a gateway to the city and yet retains the tranquility of a true hideaway. Featuring 198 spacious rooms and suites with verdant golf course and city skyline views and a residential Club Lounge on level 18 offering bespoke services and amenities, the hotel is a mark of iconic luxury. Partake in inspired cuisine and brilliantly-crafted cocktails or hand-selected first flush teas and celebrate the region’s distinct culinary scene. The Wellness Floor on level 4 harbors The Ritz-Carlton Spa a well-equipped fitness studio and a temperature-controlled outdoor pool. At The Ritz-Carlton, Pune let us create lasting and meaningful memories as we seek to enliven your senses from the moment you arrive.

A Ritz-Carlton Mumbai is on the Horizon

A Ritz-Carlton Mumbai is on the Horizon

A Ritz-Carlton Mumbai is on the Horizon

Mumbai-based realty developer Oberoi Realty has tied up with the international luxury brand Ritz-Carlton for its upcoming hotel in Worli. The hotel with 238-keys is a part of the mixed use project, expected to be started in 2016-17.

Along with the hotel, Ritz will also manage around 140 apartments in the adjacent tower. This will be The Ritz-Carlton Hotel Company's second property in India, after its first property opened in Bangalore last year.

We have been searching for a perfect location for a premium hotel in Mumbai for several years with the right partners. This site offers everything hotel guest could want-a prime business location, styling and contemporary design in this rich and vibrant city," said Paul Foskey, executive vice president, hotel development, Asia-Pacific, Marriott International.

The Groundwork

The 2.1 million sqft mixed use project is located at less than a kilometre from Bandra-Worli sea link. It is being developed by Oasis Realty, a joint venture between Oberoi Realty and Sahana group for a slum rehabilitation project in Worli.

"We will invest total Rs 750 crore on hotel development and this will be financed by sale of residential units in this project," said Vikas Oberoi, CMD, Oberoi Realty. Both Oberoi Realty and Ritz-Carlton refused to share further details of the management contract stating confidentiality.

The Dazzle

The hotel will offer two specialty and fine dining restaurants, an ocean view bar, the spa and banquet spaces. The branded residences will have concierge and butler services for its residents to be managed by Ritz-Carlton.

The developer has already started the construction of both hotel and residential tower that has reached 8th floor and 45th floor, respectively so far. The company had earlier envisaged the project to also have a commercial component, which has now been converted into residential, Oberoi said.

The builder is aiming to sell residential apartments in this project at Rs 50,000 per sq ft excluding floor rise and other add-ons. The apartments here will range from 8,500 sq ft to 20,000 sq ft. It has already shifted 19 apartment deals from its nearby project on a plot acquired from GlaxoSmithKline Pharmaceuticals to this project.

Marriott owns the Ritz-Carlton brand, which is known for its extreme luxury and high-end services worldwide--some of its suites rank among the most expensive hotel rooms in the world. It also owns brands like Courtyard, JW Marriott and Edition.

The hotel that Oberoi Realty is developing comes at a time when the Indian hospitality market is facing tough times. While the country has seen a huge amount of new supply of hotel rooms, demand has not kept pace because of a slowdown in the economy over the last year and a half. In 2012-13 itself, close to 12,000 new rooms were added, according to hotel consultancy HVS India, taking the total supply of branded hotel rooms up to 96,000.

Source: Economic Times

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Mumbai | Bombay | India | Luxe and Intrepid Asia | Remote Lands

Mumbai | Bombay | India | Luxe and Intrepid Asia | Remote Lands


Formerly called Bombay, Mumbai is the sprawling capital of the state of Maharashtra. A mega-city home to more than 20 million people - the largest city in India and the fourth largest city in the world - it is both the financial and entertainment capital of India. Its overcrowding is legendary, and the line between the physical space that rich and poor share is exceptionally blurred here, scruffy rickshaws crawl alongside chauffeured limos in the city's infamous traffic, while five-star hotels bump up against vast slums. Despite (or because of) it all, the city buzzes with a frenetic energy and, as the breakout film Slumdog Millionaire depicted, infectious hope. Mumbai is truly one of the most exciting destinations in India, offering contemporary art and high-end museums, terrific dining, historic architecture, and, of course, Bollywood productions.


A handpicked selection of experiences endorsed by our experts. If you can’t see what you’re looking for, let us know, as our extensive network of local contacts can open many doors.


While Mumbai’s beaches cannot compare to those of Goa and the southwestern coast, its sandy stretches are ideal places for picnics, walks, and exercises. For a glimpse of the sunset, head to Girgaum Chowpatti beach, where visitors can watch the sun dip below the horizon, unhindered by manmade and natural obstacles.


Thrust into the global spotlight by Slumdog Millionaire, Bollywood is the colloquial name for the Hindi language film industry based in Mumbai. While Bollywood was preceded by the Bengali film industry based in Calcutta (called Tollywood), its infectious mix of musical numbers, elaborate sets and costumes, and colorful spectacle propelled it first to regional, and then international, renown.

Visit a Bollywood film set for a closer look at the controlled chaos that occurs behind the scenes.


Visit some of the old, well-preserved churches in Mumbai, some of which date back to the Portuguese occupation of the 16th century. Of these, the oldest is St. Michael’s, built in 1534 under the Portuguese, and home to “the Divine Mercy,” a portrait of Jesus reputed to bleed.

Other churches include St. John the Baptist, a ruined structure in western Mumbai, constructed in 1579, as well as St. Andrew's, a functioning church built in 1575 on the seashore of what is now the Bandra suburb of Mumbai.

Cotton and Textiles

Due to the trade embargo placed on the American South during the American Civil War, Mumbai became the world’s leading supplier of cotton in the 1860s. Today, Mumbai offers a plethora of cotton, fabrics, and other textiles, all of which can be made-to-order.

Ellora Caves

Encompassing a 1.3-mile escarpment, the 34 caves at Ellora are the epitome of Indian rock-cut architecture. The caves at this UNESCO World Heritage Site represent three distinct groups – Buddhist, Hindu and Jain – and they are numbered from the southern end.

The Buddhist Caves (1 to 12) date from the Chalukya period, between the 7th and 8th centuries, the Hindu Caves (13 to 29) were carved out between the 7th and 9th centuries, and represent the peak of Ellora’s development, and the Jain Caves (30 to 34), which date from Ellora’s last stage and are the simplest of the group.

Ganesh Chaturthi Festival

Occuring over a span of 10 days in August and September, the Ganesh Chaturthi Festival celebrates the eponymous deity, who serves as the patron of arts, science and knowledge. For this festival, millions of Indians celebrate Ganesh in both their private homes as well as the public sphere, including raucous festivities, anointing and adorning special structures called pandals, and offering coconuts, flowers, and camphor to idols of Ganesh.

Malabar Hill

Drive through Malabar Hill, which is bounded by Napean Sea Road, Ridge Road and Walkeshwar Road. This leafy residential neighborhood is crowded with the high-rise apartments of Mumbai’s rich and famous. Houses here are amongst the most expensive in the world. An unhindered view of Back Bay, with the Girgaum Chowpatti beach in the foreground, and the Nariman Point skyline in the background is one of the reasons for the sky-high real estate prices in this district.

National Gallery of Modern Art

Visit the exhibition spaces that host some of India’s best art, a great place to spend an afternoon away from the tropical heat, the National Gallery of Art offers a look into the artistic and creative practices of elite artists from across the country.

Prince of Wales Museum

Explore The Prince of Wales Museum, renowned for its superb sculptures and miniature paintings. The museum's home is a grand Indo-Saracenic building whose foundation stone of this museum was laid by the Prince of Wales in 1905 and which served as a military hospital during World War I.

Victoria Station

Visit Victoria Station, the most impressive example of Victorian Gothic architecture in India. Designed by Frederick William Stevens and decorated by local art students and craftsmen, it was completed in 1888 and named to commemorate Queen Victoria’s Golden Jubilee. Now the headquarters of the Central Railway, over 1,000 trains and 2 million passengers pass through the station daily. In 2004, it was declared a UNESCO World Heritage site.

India Regions

Explore in-depth information, experiences and highlights by navigating to specific regions using the links below on the right .

Northern Southern North-Eastern Rajasthan Wildlife Parks bandhavgarh national park kanha national park nagarhole & bandipur panna national park pench national park Ranthambhore satpura national park Western Andaman & Nicobar Islands Central Mumbai Itineraries

Central India Cultural Highlights

Take a journey through Central India, passing through Mumbai, Hampi, Bangalore, and Hyderabad on this 11-day luxury journey. You’ll sleep in some of India’s most luxurious hotels, including the Taj Mahal Palace & Tower, spend time in Bollywood, visit the ancient ruins of Golkonda, and rock climb in Hampi.

Interest Heritage Destination India Duration 11 days / 10 nights Price Per Person From $8,900

From Bollywood to Ancient Ruins: A Journey Through India and Sri Lanka

Take a thrilling trip through India and Sri Lanka, spending 17 days meandering from Mumbai’s iconic Bollywood, down the backwaters of Kerala, exploring colonial Cochin. You’ll fly onwards to Sri Lanka, where you’ll explore its ancient wonders like the Temple of Tooth, all the while staying in luxury hotels.

Interests Romance, Unesco Destinations Sri Lanka, India Duration 17 days / 16 nights Price Per Person From $17,600

India in Style with Remote Lands & Oberoi Hotels

Experience the rich flavors, tastes, smells, sights and sounds of beautiful India. From architectural wonders to cultural treasures and natural beauties, you’ll revel in them all over eleven shining days and ten unforgettable nights spent in utter luxury at Oberoi hotels

Destination India Duration 12 days / 11 nights Price Per Person From $12,000

Indian Safari Adventure

Escape into the wilds of India’s safaris on an exciting 13-day adventure through Panna, Bandhavgarh, and Kanha National Parks, where you’ll search for the mighty, elusive Bengal Tiger. You’ll explore ancient forts, hike to majestic viewpoints, and interact with exotic animals while staying in luxury hotels.

Interest Wildlife Destination India Duration 13 days / 12 nights Price Per Person From $12,500

Palaces & Houseboats: Charming South India

Head to sunny South India for 12 days of luxury travel. You’ll explore Mumbai, taking in the dazzling, world-famous Bollywood, then head to the backwaters of Kerala where you’ll step aboard a luxury Kettuvallam. Interact with locals, shop in markets, and view ancient temples while staying in luxurious Taj hotels.

Interest Architecture Destination India Duration 12 days / 11 nights Price Per Person From $9,800

South India Cultural Highlights

Take in the best of South India’s culture on this 14-day luxury journey from Mumbai to Madurai. You’ll peruse bustling markets, explore UNESCO-listed ancient ruins in Hampi, and enjoy the colonial charms of Pondicherry as you feel like royalty sleeping in some of India’s most luxurious Taj hotels.

Interest Architecture Destination India Duration 14 days / 13 nights Price Per Person From $11,400

The Ultimate Indian Ocean Adventure: India, Sri Lanka and Maldives

Spend nearly an entire month - 26 days - traveling in luxury through India, Sri Lanka, and the Maldives. You’ll visit religiously-important and UNESCO-listed sites including temples and palaces, watch baby sea turtles hatch in Tangalle, and relax at your luxury beachside resort on the stunning Kaafu Atoll.

Interest Romance Destinations India, Sri Lanka, Maldives Duration 26 days / 25 nights Price Per Person From $30,100

Exclusive North India: Mumbai to Maheshwar by Private Jet

Let your private jet whisk you away on this exclusive 14-day journey through North India. You’ll take in Mumbai’s world-famous Bollywood scene, catch sunset at one of India’s holiest sites, marvel at the incredible Taj Mahal, and visit an elephant polo camp, all while staying in some of India’s most luxury hotels.

Interest Wildlife Destination India Duration 14 days / 13 nights Price Per Person From $12,500

From Bollywood to Ancient Ruins: A Journey Through India and Sri Lanka

Take a thrilling trip through India and Sri Lanka, spending 17 days meandering from Mumbai’s iconic Bollywood, down the backwaters of Kerala, exploring colonial Cochin. You’ll fly onwards to Sri Lanka, where you’ll explore its ancient wonders like the Temple of Tooth, all the while staying in luxury hotels.

Interests Romance, Unesco Destinations Sri Lanka, India Duration 17 days / 16 nights Price Per Person From $17,600

The Ultimate Indian Ocean Adventure: India, Sri Lanka and Maldives

Spend nearly an entire month - 26 days - traveling in luxury through India, Sri Lanka, and the Maldives. You’ll visit religiously-important and UNESCO-listed sites including temples and palaces, watch baby sea turtles hatch in Tangalle, and relax at your luxury beachside resort on the stunning Kaafu Atoll.

Interest Romance Destinations India, Sri Lanka, Maldives Duration 26 days / 25 nights Price Per Person From $30,100

Exclusive North India: Mumbai to Maheshwar by Private Jet

Let your private jet whisk you away on this exclusive 14-day journey through North India. You’ll take in Mumbai’s world-famous Bollywood scene, catch sunset at one of India’s holiest sites, marvel at the incredible Taj Mahal, and visit an elephant polo camp, all while staying in some of India’s most luxury hotels.

Interest Wildlife Destination India Duration 14 days / 13 nights Price Per Person From $12,500

Preferred Hotel Taj Mahal Palace & Tower

For over a century, the Taj Mahal Palace and Tower has been the haunt of India's elite, and has played host to princes, kings, maharajas, presidents, CEOs and countless celebrities. Built in 1903, it is an architectural marvel, bringing together Moorish, Oriental, and Florentine styles. Inside, the hotel showcases contemporary Indian art framed by vaulted alabaster ceilings, onyx columns, graceful archways, hand-woven silk carpets, crystal chandeliers, and an eclectic collection of furniture. There are 519 rooms and 46 opulent suites with panoramic views of the Arabian Sea and the Gateway of India. The Taj's excellent dining options include Golden Dragon - voted the best Chinese restaurant in Mumbai, Masala Kraft - Indian cuisine with a contemporary twist, Souk, which has stunning views of Mumbai from its rooftop location and serves Middle Eastern cuisine, The Zodiac Grill, where a special menu is offered for each month's star sign, and the stellar Wasabi By Morimoto - Mumbai's first contemporary Japanese restaurant, helmed by the Iron Chef himself. There is also the Harbour Bar, Mumbai's first drinking establishment, and the Insomnia nightclub, filled with "Bombabes" and their millionaire boyfriends. Guests can unwind at the luxurious spa, the fitness center, equipped with cardiovascular and weight training equipment, steam shower and sauna and swimming pool, or with a game of badminton, squash, tennis or billiards. The hotel also has a private yacht available for day trips on the Arabian Sea or to nearby Elephanta Island. There is a business center with wired and wireless Internet access, secretarial services and cell phones and laptops for hire. Wi-fi available throughout the hotel. The Taj Mahal Palace is 45 minutes from Chhatrapati Shivaji International Airport (BOM).

Preferred Hotel The Deccan Odyssey

The Deccan Odyssey is a beautiful blue train, carving paths through the stunning cities and countryside of India. Passengers can choose from ten journeys, from three to seven nights, each with its unique itinerary packed with adventures and excursions. And after a day traversing the Sahyadri Mountains or exploring the heritage sites of Gujarat, guests will be delighted to retire to the Deccan Odyssey to unwind in luxury. With a choice of two cabin configurations, guests can choose their level of luxury, meanwhile, international and traditional local cuisine will keep palates happy across the two dining cars. The bar is the perfect spot to enjoy drinks with a view of the passing landscape, there’s a conference room for talks and lectures, a lounge, a well-equipped gymnasium, a beauty parlour and for guests really wishing to kick back, a range of treatments are available in the train’s on-board spa.

Preferred Hotel The Oberoi Mumbai

Bask in the ultimate luxury at The Oberoi Mumbai, a spectacular building with incredible ocean views and a front-row seat for the Queen’s Necklace, the name for the golden crescent of lights that glimmer on the shoreline after the sun sets. From the moment guests arrive on the spectacular grounds, they are whisked away into a world of elegance and luxury. Inside the lobby, floor-to-ceiling windows offer unparalleled views of the ocean and the incredible shoreline. And within each incredibly-decorated guest room, guests may marvel at the views as they enjoy personalised butler services. The hotel also features a variety of world-class restaurants serving delicious cuisine from around the world, as well as a state-of-the-art spa, fitness center and temperature-controlled, outdoor pool in a private courtyard.




In collaboration with world-renowned interior designer, Tony Chi & Associates, GOCO Hospitality created a luxury urban spa and leisure club that spans two floors in downtown Mumbai. The spa was designed to offer a diverse range of male grooming, female beauty, fitness and wellness treatments, in a stunning setting that combines modern elegance with Indian heritage.

FEATURES Spa: 2,500 m 2 10 treatment rooms 1 spa suite overlooking the pool and ocean Barber and beauty salon Health café and relaxation lounge Vitality pool Relaxation lounge Gym & mind and body studio: 230 m 2 COLLABORATORS Horwath HTL Health and Wellness, Bangkok Oberoi Realty, Mumbai The Ritz-Carlton, Hotel Company, Hong Kong Tony Chi & Associates, New York KPF, New York ARUP, Hong Kong Creative Kitchen Planners, Kuala Lumpur
The Ritz-Carlton Mumbai

The Ritz-Carlton Mumbai

The Ritz-Carlton Mumbai

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The Ritz-Carlton News Room | The Ritz-Carlton Hotel Company Announces First Hotel In Mumbai And Second In India

The Ritz-Carlton News Room | The Ritz-Carlton Hotel Company Announces First Hotel In Mumbai And Second In India

The Ritz-Carlton, Мумбаи, Индия

Set to Open in Early 2017

MUMBAI, INDIA, May 8 th 2014 – The Ritz-Carlton Hotel Company, L.L.C. has signed a long term management agreement with a consortium led by Oberoi Realty and Sahana Group to open the first Ritz-Carlton in Mumbai, the entertainment, commercial and financial capital of India, and the second in the country following the recent opening of The Ritz-Carlton, Bangalore in Karnataka.

The 238-room Ritz-Carlton will be located in Worli, the heart of central Mumbai, a thriving new business district with easy access to the international airport.

The newly built structure will be a beacon on the coastline of the Arabian Sea with magnificent views of the Mumbai skyline and is expected to open in 2017.

Designed as a tribute to modern India, The Ritz-Carlton, Mumbai will honor its traditional past by setting new standards in luxury, technology and service. It forms part of a mixed used development in an iconic high-rise tower with luxury residential spaces. A second tower has been designated for luxury residential condominiums managed by The Ritz-Carlton.

Architects, Kohn Pederson Fox, will imagine the new towering landmark of glass and steel while renowned interior designer, Tony Chi, will take inspiration from Indian culture to create sleek interiors, including luxurious accommodations and suites that offer a contemporary sense of place.

“We have been searching for the perfect location for a premier hotel in Mumbai for several years,” said Herve Humler, president and chief operating officer of The Ritz-Carlton Hotel Company. “This site offers everything hotel guests could want—a prime business location, stylish and contemporary design in this historically rich and vibrant city.”

Vikas Oberoi, Chairman and Managing Director of Oberoi Realty said: “Mumbai is one of the great gateways of the world and by partnering with The Ritz-Carlton, we continue to cement the reputation of the city on the world stage and within the local market. This leading global luxury hospitality brand will resonate strongly with guests both locally and overseas.”

The new hotel is located in the social heart of Mumbai, home to Bollywood, historic attractions, and upscale shopping and dining. Among the hotel’s vibrant experiences will be an ocean-view bar, two specialty and fine dining restaurants, a Ritz-Carlton Spa and extensive banquet and meeting spaces for the high profile events and society weddings for which Mumbai is renowned.

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