The Ritz-Carlton, Macau - Macau Hotels - Macau, China - Forbes Travel Guide

The Ritz-Carlton, Macau

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These are excellent properties with consistently good service and facilities.

Soon To Be Rated
As our highly trained, incognito inspectors work to assess properties, our editors check them out ahead of time and provide a sneak preview of what to expect.

As glittering Macau continues to grow and attract more international brands, The Ritz-Carlton, Macau made an excellent first impression when it opened at the Galaxy Macau resort complex in 2015.

The glamorous hotel is located directly above its sister property, JW Marriott Hotel Macau, and occupies the top floors of a sparkling new building on the Galaxy’s expansive plot on the Cotai Strip. Within it, you’ll find what discerning visitors to Macau have become accustomed to — luxurious facilities, top-notch dining options, a lavish spa and impressive views of the skyline.

Our Inspector's Highlights
  • The lobby, located on the 51st floor, reveals breathtaking views of the Cotai peninsula while contemporary artwork livens up the space and attentive service sets the tone.
  • Walking through the hushed corridors of the Ritz-Carlton feels more like a grand Parisian escape than it does a trip to Southeast Asia — throughout the Macau hotel, timeless European elegance blends seamlessly with Eastern accents.
  • Look for opulent chandeliers, silk screens, large-scale vases and circular motifs, which symbolize unity in Chinese culture.
  • An oasis for both business and leisure travelers, the luxury hotel has one of the most comfortable Club Lounges in Macau.
  • Part of the Galaxy Macau’s sprawling Grand Resort Deck, the Ritz-Carlton has a secluded pool and bar that is steps away from the world’s largest Skytop wave pool, a river rapids ride and a cluster of Jacuzzis.
Things to Know
  • There are several other perks that come with Club-Level rooms, including complimentary pressing services upon arrival and in-suite check-in.
  • The Ritz-Carlton Spa, Macau (shared with sister property JW Marriott Hotel Macau) incorporates Portuguese design elements and traditional Chinese therapies. Inside the dimly lit water experience and relaxation area, enjoy dry and wet saunas and a vitality pool that sparkles like a sky full of stars thanks to tiny, carefully placed lights.
  • The hotel is near the resort’s casino, luxury shopping and a 3D Cineplex.
  • Every room is a suite at The Ritz-Carlton, Macau and comes with contemporary-meets-classic furniture, plush king beds, state-of-the-art technology and a soothing, sophisticated pastel palette of blue, purple, cream and taupe.
  • Billowing drapes open to unveil uninterrupted Macau views, some which overlook the green grounds of the Galaxy’s Grand Resort Deck.
  • In the marble bathrooms, expect glamorous gold details, walk-in showers, cozy robes and a standalone bathtub, which provides the perfect way to unwind after a long journey.
The Restaurants
  • The most elevated Chinese restaurant in Macau, Cantonese restaurant Lai Heen, sits on the 51st floor.
  • The moody, avant-garde design fuses Chinese and Portuguese elements, featuring elaborate woodcarvings on towering pillars, the ceiling and in the semi-private dining areas.
  • The Ritz-Carlton Bar & Lounge, also on the 51st floor, offers incredible skyline views, an enticing afternoon tea menu, as well as a gin trolley for Old World cocktails.
  • For a more casual lunch, The Ritz-Carlton Café takes its cues from Parisian brasseries, serving steak frites, beef tartare and exquisite pastries.
  • Perched on the 53rd floor, the spacious lounge provides a complimentary breakfast, all-day beverages, afternoon tea, hors d'oeuvres, desserts — in fact, five different culinary offerings are presented daily.

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