Rock is dead: Il libro nero sui misteri della musica. Con nuove storie - F. T. Sandman e Episch Porzioni - Google Книги

Rock is dead: Il libro nero sui misteri della musica. Con nuove storie - F. T. Sandman e Episch Porzioni - Google Книги

Rock is dead : Il libro nero sui misteri della musica. Con nuove storie

Il rock è morto? Ecco il referto dell’autopsia in un libro monumentale che racconta con dovizia di particolari la vita e la misteriosa morte di alcuni fra gli artisti più talentuosi e trasgressivi della storia. Morti inspiegabili, violente, bizzarre oppure casuali.
Perché nel mondo della Musica si concentrano così tanti misteri? Che cosa è davvero successo quella notte a Jimi Hendrix? Perché hanno picchiato a morte Jaco Pastorious? Come mai l’ascolto di Gloomy Sunday ha fatto suicidare così tante persone? Chi ha ucciso e violentato Mia Zapata? E Jim Morrison è veramente deceduto in quella vasca a Parigi?
L’aspetto innovativo di Rock Is Dead è che i soliti nomi si alternano a musicisti meno conosciuti al grande pubblico ma sulle cui sorti si potrebbe scrivere un film a tinte fosche. Come dimenticare il grande cantastorie cileno Victor Jara, barbaramente assassinato dalle milizie di Pinochet? Per non parlare di Dean Reed, una sorta di nuovo Elvis di fede comunista, che venne boicottato negli Stati Uniti ma si affermò nel blocco sovietico prima di scomparire misteriosamente. Non meglio andò ad Angus Maclise, fondatore dei Velvet Underground, finito arso su una pira funeraria a Katmandu mentre Lucky Dube, portavoce dei neri sudafricani e star del reggae, venne freddato in un parcheggio. E molti altri ancora…
76 fotografie inedite sul mondo della musica per tratteggiare tutti quei misteri che compongono l'altra faccia della medaglia, quella inesorabilmente votata al nero.
Da questo libro è tratta l'omonima trasmissione in onda su Radio Popolare Network.

New Hotel Design - Otto Riewoldt - Google Книги

New Hotel Design - Otto Riewoldt - Google Книги

New Hotel Design

In recent years there has been a remarkable evolution in the design of hotels, with mainstream hotel chains rejecting characterless functionalism in favour of style-led individualism. This book gathers together over 40 of the best examples of hotel architecture and interiors from around the world, illustrating the impressive diversity of styles and forms. Identifying the latest industry trends, Riewoldt makes plain how both chains and independents have adopted individual design strategies to enhance their brand image in an increasingly global marketplace. It featuers the work of Michael Graves, Jean Nouvel and Philippe Starck amongst other big names.

Shift Ahead: How the Best Companies Stay Relevant in a Fast-Changing World - Allen Adamson, Joel Steckel - Google Книги

Shift Ahead: How the Best Companies Stay Relevant in a Fast-Changing World - Allen Adamson, Joel Steckel - Google Книги

Shift Ahead : How the Best Companies Stay Relevant in a Fast-Changing World

This book taps into both success stories and cautionary tales from others to provide you with a smart, calculated approach to knowing both: 1) when to change course and 2) how to pull it off.

In a world that's changing faster and more furiously than ever, the ability to shift focus is critical. Why is it that some organizations can continually evolve to meet the times and the marketplace, and others can't? How do some companies always seem to know the perfect season to shift gears, as well as the rights methods to implement when doing so, while others go down sinking when a simple shift would’ve saved everything?

Packed with insightful interviews from leaders at HBO, Adobe, BlackBerry, National Geographic, Microsoft, Kodak, and elsewhere, Shift Ahead explains how to:

Spot warning signs that it’s time for a reinvention Overcome obstacles standing in the way of your company’s future goals Maintain authenticity when shifting gears Execute changes seamlessly, no matter how bold they are

Today more than at any other time before, knowing when to shift, and how to do so successfully, is the key to remaining competitive. With Shift Ahead, this difficult yet imperative maneuver will become the key to your company’s long-term success!

The Ritz-Carlton, Perth Отель, Австралия

The Ritz-Carlton, Perth Отель, Австралия

Отель The Ritz-Carlton, Perth

Отель The Ritz-Carlton, Perth находится в нескольких минутах езды от Художественной галереи Западной Австралии. Гости, останавливающиеся в этом отеле, могут припарковать свой автомобиль на территории.

Номера выходят на парк.

Этот отель расположен приблизительно в 5 минутах ходьбы от Здания Barracks Arch Перта. Вы сможете насладиться визитом к Собору Св. Георгия, что примерно в 300 метрах от этого отеля. Множество достопримечательностей, таких как Колокольня Swan Bells и Пристань Баррак-стрит, находятся неподалеку. В 200 метрах находится ближайшая автобусная остановка Barrack Square.

По утрам гости могут отведать континентальный завтрак в ресторане. Меню ресторана располагает блюдами австралийской кухни. В лаунж-баре гости могут насладиться своим любимым напитком. Рестораны Reveleys Cafe и Aurore Patisserie находятся в 5 минутах ходьбы и предлагают большой выбор блюд.

Регистрация заезда: с 15:00 до 23:59 Регистрация выезда: до 11:00 Размещение детей и предоставление дополнительных кроватей Детские кровати в номере не предоставляются. "
Сидней - Лучшие курорты - Австралия - Поиск попутчиков с Triplook

Сидней - Лучшие курорты - Австралия - Поиск попутчиков с Triplook


Сидней (Sydney) — мегаполис в Австралии (Australia), построенный на юго-востоке страны. Восточные границы города омываются Тихим океаном (Pacific Ocean), на западе Сидней окружают Голубые горы (Blue Mountains), в северной части протекает река Хоксбери (Hawkesbury river), а на юге раскинулся живописный Королевский Национальный парк (Royal National Park). Сидней является административным центром австралийского штата Новый Южный Уэльс (New South Wales).

В Сидней приезжают любители пляжного отдыха и активного туризма. Путешественников ожидает дайвинг и сноркелинг, серфинг, виндсерфинг и кайтсерфинг, каякинг и яхтинг, парусный спорт, подводная рыбалка, парасейлинг и параглайдинг. Самый старый и популярный пляж города — Bondi Beach.

Водные виды развлечений можно разбавить верховой ездой, альпинизмом и пешим трекингом по многочисленным национальным паркам Сиднея, а также походом по местным достопримечательностям.

Приятным дополнением отпуска в Сиднее станет настоящий австралийский шопинг, а также походы по ресторанам, казино и другим увеселительным заведениям.

Когда ехать

Планируя поездку в Сидней, следует учитывать климатическую особенность Австралии. Лето в этой стране начинается в декабре, а зима — в июне. Январь считается самым теплым месяцем. Средняя температура воздуха в это время составляет +22 °C. Наиболее холодно в июне, когда столбик термометра понижается до +2 °C.

Фестиваль русской культуры Maslenitsa: Sydney Slavic Cultural Festival ежегодно проходит на улицах города в марте.

В конце мая и начале июня в Сиднее стартует самый крупный фестиваль музыки и света в Южном полушарии — Vivid Sydney.

Каждый год в начале июня в городе проводится Международный кинофестиваль (Sydney Film Festival).

В сентябре туристы и их попутчики смогут попасть на Сиднейский фестиваль бега (Sydney Running Festival), а в октябре талантливые архитекторы собираются на Сиднейский фестиваль архитектуры (Sydney Architecture Festival).


Первое, что следует посетить в поездке по Сиднею — это знаменитый Оперный театр (Sydney Opera House) и самый большой стальной арочный мост в мире Харбор Бридж (Harbour Bridge).

Великолепная городская панорама открывается со специальной смотровой площадки Сиднейской телебашни (Sydney Tower).

Обязательно прогуляйтесь по уютному району Дарлинг Харбор (Darling Harbour), в южной части которого расположился сиднейский Чайнатаун (Chinatown).

С местного причала King Street Wharf можно совершить морскую прогулку и полюбоваться экспонатами Австралийского Национального Морского музея (Australian National Maritime Museum), пришвартованными неподалеку. Самый интересный корабль в музее, Endeavour, является точной копией судна Джеймса Кука, приплывшего когда-то к берегам Австралии.

Рекомендуем в отпуске побывать в Здании Королевы Виктории (Queen Victoria Building), построенном в конце XIX века. Когда-то в его стенах располагался большой городской рынок, а сегодня в его стенах разместился торговый центр.

Неподалеку гости города увидят Городскую Ратушу (Town Hall), построенную на месте старинного сиднейского кладбища.

Кафедральный Собор Пресвятой Девы Марии (Saint Mary’s Cathedral) носит почетное звание «малой базилики» и строился более 100 лет, начиная с 1868 года.

Ярким примером колониальной архитектуры Сиднея считается Элизабет Бэй Хаус (Elizabeth Bay House).

Недалеко от центра города путешественники вместе со своими попутчиками могут посетить настоящий китайский монастырь Хва Тсанг (Hwa Tsang Monastery).

На территории Сиднея разместилось немало национальных парков, живописных скверов и заповедников. Любитель природы стоит заглянуть в Королевский Ботанический сад (Royal Botanic Gardens) и заповедник Уильяма Рикеттса (William Ricketts Sanctuary), где можно увидеть скульптуры коренных жителей Австралии. Национальный парк Голубые горы (Blue Mountains National Park) понравится ценителям активного отдыха: альпинизма, пешего трекинга и верховой езды.

Поплавать со скатами и другими обитателями морского дна можно в заповеднике Манли Си Лайф (Manly Sea Life Sanctuary). Туристам надолго запомнится поход в крупнейший аквариум страны — Сиднейский (Sydney Aquarium). Старейший зверинец Австралии, зоопарк Таронга (Taronga Zoo), разделен на 8 зон, в которых проживают около 3 000 видов животных.

Путешествие по достопримечательностям города можно разнообразить походом в музеи. Туристов ждет Австралийский музей (Australian Museum), Музей «Силовая станция» (Powerhouse Museum) и Музей современного искусства (Museum of Contemporary Art Australia).

Шопинг и развлечения

Шопинг в Сиднее является обязательным пунктом туристического путешествия.

Одной из самых популярных сетей торговых центров Австралии является Westfield Shopping Centres. Находится эта торговая площадка на улице Elizabeth Street. Неподалеку построен Гайд-Парк (Hyde Park).

Queen Victoria Building считается местом элитного шопинга.

Торговый центр Galleries Victoria предложит туристам широкий выбор одежды и аксессуаров австралийских и мировых брендов. Здание Strand Arcade — это торговый центр и памятник архитектуры. В Strand Arcade продаются дорогие и элитные товары.

За бюджетным шопингом туристам следует отправляться на Peddy’s Market. The Rocks Markets — место, где отдыхающие могут приобрести австралийские сувениры ручной работы.

Тем, кто приехал в Сидней с детьми, рекомендуем побывать в крупнейший аквапарке Австралии — Wet’ N’ Wild Sydney. Отличным местом для отдыха всей семьей станет зоопарк Acer Arena, в котором детей и их родителей ожидает увлекательное шоу о жизни динозавров (Walking with Dinosaurs Live Show). Посмотреть на диких животных в естественной среде обитания можно в Featherdale Wildlife Park.

Blue Mountains Eco Tours предлагает пешие туры по национальному парку Голубые горы. Поклонников серфинга ждет Australian Surf Tours. Отлично провести время можно в веревочном парке Urban Jungle Adventure Park.

Любителям головоломок предложат увлекательные эскейп-квесты: Mission Room Escape Sydney и Pani Q Room.

Увидеть новинки австралийского и мирового кинематографа туристы и их попутчики смогут в The Ritz Cinema Randwick.

Разнообразить досуг отдыхающим предложат игрой в крикет. На стадионе Sydney Cricket Ground опытные инструктора обучат отдыхающих этой спортивной игре. Также туристов ожидают походы в боулинг, игра в бильярд, гольф или теннис, вечера в казино и лучшие сиднейские рестораны.

Популярный ресторан Сиднея, Tetsuya’s, предлагает своим гостям удивительный кулинарный микс западной и восточной кухни. Ресторан Bilson’s познакомит путешественников с блюдами классической австралийской кухни. В Sydney Tower Restaurant отдыхающие попробуют мясо верблюда или кенгуру. Интерьер Buon Ricordo напоминает деревенскую закусочную, а меню в основном включает итальянские блюда. Ресторан Forty One, расположенный на 41 этаже Chifley Tower, понравится тем туристам, кто в отпуске предпочитает классические блюда европейской кухни.

Le Cordon Bleu в Сидней (Австралия): стоимость обучения, отзывы студентов

Le Cordon Bleu в Сидней (Австралия): стоимость обучения, отзывы студентов

Le Cordon Bleu – Сидней

В 1996 году Le Cordon Bleu открыл школу в Сиднее для того, чтобы помочь правительству штату Новый Южный Уэльс подготовиться к Олимпиаде 2000 года.

Дипломы и сертификаты программ Le Cordon Bleu в Сиднее дают австралийские и французские квалификации в сфере кулинарного мастерства, предоставляя выпускникам бесценные знания в области классической французской гастрономии и конкурентное преимущество на рынке труда.

Программы и цены на обучение в Le Cordon Bleu Sydney

Диплом по кулинарии (Сертификат III)

Длительность: 15 месяцев Стажировка: включена (6 месяцев) Язык обучения: английский Начало программы: январь, апрель, июль, сентябрь Стоимость обучения: A$36.163 "
Carnival Splendor Itinerary, Current Position, Ship Review | CruiseMapper

Carnival Splendor Itinerary, Current Position, Ship Review | CruiseMapper

Carnival Splendor

Carnival Splendor current location is at East Australia (coordinates -34.20713 S / 151.47827 E) cruising at speed of 16.5 kn (31 km/h | 19 mph) en route to SYDNEY,AU. The AIS position was reported 1 minute ago.

Current itinerary of Carnival Splendor

Carnival Splendor current cruise is 5 days, round-trip Tasmania. The itinerary starts on 11 Jan, 2024 and ends on 16 Jan, 2024.

Specifications of Carnival Splendor Year of build2008 / Age: 16Flag state PanamaBuilderFincantieri (Sestri Ponente, Genoa Italy)ClassCosta CONCORDIABuilding costUSD 700 millionEngines (power)Wartsila (75.6 MW / 101381 hp )Speed21 kn / 39 km/h / 24 mph Length (LOA)290 m / 951 ft Beam (width)38 m / 125 ft Gross Tonnage113573 gt Passengers3016 - 3619Crew1150Passengers-to-space ratio31Decks13Cabins1508Decks with cabins8Last Refurbishment2019-2024Sister-shipsCosta Concordia, Costa Fascinosa, Costa Favolosa, Costa Pacifica, Costa SerenaChristened byMyleene KlassOwnerCarnival Corporation & PLCOperatorCarnival Cruise Line Carnival Splendor Itineraries DateItineraryDeparture PortPrice from2023 Dec 29 9 days, round-trip South Pacific Sydney 2024 Jan 07 4 days, round-trip Tangalooma - Moreton Island Sydney 2024 Jan 11 5 days, round-trip Tasmania Sydney 2024 Jan 16 8 days, round-trip South Pacific Sydney 2024 Jan 24 4 days, round-trip Tangalooma - Moreton Island Sydney 2024 Jan 28 11 days, round-trip New Zealand Sydney $8822024 Feb 08 8 days, round-trip South Pacific Sydney $11152024 Feb 16 12 days, round-trip New Zealand Sydney $6902024 Feb 28 4 days, round-trip Tangalooma - Moreton Island Sydney $4622024 Mar 03 8 days, round-trip South Pacific Sydney $5062024 Mar 11 9 days, round-trip Great Barrier Reef Sydney $5362024 Mar 20 8 days, round-trip South Pacific Sydney $4772024 Mar 28 4 days, round-trip Tangalooma - Moreton Island Sydney $5092024 Apr 01 10 days, round-trip New Zealand Sydney $5762024 Apr 11 10 days, round-trip Great Barrier Reef Sydney 2024 Apr 21 4 days, round-trip Tangalooma - Moreton Island Sydney $4012024 Apr 25 3 days, round-trip Getaway Sydney $3352024 Apr 28 8 days, round-trip South Pacific Sydney $4862024 May 06 10 days, round-trip Great Barrier Reef Sydney $6092024 May 16 3 days, round-trip Getaway Sydney $2882024 May 19 9 days, round-trip South Pacific Sydney $4822024 May 28 10 days, round-trip Great Barrier Reef Sydney $6372024 Jun 07 4 days, round-trip Tangalooma - Moreton Island Sydney $3152024 Jun 11 9 days, round-trip South Pacific Sydney $4822024 Jun 20 4 days, round-trip Tangalooma - Moreton Island Sydney $3152024 Jun 24 10 days, round-trip South Pacific Sydney $5622024 Jul 04 4 days, round-trip Tangalooma - Moreton Island Sydney $3082024 Jul 08 9 days, round-trip South Pacific Sydney $6062024 Jul 17 4 days, round-trip Tangalooma - Moreton Island Sydney $3152024 Jul 21 15 days, one-way from Sydney to Singapore Sydney $8232024 Sep 09 9 days, round-trip Great Barrier Reef Sydney $5292024 Sep 18 9 days, round-trip South Pacific Sydney $5462024 Sep 27 9 days, round-trip Great Barrier Reef Sydney $6832024 Oct 06 4 days, round-trip Tangalooma - Moreton Island Sydney $3552024 Oct 10 3 days, round-trip Getaway Sydney $2742024 Oct 13 8 days, round-trip South Pacific Sydney $4552024 Oct 21 10 days, round-trip South Pacific Sydney $5692024 Oct 31 3 days, round-trip Getaway Sydney $2412024 Nov 03 6 days, round-trip Melbourne Cup Sydney $6582024 Nov 09 5 days, round-trip Tasmania Sydney $4152024 Nov 14 8 days, round-trip South Pacific Sydney $4752024 Nov 22 3 days, round-trip Getaway Sydney $2412024 Dec 05 4 days, round-trip Tangalooma - Moreton Island Sydney $3212024 Dec 09 10 days, round-trip New Zealand Sydney $6232024 Dec 19 8 days, round-trip South Pacific Sydney $7162024 Dec 27 3 days, round-trip Getaway Sydney $3352024 Dec 30 9 days, round-trip South Pacific Sydney $9642025 Jan 08 4 days, round-trip Tangalooma - Moreton Island Sydney $3612025 Jan 12 8 days, round-trip South Pacific Sydney $6232025 Jan 20 4 days, round-trip Tangalooma - Moreton Island Sydney $3552025 Jan 24 4 days, round-trip Tangalooma - Moreton Island Sydney $3482025 Jan 28 5 days, round-trip Tasmania Sydney $3352025 Feb 02 11 days, round-trip New Zealand Sydney $6962025 Feb 13 4 days, round-trip Tangalooma - Moreton Island Sydney $3212025 Feb 17 10 days, round-trip Great Barrier Reef Sydney $5622025 Feb 27 3 days, round-trip Getaway Sydney $2342025 Mar 02 4 days, round-trip Tangalooma - Moreton Island Sydney $3152025 Mar 06 8 days, round-trip South Pacific Sydney $4552025 Mar 14 9 days, round-trip Great Barrier Reef Sydney $5492025 Mar 23 10 days, round-trip New Zealand Sydney $6432025 Apr 02 4 days, round-trip Tangalooma - Moreton Island Sydney $3152025 Apr 06 4 days, round-trip Tasmania Sydney $3152025 Apr 10 8 days, round-trip South Pacific Sydney $6292025 Apr 18 4 days, round-trip Tangalooma - Moreton Island Sydney $4222025 Apr 22 5 days, round-trip Tasmania Sydney $4282025 Apr 27 9 days, round-trip South Pacific Sydney $5022025 May 06 10 days, round-trip Great Barrier Reef Sydney $5622025 May 16 3 days, round-trip Getaway Sydney $2342025 May 19 8 days, round-trip South Pacific Sydney $4552025 May 27 10 days, round-trip Great Barrier Reef Sydney $5622025 Jun 06 4 days, round-trip Tangalooma - Moreton Island Sydney $3212025 Jun 10 9 days, round-trip South Pacific Sydney $5022025 Jun 19 4 days, round-trip Tangalooma - Moreton Island Sydney $3152025 Jun 23 10 days, round-trip Great Barrier Reef Sydney $5622025 Jul 03 4 days, round-trip Tangalooma - Moreton Island Sydney $3152025 Jul 07 9 days, round-trip South Pacific Sydney $6292025 Jul 16 4 days, round-trip Tangalooma - Moreton Island Sydney $3212025 Jul 20 12 days, round-trip South Pacific Sydney $6692025 Aug 01 3 days, round-trip Getaway Sydney $2342025 Aug 04 10 days, round-trip Great Barrier Reef Sydney $5622025 Aug 14 8 days, round-trip South Pacific Sydney $4622025 Aug 22 3 days, round-trip Getaway Sydney $2342025 Aug 25 10 days, round-trip South Pacific Sydney $5622025 Sep 04 4 days, round-trip Tangalooma - Moreton Island Sydney $3152025 Sep 08 9 days, round-trip Great Barrier Reef Sydney $5492025 Sep 17 10 days, round-trip Great Barrier Reef Sydney $5762025 Sep 27 8 days, round-trip South Pacific Sydney $5822025 Oct 05 4 days, round-trip Tangalooma - Moreton Island Sydney $3482025 Oct 09 3 days, round-trip Getaway Sydney $2812025 Oct 12 8 days, round-trip South Pacific Sydney $4622025 Oct 20 10 days, round-trip New Zealand Sydney $6362025 Oct 30 3 days, round-trip Getaway Sydney $2342025 Nov 02 6 days, round-trip Melbourne Cup Sydney $5822025 Nov 08 8 days, round-trip South Pacific Sydney $4622025 Nov 16 5 days, round-trip Tasmania Sydney $3612025 Nov 21 3 days, round-trip Getaway Sydney $2342025 Nov 24 10 days, round-trip New Zealand Sydney $6362025 Dec 04 4 days, round-trip Tangalooma - Moreton Island Sydney $3152025 Dec 08 10 days, round-trip New Zealand Sydney $6362025 Dec 18 8 days, round-trip South Pacific Sydney $7162025 Dec 26 3 days, round-trip Getaway Sydney $3412025 Dec 29 9 days, round-trip South Pacific Sydney $9242026 Jan 07 4 days, round-trip Tangalooma - Moreton Island Sydney $3682026 Jan 11 5 days, round-trip Tasmania Sydney $4552026 Jan 16 8 days, round-trip South Pacific Sydney $6362026 Jan 24 4 days, round-trip Tangalooma - Moreton Island Sydney $3552026 Jan 28 4 days, round-trip Tangalooma - Moreton Island Sydney $3212026 Feb 01 11 days, round-trip New Zealand Sydney $7102026 Feb 12 4 days, round-trip Tangalooma - Moreton Island Sydney $3212026 Feb 16 10 days, round-trip New Zealand Sydney $6492026 Feb 26 3 days, round-trip Getaway Sydney $2412026 Mar 01 4 days, round-trip Tangalooma - Moreton Island Sydney $3212026 Mar 05 9 days, round-trip South Pacific Sydney $5152026 Mar 14 9 days, round-trip Great Barrier Reef Sydney $5622026 Mar 23 10 days, round-trip New Zealand Sydney $6492026 Apr 02 4 days, round-trip Tangalooma - Moreton Island Sydney $3682026 Apr 06 9 days, round-trip South Pacific Sydney $5292026 Apr 15 4 days, round-trip Tangalooma - Moreton Island Sydney $3552026 Apr 19 4 days, round-trip Tangalooma - Moreton Island Sydney $3552026 Apr 23 5 days, round-trip Tasmania Sydney $4352026 Apr 28 10 days, round-trip Great Barrier Reef Sydney $5762026 May 08 3 days, round-trip Getaway Sydney $2412026 May 11 9 days, round-trip South Pacific Sydney $5152026 May 20 10 days, round-trip Great Barrier Reef Sydney $5762026 May 30 8 days, round-trip South Pacific Sydney $4692026 Jun 07 4 days, round-trip Tangalooma - Moreton Island Sydney $3282026 Jun 11 9 days, round-trip South Pacific Sydney $5152026 Jun 20 4 days, round-trip Tangalooma - Moreton Island Sydney $321 Carnival Splendor Review Review of Carnival Splendor

The 2008-built Carnival Splendor cruise ship belongs to Costa's Concordia-class liners - with sisterships Concordia (sunk in 2012), Favolosa, Fascinosa, Serena and Pacifica. Splendor was the largest "Fun Ship" until the debut of Carnival Dream in 2009.

The vessel (IMO number 9333163) is currently Panama-flagged (MMSI 372808000) and registered in Colon.

It was first announced that the ship would be repositioned to China in early 2019, then transferred to the fleet of P&O Australia in late 2019. At the end of September 2017 was officially announced that Splendor will stay with Carnival.

History - construction and ownership

Carnival Cruise Lines (CCL) is a US shipping company, trademarked brand and subsidiary of Carnival Corporation (shipowner). CCL was founded in 1972 as an independent company by Ted Arison (1924-1999, co-founder of NCL Norwegian).

Carnival Cruise Lines has Corporation's largest fleet as both a number of vessels and GT tonnage (ship sizes and capacities). CCL has over 1/5 of the cruise industry's worldwide market.

The 3006-passenger ship Carnival Splendor is a big ship with a huge personality, which has already set herself apart in grand style. For first-time cruisers, Splendor has inaugurated a new cabin category, the spa cabin. The retractable sky cupola that covers Carnival Splendor's pool deck is also a novelty for Carnival. With Carnival Splendor, the line introduced its first-ever route in the Baltic and South America, a remarkable expansion for the fleet.

Decks and Cabins

Carnival Splendor staterooms (1508 total, in 33 categories) include 54 Suites, 537 Balcony, 363 Oceanview and 585 Inside cabins, most of which are sized 170-185 ft2 / 16-17 m2. CCL Splendor ship also has 66 Cloud 9 Spa cabins and 29 wheelchair-accessible cabins. Most cabin balconies are sized 35 ft2 / 3 m2. The largest are the Captain’s Suites (500 ft2 / 46 m2 plus 200 ft2 / 19 m2 terrace) accommodating up to 5 passengers.

The boat has 13 passenger decks, of which 8 are with cabins.

Shipboard dining options - Food and Drinks

Carnival Splendor offers everything that's become a cruise industry standard, along with innovative surprises: a superb alternative restaurant, Indian tandoori grill, sushi bar, and stir-fry station. The premium coffee bar and Pinnacle supper club are the only onboard venues that come with an extra charge. The rest are all included in the fare you pay. Splendor's MDRs - The Gold Pearl and The Black Pearl, are grandiose dining venues. Dinner tables are assigned and the majority can accommodate 4-6-10 diners. Seatings are at 6 pm and 8:15 pm, orchestrated like a fine watch. Everyone knows it is time to say goodnight when Splendor's maitre d' starts singing and waiters jump up to dance on the tables.

Follows the complete list of Carnival Splendor restaurants and food bars.

The Black Pearl Restaurant (744-seat forward Dining Room, with two fixed dinner seatings and Your Time Dining, offers Seuss At Sea-themed breakfast for $5) The Gold Pearl Restaurant (1122-seat aft Dining Room, with two fixed dinner seatings and open seating for Breakfast and Lunch) Splendido Lido Buffet Restaurant (1396-seat, self-service buffet restaurant with various food stations, operates as a bistro in the evenings) The Pinnacle Steakhouse (108-seat, reservations only specialty restaurant for steaks and seafood, with dance floor and live music) California Roll Sushi (sushi bar, complimentary) Fahrenheit 555 (added in 2019) is where guests can try the finest aged beef, that is seared to exact specifications to lock in flavor at the precise temperature of 555 deg. Fahrenheit. Set in an elegant setting and offering a menu of some of the best cuts, Fahrenheit 555 is the best venue for celebrating special occasions or indulging in the evening. The upscale steakhouse incurs an additional charge. Masala Tiger (added in 2019) is a new modern dining concept created with the Australian palette in mind. It offers an authentic dining experience with Tandoori-style cooking. Passengers can enjoy a selection of chargrilled veggies and meats, curries, and naan bread fresh from the oven. The menu is included in the cruise fare and changes daily. Masala Tiger is to be located in the adults-only Serenity Retreat, also sheltering a nearby bar and Carnival Deli. Seafood Shack (added in 2019) is a seaside spot featuring New England-style, where passengers can tuck into a serving of fish and chips, Lobster BLT, or enjoy oysters, all at an additional charge. Pizzeria del Capitano (added in 2019) pays homage to Italian heritage of a lot of Carnival Captains. The pizzeria features hand-made pizzas with imported Italian flour, delectable toppings, and fresh mozzarella, all included in the cruise price. Shipboard entertainment options - Fun and Sport

Carnival Splendor marks a new class of ship for Carnival. One of her most awesome features is the luxury, 21,000-square-foot spa, the most elaborate in the fleet. Pan-Asian in design, the Cloud 9 Spa spans on two decks and features a state-of-the-art fitness center which rivals any other at sea. There are many beauty and health rooms for treatment, as well as the first Thalassotherapy pool. With 24 lounges and bars, outdoor movies, a water slide and a singing maitre d', Splendor delivers exactly what Carnival cruisers expect: fun. Splendor's shipboard entertainment is not confined to evenings. Live music is all over the ship, day and night.

The 270-sq.foot theater screen on Lido Deck is constantly used, showing movies, headline news and concerts. And, just like any Carnival cruise, there are trivia contests, bingo, bean bag tosses, Love and Marriage game, even men's hairy chest contest.

Follows the complete list of Carnival Splendor lounges, clubs and other entertainment venues for kids, teens, and adults.

Spectacular Theatre (1349-seat, 3-level show lounge for grand shows and musical productions, also used for daily trivia game shows, movies, bingo sessions). Splendor Atrium Lobby (7-deck high open floor area with Splendor Lobby Bar for live performances) The Pink Pearl (28-seat Card Room), Art Room Gallery, The Golden Atrium, The Alexandria Library The Fun Shops (offer Bon Voyage items, duty-free liquor, jewelry, fashion boutiques, souvenirs, logo items), Formalities Shop (tuxedo rentals, special occasion gifts), S&S Card LCD kiosks, Photo Gallery and Shop Club O2 (teens' club lounge for video games, movies, karaoke, and themed parties), Video Games Arcade Our House Bar (55-seat sports bar), El Mojito Bar (30-seat wine bar), Alchemy Bar, Grand Piano Bar (100-seat piano bar), The Cool Lounge (88-seat jazz bar), Robusto Bar (147-seat cigar bar with live music) Royal Flush Casino (484-seat, served by Oceanview Bar), Centuries Promenade Bar (23-seat) The Coffee Shop (50-seat specialty coffee bar) Red Carpet Disco and Nightclub (211-seat) El Morocco Lounge (425-seat, with dance floor, El Morocco Bar, hosts Punchliner Comedy Club) RedFrog Rum Bar (Caribbean rums selection, ThirstyFrog Red draught beer, burgers, and fries) Carnival Cloud 9 Spa (with Thermal Suite, Oriental Steam Bath, Aroma Steam Bath, Laconium, Thalasso Pool, Saunas, Fitness Center with Aerobics Studio, Beauty Salon) Sports Deck (multi-sports court, Tennis Tables, Shuffleboard), 9-hole Mini Golf Course, Jogging Track. Circle C (kids' club lounge, complimentary) The Web (24-hour Internet computers room) Splendido Pool area (with stage, served by Splendido Bar) Liner Pool area (with two Whirlpools, served by Liner Bar) Thunderball Pool area (with Twister Waterslide, kids AquaPark, 1 Whirlpool), Splash Park (with 3 waterslides, fountains, and sprays) Carnival Seaside Theatre (LED screen outdoor cinema) Serenity (adults only area with Serenity Bar, two Whirlpools, padded lounges) Camp Carnival (kids' club lounge area, complimentary programs, supervised activities, with outdoor Kids Pool area). Itineraries

Carnival Splendor itinerary program was initially based on departures from NYC New York (to Canada/New England and the Caribbean), from Miami Florida (to Eastern and Western Caribbean), as well as roundtrips to The Bahamas, Caribbean and Cruises to Nowhere out of Norfolk VA.

In 2019, the ship was repositioned from Los Angeles USA to Australia (homeport Sydney NSW) for year-round deployment. Operations started in November 2019, following the relocation voyage from Singapore to Sydney NSW. In Singapore, the liner was drydock-refurbished and new dining options were added for the Australian source market. It was previously suggested that Splendor in 2019 would join the P&O Australia fleet.

Bookings on Carnival Splendor Australia 2019 program (departures November 25 through December 28) were opened on March 23, 2018. The Asia-Australia repositioning itinerary visited Indonesia (Benoa Bali, Komodo Island) and Darwin AU.

From Australia, Carnival Splendor initially offered 3 itineraries (Sydney roundtrips) to South Pacific islands.

8-NIGHT (2 sea days, Noumea, Lifou, Isle of Pines, 2 sea days), from AUD 1130 pp / double inside cabin rates 9-NIGHT (2 sea days, Noumea, Mare, Lifou, 3 sea days), from AUD 1649 pp / double inside cabin rates 9-NIGHT (2 sea days, Isle of Pines, Mare, Lifou, 2 sea days), from AUD 1699 pp / double inside cabin rates.

The longest Carnival cruise ever was the 24-night Transpacific crossing on Splendor - departing on October 5, 2019, from LA-Long Beach CA. The ship crossed the Pacific Ocean to Asia (Singapore), arriving on October 30. After extended stops in Honolulu and Maui, the liner visited Guam and Kota Kinabalu (Malaysia), then Saigon (Vietnam) - all the 3 ports were first for CCL (never visited before). The relocation cruise also featured the traditional ceremony held during International dateline crossings. Prices started from just USD 1650 pp ($69 pp per day) with double occupancy.

Due to the Coronavirus crisis, the CCL Splendor ship was paused for 2+ years (March 2020 thru May 2022), and was planned to restart from Sydney NSW on May 31st. Splendor's Australia 2022 itinerary program was based on:

3-day Getaways (themed cruises to nowhere) 4-day Tangalooma - Moreton Island 5-day Tasmania (Port Arthur, Hobart) 8-9-10-days "Great Barrier Reef" (Airlie Beach, Cairns, Port Douglas, Willis Island, Moreton Island, Willis Island) 8-10-11-12-days "South Pacific Islands" (New Caledonia, Vanuatu, Fiji/including Dravuni Island) 10-12-days "New Zealand" (Wellington, Lyttelton-Christchurch, Port Chalmers-Dunedin, Fiordland NP)

However, in early-February 2022, Splendor's Australian schedule 2022 (June 10-Sept 26) and Carnival Spirit's Australian schedule (June 5, 2022, thru October 5, 2023) were both canceled. Carnival Splendor was redeployed to Alaska (May 2 thru August 30), and the Australian program was scheduled to start from Sydney on Oct 9th. Carnival Spirit was redeployed to the Caribbean and homeported in Jacksonville Florida (March 7th thru April 9th), then to Alaska from Seattle (May 3-Sept 13).

Brilliance Of The Seas Itinerary, Current Position, Ship Review | Royal Caribbean

Brilliance Of The Seas Itinerary, Current Position, Ship Review | Royal Caribbean

Brilliance Of The Seas

Brilliance Of The Seas current location is at South Pacific Ocean (coordinates -22.29383 S / 167.15846 E) cruising at speed of 13.7 kn (25 km/h | 16 mph) en route to NOUMEA. The AIS position was reported 3 minutes ago.

Current itinerary of Brilliance Of The Seas

Brilliance Of The Seas current cruise is 10 days, round-trip South Pacific Cruise. Prices start from USD 1538 (double occupancy rates). The itinerary starts on 09 Jan, 2024 and ends on 19 Jan, 2024.

Specifications of Brilliance Of The Seas Year of build2002 / Age: 22Flag state BahamasBuilderMeyer Werft (Papenburg, Germany)ClassRCI RADIANCEBuilding costUSD 350 millionEngines (power)General Electric gas turbines (58 MW / 77779 hp )Propulsion power44 MW / 59005 hp Speed25 kn / 46 km/h / 29 mph Length (LOA)292 m / 958 ft Beam (width)39 m / 128 ft Gross Tonnage90090 gt Passengers2150 - 2580Crew858Passengers-to-space ratio35Decks13Cabins1075Decks with cabins7Last Refurbishment2018Sister-shipsJewel OTS, Radiance OTS, Serenade OTSChristened byMarilyn OferOwnerRCG-Royal Caribbean Group (via RCCL-Royal Caribbean Cruises Ltd)OperatorRCI-Royal Caribbean International Brilliance Of The Seas Itineraries DateItineraryDeparture PortPrice from2023 Dec 30 10 days, round-trip South Pacific Cruise Sydney 2024 Jan 09 10 days, round-trip South Pacific Cruise Sydney $15382024 Jan 19 8 days, round-trip South Pacific Cruise Sydney $10782024 Jan 27 6 days, round-trip Melbourne Hobart Cruise Sydney $9642024 Feb 02 12 days, round-trip New Zealand Cruise Sydney $11982024 Feb 14 16 days, one-way from Sydney to Fremantle Sydney $46782024 Mar 01 18 days, one-way from Fremantle to Sydney Fremantle 2024 Mar 19 11 days, round-trip South Pacific Cruise Sydney $17192024 Mar 30 5 days, round-trip Tasmania Cruise Sydney $30312024 Apr 04 8 days, round-trip South Pacific Cruise Sydney $33242024 Apr 12 16 days, one-way from Sydney to Honolulu Sydney $18482024 Apr 28 8 days, one-way from Honolulu to Vancouver Honolulu $7732024 May 06 6 days, round-trip Alaska Inside Passage Vancouver $6112024 May 12 7 days, round-trip Alaska Inside Passage Vancouver $7982024 May 19 7 days, round-trip Alaska Inside Passage Vancouver $9992024 May 26 7 days, round-trip Alaska Inside Passage Vancouver $26302024 Jun 02 7 days, round-trip Alaska Inside Passage Vancouver $8592024 Jun 09 7 days, round-trip Alaska Inside Passage Vancouver $8992024 Jun 16 7 days, round-trip Alaska Inside Passage Vancouver $7592024 Jun 23 7 days, round-trip Alaska Inside Passage Vancouver $8672024 Jun 30 7 days, round-trip Alaska Inside Passage Vancouver $9082024 Jul 07 7 days, round-trip Alaska Inside Passage Vancouver $10992024 Jul 14 7 days, round-trip Alaska Inside Passage Vancouver $10592024 Jul 21 7 days, round-trip Alaska Inside Passage Vancouver $9592024 Jul 28 7 days, round-trip Alaska Inside Passage Vancouver $9592024 Aug 04 7 days, round-trip Alaska Inside Passage Vancouver $9112024 Aug 11 7 days, round-trip Alaska Inside Passage Vancouver $6982024 Aug 18 7 days, round-trip Alaska Inside Passage Vancouver $6582024 Aug 25 7 days, round-trip Alaska Inside Passage Vancouver $6562024 Sep 01 7 days, round-trip Alaska Inside Passage Vancouver $5982024 Sep 08 7 days, round-trip Alaska Inside Passage Vancouver $6982024 Sep 15 7 days, round-trip Alaska Inside Passage Vancouver $5982024 Sep 22 6 days, one-way from Vancouver to Los Angeles Vancouver $4512024 Sep 28 14 days, one-way from Los Angeles to New Orleans Los Angeles $11482024 Oct 12 7 days, round-trip Western Caribbean Cruise New Orleans $5482024 Oct 19 7 days, round-trip Western Caribbean Cruise New Orleans $4782024 Oct 26 7 days, round-trip Western Caribbean Cruise New Orleans $5622024 Nov 02 7 days, round-trip Western Caribbean Cruise New Orleans $4692024 Nov 09 7 days, round-trip Western Caribbean Cruise New Orleans $4482024 Nov 16 7 days, round-trip Western Caribbean Cruise New Orleans $4482024 Nov 23 7 days, round-trip Western Caribbean Cruise New Orleans $7982024 Nov 30 7 days, round-trip Western Caribbean Cruise New Orleans $5692024 Dec 07 7 days, round-trip Western Caribbean Cruise New Orleans $5482024 Dec 14 7 days, round-trip Western Caribbean Cruise New Orleans $4892024 Dec 21 7 days, round-trip Western Caribbean Cruise New Orleans $8782024 Dec 28 7 days, round-trip Western Caribbean Cruise New Orleans $8792025 Jan 04 7 days, round-trip Western Caribbean Cruise New Orleans $4482025 Jan 11 7 days, round-trip Western Caribbean Cruise New Orleans $4892025 Jan 18 7 days, round-trip Western Caribbean Cruise New Orleans $4782025 Jan 25 7 days, round-trip Western Caribbean Cruise New Orleans $4692025 Feb 01 7 days, round-trip Western Caribbean Cruise New Orleans $4482025 Feb 08 7 days, round-trip Western Caribbean Cruise New Orleans $4892025 Feb 15 7 days, round-trip Western Caribbean Cruise New Orleans $5482025 Mar 01 7 days, round-trip Western Caribbean Cruise New Orleans $5292025 Mar 08 7 days, round-trip Western Caribbean Cruise New Orleans $5392025 Mar 15 7 days, round-trip Western Caribbean Cruise New Orleans $5392025 Mar 22 7 days, round-trip Western Caribbean Cruise New Orleans $6882025 Mar 29 7 days, round-trip Western Caribbean Cruise New Orleans $5292025 Apr 05 5 days, round-trip Western Caribbean Cruise New Orleans $4852025 Apr 12 15 days, one-way from Miami to Portsmouth UK Miami $9982025 May 13 8 days, one-way from Southampton to Barcelona Southampton $9352025 May 21 9 days, one-way from Barcelona to Piraeus-Athens Barcelona $10862025 May 30 7 days, round-trip Greece, Cyprus Turkey Cruise Piraeus-Athens $6862025 Jun 06 7 days, round-trip Greece, Cyprus Turkey Cruise Piraeus-Athens $6862025 Jun 13 7 days, round-trip Greek Isles Turkey Cruise Piraeus-Athens $8352025 Jun 20 7 days, round-trip Greece, Cyprus Turkey Cruise Piraeus-Athens $7562025 Jun 27 7 days, round-trip Greek Isles Turkey Cruise Piraeus-Athens $8352025 Jul 04 7 days, round-trip Greece, Cyprus Turkey Cruise Piraeus-Athens $7862025 Jul 11 7 days, round-trip Greece, Cyprus Turkey Cruise Piraeus-Athens $8162025 Jul 18 7 days, round-trip Greek Isles Turkey Cruise Piraeus-Athens $8352025 Jul 25 7 days, round-trip Greece, Cyprus Turkey Cruise Piraeus-Athens $8162025 Aug 01 7 days, round-trip Greek Isles Turkey Cruise Piraeus-Athens $7832025 Aug 08 7 days, round-trip Greece, Cyprus Turkey Cruise Piraeus-Athens $8162025 Aug 15 7 days, one-way from Piraeus-Athens to Barcelona Piraeus-Athens $8562025 Aug 22 8 days, one-way from Barcelona to Southampton Barcelona $9862025 Aug 30 15 days, one-way from Southampton to Boston Southampton $1646 Brilliance Of The Seas Review Review of Brilliance Of The Seas

The 2002-built Brilliance of the Seas cruise ship is the 2nd Radiance-class Royal Caribbean liner, with sisterships Jewel OTS, Serenade OTS, Radiance OTS.

The vessel (IMO number 9195200) is currently Bahamas-flagged (MMSI 311361000) and registered in Nassau.

History - construction and ownership

Royal Caribbean International (RCI) is a US passenger shipping company, trademarked travel brand, and subsidiary owned by Royal Caribbean Group (RCG/shipowner). RCI was established in 1968 and currently has over 1/5 of the worldwide cruise market. RCI also has RCG's largest fleet by both vessel number and GT tonnage (ship sizes and capacities).

All RCI liners have names ending with "of the Seas".

The 2500-passenger ship Brilliance OTS maintains a relatively low crew-to-guest ratio. The ship feels practically petite in comparison to the newer and bigger Oasis- and Voyager-class fleetmates. However, Brilliance is big enough to offer a variety of dining options and entertainment, yet small enough to offer more immersive itineraries than bigger Royal Caribbean vessels.

Like all Radiance-class cruise ships, Brilliance OTS features glass throughout its interior (including glass elevators and a 5-story glass wall in the atrium), thus granting passengers plenty of ocean views.

Decks and Cabins

Brilliance Of The Seas staterooms (1075 total, in 32 grades) include 66 Suites, 513 Balcony, 247 Oceanviews, 249 Inside (3 Single). Most cabins are sized 165-190 ft2 (15-18 m2). Most cabin balconies are sized 45 ft2 (4 m2). The smallest is Studio Interior (110 ft2 / 10 m2). The largest is Royal Suite (1000 ft2 / 93 m2 plus 105 ft2 / 10 m2 terrace). Wheelchair-accessible cabins are 15.

The boat has 13 decks, of which 12 are passenger-accessible and 8 with cabins.

Shipboard dining options - Food and Drinks

The Minstrel Dining Room is the main restaurant. Food is nicely presented and well prepared. The elegant room features tables on two levels and wonderful views of the vessel's wake. The menu offers several choices of salads, starters, soups, main courses, cheese, and desserts. The Windjammer Cafe is Brilliance's main buffet venue. It is open for breakfast, lunch, afternoon snacks and informal dinner. Numerous stations serve up pasta, burgers, salads, and sweets. An interesting feature is the bar for soda, beer and wine purchases, nice because you don't have to wait for waiters, though the wine is in very little airline-style bottles which cost more than $6 each.

Follows the complete list of Brilliance of the Seas restaurants and food bars.

Minstrel Restaurant (1226-seat aft Dining Room, with two smaller private dining rooms - 122-seat Zephyr and 32-seat Port Side Windjammer Cafe Lido buffet restaurant (696-seat, offers Early Breakfast at 6:30 a.m., Breakfast between 7-11:30 am, Lunch 11.30-3:30 pm and Dinner 6.30-9 pm) Rita’s Cantina (84-seat Mexican restaurant) Giovanni’s Table (Italian specialty restaurant, reservations recommended) Chops Grille (92-seat specialty restaurant) Chefs Table (12-seat gourmet dining room) Izumi (89-seat Asian specialty restaurant). At the Izumi restaurant, "Make Your Own Sushi" classes are also held. They are available for booking at an additional cost (USD 28 pp + 18% gratuity). The sushi-making class is guided by an Izumi chef, teaching the technique for making sushi rolls (3 different types). Passengers then can eat everything they made. included with this class is also a galley tour (of the ship's dining room restaurant's kitchen on Deck 4). Shipboard entertainment options - Fun and Sport

The tone aboard Brilliance of the Seas is set by the 7-deck-high Centrum, which serves as a central spot for activities in the heart of the ship. During the evenings, its Lobby Bar is the hottest spot on Brilliance for after-dinner dancing. The lavish, 2-deck Pacifica Theater hosts the production shows and games.

The ship has a real modern feel and does a fine job in incorporating some of the best facilities that have become Royal Caribbean trademarks. Onboard cruisers will find classics like Schooner Bar and Windjammer Cafe, as well as a climbing wall up to the smokestack, tiny golf, and a waterslide. Other additions include the pretty Seaview Cafe and the rather avant-garde Starquest disco.

Additional amenities include Complimentary 24-hour Room-Service, Supervised Youth program, Internet/WiFi Access, Laundry.

Follows the complete list of Brilliance of the Seas lounges, clubs and other entertainment venues for kids, teens, and adults.

Pacifica Theatre (900-seat, features two grand productions per night with dance, acrobatics, comedy, and game shows) Starquest Disco and Nightclub Photo Gallery and Shop, Art Gallery The Centrum (social hub, offers aerial acrobatics entertainment), Card Room, Next Cruise Lounge, The Colony Club (381-seat, hosts Captain’s Welcome Party), Singapore Slings(105-seat Concierge Club (suite and past guests only), Viking Crown Lounge and Bar, Crown Lounge (fka Diamond Club Lounge & Bar for past guests only) R Bar (35-seat cocktail bar), Cafe Latte-tudes Bar (34-seat specialty coffee bar, offers Seattle’s Best Coffee), King and Country English Pub (105-seat sports bar), Vintages Bar (wine bar), Schooner Bar (144-seat piano bar), Sky Bar Centrum Boutiques (duty-free, clothes, perfumes, accessories, jewelry, logo souvenirs, General Store/alcohol, and cigarettes) Scoreboard (53-seat cinema) Casino Royale (262-seat) Royal Caribbean Online Center (Internet computers room, 24-hour) Vitality at Sea Spa and Fitness Center, 3 jacuzzis, 2 pools Solarium lounge (includes Park Cafe, pool bar and adults-only pool area) Outdoor movie screen Video Games Arcade, Optix Teen Disco Club, Living Room teen lounge area, Royal Babies and Tots Nursery Adventure Beach, Adventure Ocean kids lounge area Sports Court (golf simulator, table tennis, basketball court), Jogging Track, Rock-climbing Wall, Fairways of Brilliance Golf Course.

On Deck 12, the teen’s club Optix shares space with the new “Escape Room” (interactive escape-the-room games by Puzzle Break, via a partnership with ShowFX Inc). For 60-90 min, participants (6-12 players) are locked in the escape room. They must work together to solve puzzles, find hidden clues and eventually to find the key to escape the room - before the time runs out. The Puzzle Break game (named "A Royal Mystery") is complimentary.


Brilliance of the Seas itinerary program is based on roundtrip departures from Tampa FL to the Western Caribbean. During summer, Brilliance sails in Europe (Baltic Sea, departing from Harwich UK) and also offers Fall Foliage New England voyages from Boston to Canada, with Transatlantic repositioning crossings.

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Hurstville Ritz Hotel Sydney

Set just 0.7 km from New Life Rehab Centre, the 3-star Hurstville Ritz Hotel Sydney features a storage room and a restaurant. The hotel serves Australian dishes prepared in the à la carte restaurant on site.

The accommodation puts you in the very heart of Sydney, a 10-minute drive from Wolli Creek. Cook Park located in the immediate adjacency of this Sydney hotel, and Hurstville Presbyterian Church is close by. The property is within 5 minutes' walk of Hurstville Interchange Set Down Only bus stop and within 5 minutes' walk of Hurstville train station in Sydney. Hurstville Ritz Hotel in Sydney is a 20-minute drive from Kingsford Smith airport.

The accommodation features 16 rooms equipped with a flat-screen TV with satellite channels as well as coffee and tea making equipment. Guests can also use a shower, along with such amenities as toiletries and towels.

Breakfast is offered in the restaurant every morning. Food options for lunch are available at the on-site Gage Dinning Co restaurant. The lounge bar will set you up nicely for enjoying your stay. You can try Japanese cuisine in a barbecue which is located very close by.

+ More - Less Main Features Free Wi-Fi Express check-in/ -out Sports activities On-site Dining No Smoking Child-friendly Air conditioning No pets allowed + More
First look: Sydney s new Ritz-Carlton hotel at The Star, Pyrmont - Executive Traveller

First look: Sydney s new Ritz-Carlton hotel at The Star, Pyrmont - Executive Traveller

First look: Sydney's new Ritz-Carlton hotel at The Star, Pyrmont

Fast track to Star Alliance Gold Status with the HSBC Star Alliance Credit Card and unlock a world of global travel benefits. Fee, charges, min spend, and T&C's apply. Australian Credit License 232595. Apply now

Sydney's new Ritz-Carlton Sydney hotel will soar above The Star at Pyrmont when it opens in the early 2020s, with 220 six-star hotel rooms and a further 200 elite residences in the 61 story tower.

The Ritz-Carlton Sydney hotel (Concept image only, subject to all approvals)

The development has been designed by architectural firm FJMT, with company director Richard Francis-Jones saying "our vision is for a beautifully sculpted architecture that will seem to grow from the great sandstone of Pyrmont."

The Ritz-Carlton Sydney hotel (Concept image only, subject to all approvals)

Newly-released concept images hint at what we can expect when the Ritz-Carlton brand returns to Sydney after more than a decade.

The Ritz-Carlton Sydney hotel (Concept image only, subject to all approvals)

The $500 million project will see the elite residences situated below the hotel rooms, with a shared Sky Lobby boasting a signature restaurant with stunning harbour views.

The Ritz-Carlton Sydney hotel (Concept image only, subject to all approvals)

The Ritz-Carlton Sydney hotel (Concept image only, subject to all approvals)

An adjoining 'ribbon development' will boast three pools – two with harbour views – plus two gymnasiums, a spa and wellness centre.

The Ritz-Carlton Sydney hotel (Concept image only, subject to all approvals)

A spokesperson for The Star Entertainment Group declined to nominate a timeline for the hotel's opening, but told Australian Business Traveller that "build time would be two and half to three years after final approvals" from the NSW Department of Planning.

In the meantime, The Star's rival Crown Group has developed its own site across the harbour in Barangaroo, with Crown Sydney opening in late 2020.

David Flynn

David Flynn is the Editor-in-Chief of Executive Traveller and a bit of a travel tragic with a weakness for good coffee, shopping and lychee martinis.

Отели в Sydney - Подберите отели Марриотт в Sydney

Отели в Sydney - Подберите отели Марриотт в Sydney

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31 Wheat Road Аэропорт Сидней, Новый Южный Уэльс 2000

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Яркий дизайн | Служба Whatever/Whenever | Активность нон-стоп

Почему W Hotels

Pier One Sydney Harbour, Autograph Collection На английском языке

11 Hickson Road, Walsh Bay Sydney, Новый Южный Уэльс 2000

1,6 км от точки назначения

Почему Autograph Collection

Независимые отели | Яркий дизайн | Уникальные впечатления

Почему Autograph Collection

Фор-Пойнтс Шератон Сидней, Сентрал-Парк Four Points by Sheraton Sydney, Central Park

88 Broadway, вход в отель через 4 Central Park Avenue Chippendale Аэропорт Сидней, Новый Южный Уэльс 2008

2 км от точки назначения

Почему Four Points by Sheraton

Разнообразный бар и ресторан с местным пивом на разлив | Классический, неподвластный времени дизайн

Почему Four Points by Sheraton

Мокси Сидней Аэропорт Moxy Sydney Airport

38 Baxter Road Маскот, Новый Южный Уэльс 2020

7,2 км от точки назначения

Почему MOXY Hotels

Уютные и технологичные номера | Динамичный дизайн | Энергичная атмосфера

Почему MOXY Hotels

Courtyard Sydney-North Ryde На английском языке

7-11 Talavera Road, North Ryde Sydney, Новый Южный Уэльс 2113

12,1 км от точки назначения

Почему Courtyard

Разнообразный бар и завтрак/ужин на заказ | Бесплатный Wi-Fi | Круглосуточные магазины

Почему Courtyard

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Изучите город


Сидней - один из крупнейших городов Австралии, который является столицей штата Новый Южный Уэльс. В нем расположено множество достопримечательностей, но начать их осмотр мы рекомендуем с бухты Дарлинг Харбор. Этот район предназначен в основном для пешеходов, и там Вы найдете разнообразные рынки, элитные магазины, первоклассные рестораны, кафе и бары. Затем можно перейти мост Харбор-Бридж и полюбоваться на Сиднейский оперный театр. Во второй половине дня любители искусства могут посетить Художественную галерею Нового Южного Уэльса, а остальным туристам наверняка захочется познакомиться с коалами, кенгуру, комодскими варанами и другими редкими представителями мира дикой природы в Сиднейском зоопарке. Любителям активного отдыха в Сиднее скучать тоже не придется, поскольку город расположен на побережье, вблизи от песочных пляжей, тянущихся на многие километры, таких как Бонди-бич, где можно поплавать в 50-метровом бассейне с соленой водой. Помимо плавания и серфинга, туристы могут покататься по бухте на каяках, отправиться в поход по Королевскому национальному парку или проехаться на велосипеде вдоль побережья. Сидней - также рай для гурманов. Каждый район имеет свой стиль, от элитных ресторанов до уютных кафешек, и предлагает разнообразные блюда со всего мира.

Отдохните немного дольше Получите больше за меньшее

Невероятная и чарующая Армения Составьте план отдыха

Позвольте Нур-Султану удивить вас Забронируйте по лучшему тарифу

Отдыхайте семьей и экономьте Смотреть предложение
