Sofitel Нью-Йорк 4 звезды
Sofitel Нью-Йорк Великолепие и роскошь, расположение в самых красивых городах мира Добро пожаловать в Sofitel Нью-Йорк! Этот нью-йоркский современный отель живет в духе французского этикета. В пивном ресторане Gaby Française гостям предлагается сытный завтрак, обед и ужин, здесь великолепный бар. Обслуживание в номере доступно ежедневно с 5:30 до 23:45. Во время поездок и бизнесменам, и туристам важен здоровый сон. Мы позаботились об этом и подготовили в каждом номере кровать Sofitel MyBed. В ванной есть тропический душ и ванна, мягкие халаты, зеркало для макияжа и необходимые принадлежности. Из номеров на верхних этажах отеля открывается потрясающий вид, а из четырех люксов с террасой видно Крайслер-билдинг и Эмпайр-стейт-билдинг. More than a destination, New York offers endless experiences. Iconic skylines, trendy art scenes, outstanding museums, and cosmopolitan restaurants await. A different festival of sensations are on every street corner.
Живите по-французски в роскошном Нью-Йорке! Из этого отеля рядом с Таймс-сквер и Центр. вокзалом открывается знаменитый панорамный вид на Крайслер-Билдинг и Эмпайр-Стейт-Билдинг. Отдохните, закажите шампанское и поужинайте в нашем франц. ресторане Gaby! Менеджер отеля Подробнее Sofitel Нью-Йорк Информация об отеле
Ресторан Gaby Brasserie и бар Mademoiselle Gaby открыты на завтрак с 6:30 до 11:00, обед с 12:00 до 13:30 и ужин с 17:00 до 22:00! Обслуживание в номере доступно с 5:30 до 23:45.
Особенности отеля Ресторан отеля Gaby Brasserie Française предлагает завтрак, ужин и напитки. К Вашим услугам самые просторные номера в Нью-Йорке площадью от 32,5 м². Недалеко от Таймс-сквер, Брайант-парка, Бродвея, Рокфеллеровского центра и Пятой авеню Можно с питомцами: уточняйте информацию. В номерах есть просторные ванные с душем или ванной. Подходит для длительного проживания. Наши номера Номер (11) Люкс (6) Доступное размещение (4) Назад - Номер Далее - Номер Номер Superior - 1 двуспальная кровать
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2 лица 32 m² / 344 sq ft Постель 1 x Двуспальные кровати (queen) Подробная информация
От NaN USD NaN USD Note *
Включенные налоги и сборы
1 ночь | 1 взрослый
Недоступно в запрошенные даты См. доступные номера НОМЕР SUPERIOR 31 кв. м д/лиц с огр. подв. и слухом, 2сп кровать, адаптированный душ
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2 лица 32 m² / 344 sq ft Постель 1 x Двуспальные кровати (queen) Номер для людей с ограниченными возможностями Подробная информация
От NaN USD NaN USD Note *
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1 ночь | 1 взрослый
Недоступно в запрошенные даты См. доступные номера Superior Room - 2 Single Beds
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2 лица 32 m² / 344 sq ft Постель 2 x Односпальные кровати Подробная информация
От NaN USD NaN USD Note *
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1 ночь | 1 взрослый
Недоступно в запрошенные даты См. доступные номера Superior Room - 1 King Bed
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3 лица 37 m² / 398 sq ft Постель 1 x Большие двуспальные кровати Подробная информация
От NaN USD NaN USD Note *
Включенные налоги и сборы
1 ночь | 1 взрослый
Недоступно в запрошенные даты См. доступные номера Номер Luxury - 1 двуспальная кровать, высокие этажи
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2 лица 32 m² / 344 sq ft Постель 1 x Двуспальные кровати (queen) Виды: Боковой вид на город Подробная информация
От NaN USD NaN USD Note *
Включенные налоги и сборы
1 ночь | 1 взрослый
Недоступно в запрошенные даты См. доступные номера НОМЕР LUXURY Д/ЛИЦ С ОГР. ПОДВ. И СЛУХОМ, 31 М, двусп. кров., ванна с поручнями, вид на город
Подробная информация
2 лица 32 m² / 344 sq ft Постель 1 x Двуспальные кровати (queen) Номер для людей с ограниченными возможностями Подробная информация
От NaN USD NaN USD Note *
Включенные налоги и сборы
1 ночь | 1 взрослый
Недоступно в запрошенные даты См. доступные номера Номер Luxury - 2 односпальные кровати, высокие этажи
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2 лица 32 m² / 344 sq ft Постель 2 x Односпальные кровати Виды: Боковой вид на город Подробная информация
От NaN USD NaN USD Note *
Включенные налоги и сборы
1 ночь | 1 взрослый
Недоступно в запрошенные даты См. доступные номера Luxury Room - 1 King Bed, High Floors
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3 лица 37 m² / 398 sq ft Постель 1 x Большие двуспальные кровати Подробная информация
От NaN USD NaN USD Note *
Включенные налоги и сборы
1 ночь | 1 взрослый
Недоступно в запрошенные даты См. доступные номера Номер Magnifique - 1 двуспальная кровать, верхние этажи, вид на небоскребы
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2 лица 32 m² / 344 sq ft Постель 1 x Двуспальные кровати (queen) Подробная информация
От NaN USD NaN USD Note *
Включенные налоги и сборы
1 ночь | 1 взрослый
Недоступно в запрошенные даты См. доступные номера MAGNIFIQUE 36 м Д/ЛИЦ С ОГР. ПОДВ./СЛУХОМ, блш 2сп крв, ванна с поручн., вид на Chrysler Bldg
Подробная информация
3 лица 37 m² / 398 sq ft Постель 1 x Большие двуспальные кровати Номер для людей с ограниченными возможностями Подробная информация
От NaN USD NaN USD Note *
Включенные налоги и сборы
1 ночь | 1 взрослый
Недоступно в запрошенные даты См. доступные номера ЛЮКС TONY AWARD С ТЕРРАСОЙ, 59 кв. м, Д/ЛИЦ С ОГР. ПОДВ/СЛУХОМ, БЛШ 2СП КРВ, ванна с поручнями
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4 лица 60 m² / 645 sq ft Постель 1 x Большие двуспальные кровати и 1 x Односпальные диваны-кровати Виды: Боковой вид на город Номер для людей с ограниченными возможностями Подробная информация
От NaN USD NaN USD Note *
Включенные налоги и сборы
1 ночь | 1 взрослый
Недоступно в запрошенные даты См. доступные номера Назад - Люкс Далее - Люкс Люкс Executive с одной спальней: 1 большая двусп. кровать, отдельная гостиная, диван-кровать
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4 лица 60 m² / 645 sq ft Постель 1 x Большие двуспальные кровати Виды: Боковой вид на город Подробная информация
От NaN USD NaN USD Note *
Включенные налоги и сборы
1 ночь | 1 взрослый
Недоступно в запрошенные даты См. доступные номера Люкс Skyscraper с 1 спальней - 1 большая двусп. кровать, гостиная с диваном-кров., верх. этажи
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4 лица 60 m² / 645 sq ft Постель 1 x Двуспальные диваны-кровати и 1 x Двуспальные кровати (queen) Виды: Боковой вид на город Подробная информация
От NaN USD NaN USD Note *
Включенные налоги и сборы
1 ночь | 1 взрослый
Недоступно в запрошенные даты См. доступные номера Люкс Iconic Building Skyscraper с 1 спальней - 1 больш. двусп. кров., гостиная с диваном-кров.
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4 лица 60 m² / 645 sq ft Постель 1 x Большие двуспальные кровати Виды: Панорамный вид Подробная информация
От NaN USD NaN USD Note *
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1 ночь | 1 взрослый
Недоступно в запрошенные даты См. доступные номера Люкс Prestige Skyscraper с террасой - 1 большая двусп. кров., гостиная с диваном-кров., 24 эт.
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4 лица 60 m² / 645 sq ft Постель 1 x Большие двуспальные кровати Виды: Панорамный вид Плюсы размещения: Терраса Подробная информация
От NaN USD NaN USD Note *
Включенные налоги и сборы
1 ночь | 1 взрослый
Недоступно в запрошенные даты См. доступные номера Люкс Broadway Juliette с балконом
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4 лица 60 m² / 645 sq ft Постель 1 x Большие двуспальные кровати Подробная информация
От NaN USD NaN USD Note *
Включенные налоги и сборы
1 ночь | 1 взрослый
Недоступно в запрошенные даты См. доступные номера L'Appartement New York - 1 боль. двусп. кр., ван. ком, туал., простор. гостиная, офис, 28 эт.
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3 лица 112 m² / 1205 sq ft Постель 1 x Большие двуспальные кровати Виды: Боковой вид на город Подробная информация
От NaN USD NaN USD Note *
Включенные налоги и сборы
1 ночь | 1 взрослый
Недоступно в запрошенные даты См. доступные номера Назад - Доступное размещение Далее - Доступное размещение НОМЕР SUPERIOR 31 кв. м д/лиц с огр. подв. и слухом, 2сп кровать, адаптированный душ
Подробная информация
2 лица 32 m² / 344 sq ft Постель 1 x Двуспальные кровати (queen) Номер для людей с ограниченными возможностями Подробная информация
От NaN USD NaN USD Note *
Включенные налоги и сборы
1 ночь | 1 взрослый
Недоступно в запрошенные даты См. доступные номера НОМЕР LUXURY Д/ЛИЦ С ОГР. ПОДВ. И СЛУХОМ, 31 М, двусп. кров., ванна с поручнями, вид на город
Подробная информация
2 лица 32 m² / 344 sq ft Постель 1 x Двуспальные кровати (queen) Номер для людей с ограниченными возможностями Подробная информация
От NaN USD NaN USD Note *
Включенные налоги и сборы
1 ночь | 1 взрослый
Недоступно в запрошенные даты См. доступные номера MAGNIFIQUE 36 м Д/ЛИЦ С ОГР. ПОДВ./СЛУХОМ, блш 2сп крв, ванна с поручн., вид на Chrysler Bldg
Подробная информация
3 лица 37 m² / 398 sq ft Постель 1 x Большие двуспальные кровати Номер для людей с ограниченными возможностями Подробная информация
От NaN USD NaN USD Note *
Включенные налоги и сборы
1 ночь | 1 взрослый
Недоступно в запрошенные даты См. доступные номера ЛЮКС TONY AWARD С ТЕРРАСОЙ, 59 кв. м, Д/ЛИЦ С ОГР. ПОДВ/СЛУХОМ, БЛШ 2СП КРВ, ванна с поручнями
Подробная информация
4 лица 60 m² / 645 sq ft Постель 1 x Большие двуспальные кровати и 1 x Односпальные диваны-кровати Виды: Боковой вид на город Номер для людей с ограниченными возможностями Подробная информация
От NaN USD NaN USD Note *
Включенные налоги и сборы
1 ночь | 1 взрослый
Недоступно в запрошенные даты См. доступные номера
Take advantage of our Flight + Hotel offers
Расположение отеля
Посмотреть на карте
45 West 44TH Street
10036 НЬЮ-ЙОРК
GPS : 40.755394, -73.98144
Факс +1 212-782-3099
Контактный адрес электронной почты
Щелкните, чтобы скопировать адрес электронной почты
Доступ и транспорт Доступ и транспорт (8)
Доступ и транспорт (8) Искусство, культура и развлечения (22) Природные места (2) Рестораны и магазины (5)
Железнодорожная станция Остановка автобуса Посадочная площадка для вертолетов/аэродром Назад - Доступ и транспорт Далее - Доступ и транспорт
Доступ: 400 m / 0.25 mi
Доступ: 400 m / 0.25 mi
Доступ: 400 m / 0.25 mi
Доступ: 400 m / 0.25 mi
Доступ: 800 m / 0.5 mi
Доступ: 1.21 km / 0.75 mi
Посадочная площадка для вертолетов/аэродром
Доступ: 2.4 km / 1.5 mi
Посадочная площадка для вертолетов/аэродром
Доступ: 3.2 km / 2 mi
Назад - Искусство, культура и развлечения Далее - Искусство, культура и развлечения
Доступ: 160 m / 0.1 mi
Доступ: 320 m / 0.2 mi 5 min walk / 1 min drive
Доступ: 400 m / 0.25 mi
Доступ: 400 m / 0.25 mi
Доступ: 400 m / 0.25 mi
Доступ: 800 m / 0.5 mi 13 min walk / 10 min drive
Доступ: 1.21 km / 0.75 mi
Оперный театр/филармония/концертный зал
Доступ: 1.21 km / 0.75 mi 10 min walk
Доступ: 2.41 km / 1.5 mi
Доступ: 2.41 km / 1.5 mi
Оперный театр/филармония/концертный зал
Доступ: 2.56 km / 1.6 mi
Доступ: 4 km / 2.5 mi
Доступ: 4.02 km / 2.5 mi
Доступ: 4.02 km / 2.5 mi
Доступ: 4.02 km / 2.5 mi
Доступ: 6.44 km / 4 mi
Доступ: 6.44 km / 4 mi
Доступ: 6.44 km / 4 mi 5 min walk
Доступ: 9.98 km / 6.2 mi 1 hrs 30 min walk / 25 min drive
Доступ: 14.48 km / 9 mi
Доступ: 14.48 km / 9 mi
Доступ: 16 km / 10 mi
Назад - Природные места Далее - Природные места
Доступ: 320 m / 0.2 mi 4 min walk / 1 min drive
Такси 0.5 USD 0.5 USD
Доступ: 1.29 km / 0.8 mi 15 min walk / 10 min drive
Назад - Рестораны и магазины Далее - Рестораны и магазины
Доступ: 200 m / 0.12 mi 2 min walk / 1 min drive
Доступ: 320 m / 0.2 mi
Доступ: 800 m / 0.5 mi 10 min walk
Доступ: 1.93 km / 1.2 mi 10 min walk / 5 min drive
Доступ: 4.02 km / 2.5 mi 40 min walk / 15 min drive
Гостиничные услуги
Регистрация заезда с 15:00 - Регистрация выезда до 11:00
Можно с животными Ресторан Доступ на инвалидном кресле Фитнес-центр Wi-Fi Кондиционер Завтрак Бар Помещения для деловых встреч Курение на территории отеля запрещено Обслуживание в номере Рядом с отелем Парковка Смотреть все услуги Паркинг Доступность Ресторан Бар Завтрак Фитнес-центр Конференции и мероприятия Свадьбы Gaby Brasserie
Подробная информация
Enjoy a taste of France at Gaby Brasserie Française, Sofitel New York's Art Deco-inspired restaurant featuring contemporary French cuisine and classic cocktails.
Mademoiselle Gaby
Подробная информация
Mademoiselle Gaby славится своими классическими коктейлями и добавляет в атмосферу Нью-Йорка роскошную нотку Франции. Часы работы: ежедневно с 12:00 до 23:30
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В Gaby Brasserie Française подают завтрак с 7 до 10.
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Подробная информация Конференции и мероприятия
Количество конференц-залов 11 Площадь самой большой комнаты Максимальное количество мест 190 Максимальная вместимость банкетов 190
Свадьбы Подробная информация
Софитель Нью-Йорк с атмосферой а-ля-франс, деликатесными блюдами и безупречным обслуживанием идеально подойдет для проведения романтической свадьбы в центре города. Торжественные залы подойдут для камерной церемонии и репетиционных программ.
Отзывы наших гостей
Отзывы наших гостей
Реальные отзывы гостей, которые останавливались в нашем отеле
Рейтинг ALL 4.0/5 Отзывов: 4 529
Рейтинг TripAdvisor 4.5/5 Отзывов: 7 872
A truly terrible experience
Примечание: Tripadvisor 1.0/5
scottpmuller 12.01.2024 Реальные отзывы TripAdvisor
This hotel is not fit to be part of the Sofitel brand. For context, we were staying in a Prestige Skyscraper Terrace Suite. Two adults and an 11 year old child, paying $600US per night. After an exceptional stay at the Sofitel Beverly Hills, our expectations for our final hotel stay as part of a 4 week holiday to the USA were high. Unfortunately, the Sofitel New York did not meet our expectations, and we would argue it doesn’t even meet the standard of a four star hotel. Our flight from Charlotte to New York was delayed due to a winter storm, so our original check in time of 9:30pm ended up being closer to 12:30am. On arrival at the hotel, there was no bellman to greet us outside. After we unloaded our bags from the taxi and brought them inside a man did approach us and offered to load them onto a trolley and pointed us in the direction of the reception desk. We waited at the hotel reception desk for around 5 minutes before a man emerged from the back office to check us in. We had already completed the online registration through the Accor Live Limitless app, but it still took around 10 minutes for the check in process. The man checking us in appeared to be disinterested and somewhat annoyed at our late arrival. The man checking us in advised us that if we needed the sofa bed made up, that we should contact housekeeping and they could come and do this. I had noted the request to have the sofa bed made up when making the original booking, and also followed up with two separate emails requesting the same. After receiving our room key and heading up to our room, the bellman followed shortly behind and delivered the bags to our room. He unloaded our bags and then proceeded to stand in the entryway until I went back to see him. He didn’t say anything and just stood there. I assumed he was expecting a gratuity, so I handed him $20 (smallest note I had) and he promptly left. If it had of been earlier in the day, and we weren’t so tired, I would have politely asked him to leave. I wasn’t intending to tip him for the following reasons: - He did not assist with unloading our bags and it wasn’t until we were inside the warmth of the hotel lobby that he decided to offer his help. - He made no attempt to explain any features or inclusions of the room or hotel (this was standard practice for the bellman at every other hotel we stayed at during our trip). We noticed that there were no amenities in our hotel room, and the omissions included: - No bottled water. - No tea or coffee. - No kettle or coffee machine. - No minibar (just any small empty fridge). After enquiring with reception about the lack of water and tea/coffee making facilities we were told that bottled water could be delivered on request, and that we had the option of ordering (and paying for) tea and coffee through room service. I am an ALL Platinum member and we did not receive a welcome amenity. There was a paper cup with cigar butts on the terrace and a cigar wrapper left in one of the cupboards. There was mould on the shower silicon. We had ongoing issues with the televisions in the room. The Chromecast streaming on the TV in the living space didn’t work and required a technician to attend the room and reset it. The TV in the bedroom needed to be repeatedly turned off and on until it would eventually start working and detecting channels. On the second night of our stay, we contacted guest services and spoke with the front office duty manager (Darren) and raised our concerns with the room we were staying in, highlighting that we were paying $600US per night for a product and service that we considered to be significantly less than what would normally be expected from the Sofitel brand. Darren was apologetic and advised us that he had intended to place us in the “better” of the Prestige Skyscraper Terrace Suites, but it unfortunately wasn’t available for our stay. He offered to see if there was an opportunity for us to change to a different style of room and asked that we contact the front office service manager in the morning to confirm if a room change could be accommodated. We spoke with the Assistant Front Office Manager (Jasmine) in the morning, and she was also apologetic and advised us that we could relocate to a different style of room. The room didn’t have the terrace (which we were paying a premium for) but did have a larger interior and slightly different layout that Jasmine suggested might be better suited to us. It was claimed this new room had newer décor and furnishings. Jasmine offered to show us the room first but couldn’t make it available until around 2pm. We met with Jasmine that afternoon and viewed the new room. The style was mildly different and not wanting to uproot everything and relocate to a different hotel, we accepted the offer to change rooms. Jasmine asked us to collect our belongings and call her once we were ready to relocate rooms – she would send the bellman up to help us move. After packing up our things, we called front reception and asked to speak with Jasmine. The man on front reception advised that Jasmine wasn’t available and asked what we wanted. We advised him that we were relocating rooms and that Jasmine had offered to send the bellman up to assist us with the move. The man said we would need to speak with Jasmine, because he didn’t know anything about the room change. Noting that Jasmine was not available (per his advice), we asked that he relay the message to her that we were ready to move. He didn’t respond and hung up the phone. We had a call from Jasmine around 15 minutes later asking if we were ready to move. We explained that we had contacted front reception, and it became apparent that no one had passed on the message to her. She was again apologetic and advised she would send the bellman up immediately. Shortly after the call with Jasmine, housekeeping knocked on the door and seemed surprised we were still in the room – they were wanting to access the room so they could prepare it for incoming guests. We phoned Jasmine back and advised her that housekeeping wanted access to the room and asked for the bellman to attend promptly so we could move our things. In hindsight, it would have been quicker for us to relocate our things ourselves. Jasmine did advise that our new room was ready, but the sofa bed was not yet made up for our son to sleep on. She advised that the sofa bed would be made up as soon as possible. We relocated to our new room with the assistance of the bellman and started to unpack. The sofa bed had been opened but was not yet made up (which was consistent with Jasmine’s earlier advice). At this point we noticed that the fridge door could not be opened while the sofa bed was set up. We promptly called Jasmine and advised her that we would be checking out. I requested a refund for the nights that we were not staying, and Jasmine was happy to oblige. We met Jasmine at reception. She was apologetic and could understand our frustration. She presented the bill and they had charged us for the first two nights, but had waived any cancellation fees for the remaining three nights. I asked if there was any way we could have the first two nights accommodation waived, given the issues we had experienced with our stay. Jasmine advised she wasn’t authorised to deduct these payments and would need to consult with the Assistant Director for the Front Office. The Assistant Director for the Front Office (Yasser) met with us and offered to waive one night’s accommodation from our bill. Yasser was also apologetic and asked if there was anything he could do to encourage us to stay. We had already made arrangements with another hotel, so we declined Yasser’s offer. Yasser took us aside to discuss our concerns with our stay, and we explained all the issues that we had experienced. While Yasser was apologetic, he excused the poor experience on the basis that New York hotels can’t be compared to other countries or even other cities within the US. Yasser also made reference to staffing difficulties and the fact that the people we had been dealing with weren’t employees of Sofitel (I'm not sure exactly what he meant by this but can only assume they might be labour hire personnel). Yasser suggested that we were unlikely to have a better experience at any other hotel in New York. Contrary to Yasser’s suggestion that all New York hotels would be the same, the experience we had with our second stay in New York couldn’t have been more different. All the staff were friendly and attentive and although the room was smaller, the amenities provided were befitting of a four star hotel. Accor and Sofitel should be genuinely concerned that this establishment represents their brand. We have had fantastic experiences at Sofitel hotels in Australia, Singapore and Los Angeles. If this had of been our first experience at a Sofitel, it would have turned us off the brand completely.
Подробнее Подробные сведения об отзыве от scottpmuller
Great location, lacking basic amenities.
Примечание: Tripadvisor 2.0/5
fitchnw Семьи - 05.01.2024 Реальные отзывы TripAdvisor
The only pro of this hotel is its location. I’ve stayed at the Sofitel brand in Philadelphia, Montreal, and London and had positive experiences. Sadly this was not the case in midtown. Although the common areas are very nice, the rooms are tired and could use a refresh. There was no in-room coffee or tea, and no water in the room either. Room service ended at 10 PM and the last call at the bar was 9:45 PM, c’mon, you’re in Manhattan. Prices were high due to New Year’s Eve, but sadly the services were severely lacking for a high end brand like Sofitel.
Подробнее Подробные сведения об отзыве от fitchnw Отель ответил на отзыв Отель ответил на отзыв от fitchnw
Bonjour fitchnw, We regret hearing that your recent stay didn't meet your expectations. Feedback is indeed a valuable tool for improvement, and rest assured, we take your points into consideration. We wish to inform you that our in-room amenities are available upon request, and understand your concern about the timings for room service and the bar. In brighter news, our Gaby Brasserie is now open, serving breakfast daily and in the evenings we offer a full bar and dinner menu. This new addition may be the change needed to enhance your experience. We hope that despite these issues, you were able to take advantage of our prime location and enjoy the vibrant city of New York. On your next visit, we invite you to interact with our concierge team who are on hand to recommend the best the city has to offer. Thank you for sharing your comments, and we hope to provide a more satisfactory experience on your next visit. Merci beaucoup and A bientôt!
Fine enough, needs a facelift
Примечание: Tripadvisor 4.0/5
fournados Friends getaway - 27.12.2023 Реальные отзывы TripAdvisor
This always has been a great and fine place to stay, with excellent location, but the rooms (or at least our's) are in need of a facelift. We had an executive suite with a dated and dull ambiance. Service was great throughout the hotel, from front desk to luggage to dining. We had very good breakfast food at the restaurant, but the place was overrun and seemed not big enough to accommodate the demand from hotel guests. Hard to complain about anything but look forward to visiting a refreshed hotel.
Подробнее Подробные сведения об отзыве от fournados Отель ответил на отзыв Отель ответил на отзыв от fournados
Bonjour, fournados! We're thrilled the Sofitel New York's location and service met your expectations. We acknowledge your comments about the room's décor - our team is always looking for ways to enhance our guest's experience. It's wonderful to hear that you enjoyed our breakfast offerings at Gaby Brasserie. We've taken note of your feedback regarding the space and truly appreciate your patience. We look forward to hosting you again in an energized and refreshing environment. Merci beaucoup for sharing your experiences. A bientôt!
5 star for Service & Cleanliness
Примечание: Tripadvisor 4.0/5
Jessica F 25.12.2023 Реальные отзывы TripAdvisor
I am a hotel snob. Not proud. But the truth. I can find flaws in ANY 4 & 5 hotels world wide. So allow me to set the record straight. The hotel service is fantastic. Front desk & housekeeping, concierge & restaurant. Very friendly and wanting to help. We stayed 6 nights. The rooms are VERY clean. Most comfy beds. No room is clean enough for me ever - but these rooms are the cleanest in NYC. Housekeeping took their time, you can tell in the bathrooms. It literally sparkles. No amenities. Don't care about coffee, and if you wanted bottled water, they gave for free. BUT there is NO place to get a like a diet coke and they do not have ice machines or vending machines. I did need room service twice for something and they were at our room within 3 min. So service and cleanliness - 5 star. But gave it a 4 bc I would like to have the ability to have a drink with ice when I want, something that even the most basic of motels / hotels are equipped with.
Подробнее Подробные сведения об отзыве от Jessica F Отель ответил на отзыв Отель ответил на отзыв от Jessica F
Bonjour Brooklyn, we appreciate your kind words regarding the neatness of our accommodations and the level of attention provided by our team at Sofitel New York. We're thrilled that the rooms met your high standards and our colleagues made sure you felt cared for during your stay. We noted your feedback concerning beverage availability and the absence of an ice machine. We certainly understand your point and will think about how we can balance maintaining our unique ambiance with facilitating guests' needs. Next time you're planning on visiting the city, please consider staying with us again. We're excited to announce that our Gaby Brasserie is now open, serving both breakfast and dinner, along with a full bar selection in the evenings, offering an inviting spot for that drink you mentioned. Merci beaucoup for sharing your insights - we truly value feedback that helps us improve our guests' experiences. A bientôt!
My worst Sofitel experience
Примечание: Tripadvisor 2.0/5
Patrick_JS 24.12.2023 Реальные отзывы TripAdvisor
I am a member of the Accor Fidelity Program (now ALL) for about 20 years, when it began. I stayed hundreds of times in the Accor hotels all over the world for more than 30 years, with good satisfaction most of the time. But this time, I must admit that this hotel not only do not deserve the Sofitel brand, but has a shi**y service which I could not think was possible at this price level ! First, when you enter you get in a desert corridor, nice and warm, but with nobody to welcome you and tell you that the reception is hidden in the back. You feel very welcome ! I was checked in by a very nice and polite senior guy. And that's it. The room is old but very comfortable. I arrived at 10pm after a long flight and needed to drink a good beer and get a light room service dinner. Not only you have NO MINIBAR (check the room prices . ) but the room service stopped at 10:15pm (the restaurant at 9:30 pm !). I could not believe it. I had to walk outside to have dinner. In the morning, late wake-up : no coffe machine in the room. Since I never have breakfast and just an expresso coffee, I checked the room service and finally got a 28 USD proposal for 1 coffee and 1 croissant. Which is just totally crazy. And with an expexted time of delivery of. 30 to 45mn . LOL x10 I decided to go downstairs to have an expresso at the bar, but after the breakfast closed at 10am, the bar is not available either . I had to go outside again just for a cup of coffee at a regular price, not a 20 USD small cup of coffee. In the evening, I had a very good dinner at the Gaby restaurant, with nice service, I can sincerely admit it. The service, in general, was ok, but really not what you can expect from the Sofitel brand (neither the room quality, decor and amenities), especially at that level of price. The staff seemed bored and not really guest oriented (with exception of course). This was my worst experience with an Accor hotel in more than 30 years, and it made me really think about changing my default travel hotel chain, because if they can accept this kind of unacceptable level of service under their name, this must mean that they have a SERIOUS problem. Will NEVER come back again. An ex-Accor enthusiast guest who will reconsider his future choices for his numerous future travels. VERY UNHAPPY.
Подробнее Подробные сведения об отзыве от Patrick_JS Отель ответил на отзыв Отель ответил на отзыв от Patrick_JS
Bonjour, Patrick. It seems there were several aspects of your recent stay that did not meet your expectations, especially regarding the availability of our services such as the minibar and room service. Despite your satisfaction with our Gaby restaurant, note that we have extended the availability of breakfast and dinner services at this venue. This should greatly enhance convenience for guests like yourself. We also understand your mention of room decor and service quality. As a longstanding member of the Accor Fidelity Program, the last thing we want is for you to feel we've missed the mark. We appreciate your honesty and will take your feedback into serious consideration to provide a better experience. However, we hope you will reconsider your decision and give us another opportunity to welcome you. Our concierge would be delighted to ensure your stay is comfortable and assist with recommendations for an exceptional experience in the city. Merci beaucoup for sharing your feedback and a bientôt.
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